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"They are trying to establish a one world government."
German MEP Christine Anderson: The EU is a prototype for a model of global governance designed to supersede national sovereignty and establish centralised control.
"[The EU institutions are] not only undemocratic, they're downright anti-democratic... It's by design."
"The national states within the EU are being stripped of their sovereignty. They're being stripped of their national state."
"The EU was just a stepping stone, so to speak, so they could erect their one world government."
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German MEP Christine Anderson: The EU is a prototype for a model of global governance designed to supersede national sovereignty and establish centralised control.
"[The EU institutions are] not only undemocratic, they're downright anti-democratic... It's by design."
"The national states within the EU are being stripped of their sovereignty. They're being stripped of their national state."
"The EU was just a stepping stone, so to speak, so they could erect their one world government."
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