Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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"When we talk of capitalism, as you all know, we’re not talking about property. Private property is the opposite of capitalism, Property is man's natural possession of his things, it is an elemental attribute of humanity. Capitalism has been slowly transforming the ownership of said property by man, into Ownership by Capital, a technical instrument for economic domination. Capitalism, through the terrible and unequal competition of big capital against small capital, has been tearing apart Small Industry, Craftsmanship, Small agriculture, transferring it all to the hands of Big Trusts, of Big Banking conglomerates. Capitalism reduces everything in the end to the exact same misery, to the same subhuman condition of dispossesion, making workers and owners, live under this condition, devoid of their natural features and virtues.”
- Jose Antonio Primo De Rivera
- Jose Antonio Primo De Rivera