The beauty is only temporary,
Wooyoung World was a magnificent place. But today, this world is on demolition due to people's faults. We do need your help to make this world pretty and livable again. First, you need to read some allegations:
Please guarantee that you are portraying Jung Wooyoung. We need the one who knows him very well and does not do some temporary swap. Please note, we do not accept multi-character.
We hope that Wooyoung World is the first place for you. In addition, you have to be talkative, easy to mingle with, and also can keep all the secrets between each other.
Please confirm that your account is your main account. But if it is not, we hope you are not a spy or any other thing with bad intentions.
Thus, ensure you are not in the lazy, want-to-go-on-hiatus phase because we need someone willing to help us in lots of aspects.
If you are done reading the rules, interested, and feel qualified enough to join us, please contact our
general, ASAP. We are waiting for you.