Iron Sharpens Iron

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Brethren, I beseech you, beware of them that cause divisions and dissensions contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches, deceive the hearts of the simple. For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I rejoice, therefore, on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


Members of the Apostolic Guard and their families gathered on Sunday of Orthodoxy together for Pan Orthodox Vespers. Such wholesome moments in a community are integral to the fostering and the growth of a healthy society.

The New Columbia Movement dan repost
Decline is a choice.

Satanic school clubs, squatters invading homes, pornography, abortion, DEI, and more spread as we lay idle.

Being productive is also a choice. We can raise our voices, invest our time, put our money where our mouth is, and restore a future with hope.


If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses.

– Matthew 6:14

Dear Fellow Christians, as we approach Forgiveness Sunday, let us remember the significance of this sacred day. It offers us an opportunity to seek forgiveness and reconciliation with our fellow brothe
rs and sisters, paving the way for a spiritually enriching Lenten journey. Let us embrace the spirit of forgiveness and extend grace to one another, fostering unity and love within our community.

God forgives, and we forgive you

The Apostolic Guard dan repost
Christian Activists put stickers up to spread a message reminding locals to Pray to the Lord, Study their Bibles, and Train for a better Future.


The New Columbia Movement dan repost
On March 2, an all-ages drag queen story hour will be held at a gay nightclub, hosted by groomer “Brigitte Bandit,” with several other drag performers. These individuals have experience in targeting children, pro-drag activism, and supporting various woke movements. Some, like the Weird City Sisters, are a branch of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, known for mocking Catholics.

The event is backed by the taxpayer-funded Austin Public Library and multiple pro-LGBT organizations. These include businesses such as Book People and nonprofit Drag Out The Vote, which resist legislative efforts to protect children from sexually deviant activities.

States like Texas are not immune to groomer subversion. It is up to us to continuously expose them and take action. Be proactive, pray in reparation, alert like-minded community members, and keep fighting to protect families.


The Golgotha cross symbolizes Jesus Christ's sacrifice and sin redemption, with roots in early Christianity and significance in the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Core Design:
Featuring an Eastern or Orthodox design, the Golgotha cross includes a second horizontal beam and a slanted footrest. Inscriptions like "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" and symbols like "ΜΡ ΘΥ," "NIKA," and "IC XC" add depth to its rich symbolism.

Symbolic Meanings:
- "IC XC" (Jesus Christ's name): Representing Jesus's name.
- "ΜΡ ΘΥ" (Mother of God in Greek): Honoring Mary.
- "NIKA" (Conquer): Signifying victory over sin.

Common Uses:
Widespread in Christian art, jewelry, and items of the Church, the Golgotha cross is also used in church decorations and processions, serving as a powerful reminder of Jesus's sacrifice.

Wrapping Up:
The Golgotha cross is a potent symbol of faith, sacrifice, and redemption, inspiring believers globally with its intricate design and meaningful symbols.

The New Columbia Movement dan repost
Members of our Great Lakes chapter attended the March for Life in Indianapolis, Indiana, where they continued our mission to fight for life at all stages. Their work expanded local connections and opportunities to aid those in need throughout the region.


The Apostolic Guard dan repost
Members of the Apostolic Guard and the Indiana Christian Conscience gathered in Indianapolis on a cold Monday morning for the annual March for Life event. We came across the New Columbia Movement and had to stop and give them a shout-out.

Indiana Christian Conscience dan repost
Monday, the Indiana Christian Conscience was proud to march alongside fellow Hoosiers in our state capitol, celebrating the protection of life on the 51st anniversary of the decision of Roe v. Wade. Two years after its overturning, we are proud that Indiana has been a leader in the pro-life movement, abolishing the practice of abortion in our beloved state.

Do you know what Paradise is? It is a continuous Divine Liturgy, a constant vigil. Think of a Divine Liturgy that does not last one or two hours but lasts forever! Will a person who does not love God endure? You see the people who do not love God, when after five minutes they can not stand in the Liturgy, they go out, that is, the devil takes them out. They are censed with incense ... they say a thousand and two excuses, but in the background is that there is sin, there is an evil spirit and it does not allow them to live the Kingdom of God in the Divine Liturgy. Because the Divine Liturgy is the Kingdom of God.

— Fr. Savvas Agioreitis

Photo: The Church of the Holy Martyrs Eustace, Teopista, Agapius and Teopisto in Bucharest, Romania 🇷🇴

The Apostolic Guard dan repost
Trans-Pedophile comes to Indiana for one purpose, to earn their millstone, and was caught by local creep catchers.

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens his fellow man.

Also, please

The New Columbia Movement dan repost
Yesterday, members of the Southwest chapter in Dallas-Fort Worth joined with TFP/America Needs Fatima to pray the rosary in reparation for an appalling Christmas-themed drag queen show held at the Texas Trust CU Theatre.

Keep on confronting and exposing these events. Make reparation and get these disgusting shows out of our communities.


The New Columbia Movement dan repost
St Nicholas defended the wronged, including the poor, children, and the orthodoxy of the church against heresy. In fact, he famously ended up in prison for slapping Arius at the Council of Nicaea. Through his teaching and leadership, it is said that his canonical territory of Myra stood alone untouched by Arianism. Perhaps at that moment, we should heed his example as one who tirelessly took strong measures against the spirit of evil. Pray for us, St. Nicholas.


Embrace Feminity, Reject Feminism!

The Apostolic Guard dan repost
Bound together in Christ's name, the Apostolic Guard gathered together to mark the beginning of a new Christian Movement for the preservation of the Apostolic Traditions and Teachings of the Church in an ever evil growing society.

“I see a ladder leading to heaven and radiant men calling me to a marvelous city of light.”

– Saint Ananias of Persia, Last Words

Martyr Ananias of Persia endured brutal torture for his Christian beliefs, subjected to u
nimaginable suffering by persecutors seeking to break his spirit. Despite the agonizing trials, even until death, he remained steadfast, inspiring others with his unwavering faith and resilience in the face of torment. His story serves as a poignant testament to the strength of conviction and the indomitable spirit that defied the cruelty of persecution in ancient Persia.

Orthodox Faith dan repost
An Elder once said, “We should keep one phrase in our mind: ‘Today I will go home.’ ... However, today’s generation says, ‘I will repent tomorrow.’” ☦️ from Evergetinos (The ancient sayings of the desert.)

Ask About The Orthodox Faith dan repost
☦️ Kursk Root Icon was miraculously sent to Russia in the time of mongol invasion in 13th century. A devout Orthodox peasant walked through the forest and found the icon laying facedown — and when he took it up, a strong spring of pure water started going from that place. Today it enlightens, heals and comforts numerous people worldwide.

Earlier tonight, the Apostolic Guard reflected on the legacy of Corneliu Codreanu, a visionary leader committed to faith, family, and nation; who all those years ago, today, was Martyred in the fight against Evil.  Let us continue to stand strong together in these shared values.
#OrthodoxNationalism #CodreanuLegacy

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