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Former US Senate Candidate in Utah. I ran against Mitt Romney in 2018.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Soon, Bernie. Soon.

How the world actually works.

The same people who own & run these platforms also own & run the politicians.

Figure out the common thread between all of these platforms, and you'll discover something you're not allowed to notice.


Nicholas J. Fuentes dan repost
You’ve got:
-Big Tech (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google)
-Billionaires (Soros, Adelson, Zuckerberg, Bezos)
-Foreign governments (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Israel)
-Defense contractors (Lockheed Martin, Raytheon)
-Supranational gov’t (NATO, WTO, WEC, EU)
-Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna)
-Big Banks (JP Morgan, Bank of America, Bank of New York)
-US Military
-US Intelligence Community
-Elite US schools (MIT, Harvard)

Working with...
-Mainstream media (CNN, MSNBC)
-Democrat Party

...In order to deplatform Nationalists that want to end foreign wars, reclaim US sovereignty from global government and corporations, stop immigration, stop free trade, and restore the traditional family.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Patriots, add #NickiMinaj to your list of Founding Fathers: Listen to MSNBC host quote the rapper in order to explain what "for life" means.

Honk Honk! 🤡🌎

Crazy how President #ZhouBaiDen has only been in office for 2 days & supposedly got a massive record 82 million votes, yet his approval rating is only 48%--3 points lower than Trump's final approval of 51%. Really gets the noggin' joggin'. 🤔

President Zhou Bai Den

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The same people who own & control the media also own and control the politicians.

"Most popular candidate ever"

"80 million votes!"

Beyond laughable. This clown is a total lightweight & everyone knows it.

For my LDS friends

There's secret collusion between all these people.

No. His own people are creating the nightmare.

We finally did it!

Parents beware of this pernicious anti-White bigotry they're starting to peddle through the schools. This comes from a middle school in Missouri. The poison is spreading everywhere.

Hillary channeled Grimace, the Hamburgler & a back-alley flasher all at the same time.

Quite an accomplishment, tbh. 🤣

Was Donald Trump really just Bane? Was the hope he instilled false?

Time will tell.

Less than an hour after swearing to uphold the Constitution, Joe Biden has already taken down the 1776 report celebrating it.

Think about that.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Sorry about all the Boomer-tech today getting the discussion turned on for y'all. Happy inauguration day!

Wake me up in 4 years when (hopefully) we have an honest election.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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