Slovak's Siege Shack

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Toifa: Siyosat

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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SCOURGE dan repost
gwen snyder is mad because no matter how many times she gets me banned, it won't remove the dick-shaped hole in every single one of her jars of peanut butter

Arm Thy Right Hand dan repost
VZ61 FA.rar
My Full Auto lower for the VZ61. Don't get your dog shot.

Original barreled kits are non-existent these days due to the CZAR, but those lucky enough to grab a kit for the CZAR or lucky enough to grab a barrel-less kit online and a barrel from gunbroker or czusa, are now blessed with a Full Auto frame to go with it.

FEDPOST dan repost
bit outdated, bit jewish, might be you could still find useful information inside
#pdf #survival

FEDPOST dan repost
I'll spare you the gay talk. Quick file dump incoming, get the important stuff out of the way just in case.

FEDPOST dan repost
UPDATE: Commander Boipucci's e-mail address is flooded with spam and he's too much of a boomer to sort it out, just call +1 317 385 4022 and reserve your spot ahead of time.
#announcement #shitpost

FEDPOST dan repost
Make a backup of your favorite channels now before it's too late. Click options in the upper right corner, click Export, follow the instructions in the pic or tweak them according to your own preferences.

Privacy & Security Goys dan repost
🚨 Due to ongoing purging of important channels on Telegram I thought this post would be extremely useful to some of our friends out there who may be concerned about getting shoah’d. You can archive your channel by using the Desktop App very easily. From there you can upload it wherever you want and do with it as you please. We do this regularly for this channel. You can also choose to archive your channel using any web archiving service such as or
Here’s to surviving the latest purging! 14/88!

FEDPOST dan repost
NSM Commander Boipucci invites all friends of Terrorgram to a cookout and house party complete with marching songs from the Third Reich at 4235 Baltimore Ave, Appartment. 3, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
#announcement #shitpost

FEDPOST dan repost
More censorship, more lessons for the future. Don't scare the jannies.

Western Masculine dan repost
America First RACE FIRST

FEDPOST dan repost
States rise and fall and are reforged.
Ideologies are thought up and forgotten, remembered and tweaked according to each subscriber's whim.
Individuals are born and then they die, never to grace this world again.
The race remains. Our people stay here for us and we stay here for them. History has shown us "alternatives" to this relationship - nations which had gone extinct because their people were turned against one another - and more of them still have been completely forgotten to history as they left no record behind and their conquerors didn't bother to - or couldn't - write about their demise.
If you don't put your race first, you have denied it the advantage it needs in order to prevail against those who seek to take your lands, rape your women, kill your men, and enslave your children. A nation that doesn't fight for its survival is a nation that doesn't deserve it.

Catholic Nazi dan repost
Geurilla warriors don't tell the enemy what they call themselves, they don't tell the enemy where they operate, they don't tell the enemy how strong their numbers are, they don't tell the enemy what kind of weapons they have available, and they most certainly don't leave that information on public platforms that can be found easily by their enemy. An enemy that cannot be seen is an enemy that cannot be hit. If your revolution has an email address for randos to join, you're not a revolution. dan repost
JUST IN - FBI claims "Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from Jan 16 through at least Jan 20, and at the U.S. Capitol from Jan 17 through Jan 20" @disclosetv

FEDPOST dan repost
Seems like feds have embedded themselves in every kind of patriot group, as always. They'll stretch themselves thin trying to protect state capitols across the entire country, paying little attention to power lines, bridges, railroads, power substations, communication towers, and other vital infrastructure.
So many potential targets, so few troops to defend them, and even then they can't be there 24/7...
A guerrilla force has the relative advantage almost every time it goes on the offensive. Read flea.

FEDPOST dan repost
First off, you're not White, so perhaps you should speak for the castizos of Latin America who are your people, rather than for us, who are not.
Clinging onto non-violent political solutions and exposing ourselves in the political arena have got us here in the first place. Thinking that this or that named group will succeed where countless others failed (and those were led by greater men than any of us, might I add) is unrealistic. Imagining that we will succeed at pushing a radical message through mainstream politics when even Trumpism was co-opted is sheer insanity.
Truth is, our political organization is our people and our militant wing are our men, ready to take up arms - guns, bombs, power tools - at a moment's notice, then melt back into the population. No names, no logos, no popularity contests - we've seen where those end up.
#guerrilla #worldview

FEDPOST dan repost
If you've ever used parler, your GPS location is most likely in the hands of the enemy.
They claim that they'll use it to find those who stormed the Capitol, I'm sure they totally won't go after every single one of you.
The media is covering it up for a while to give enemy intelligence time to prepare while you're oblivious.
You're living on borrowed time, might as well take as many of them as possible down with you. They're all a legitimate target.
#announcement #guerrilla

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