t.me/YeriKeguyur— first impression : fi ke azel dia cantik seperti rp yeri yang lain. terus aku liat anaknya kalem dan ngga banyak bicara, TERNYATA ITU HOAX. dia sangat talkative sama jamet, alay pake +++ anaknya itu gabisa diem
— your nickname in my head : aleksa cck
— closensess ratings : 6/10
— date or pass : pass
— you are my : moots skrng tmn sie
— to be honest : km anh
— we should : harus mancing di padang rumput
— one word to describe you : kape
— what i like about you : ch
— three emojis that describe you : 🤣😇🥀
— ship your muse with : haechan dha
— rate setup : 9/10