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European Third Position: History, activism and thought 🏴

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Fascism was born to inspire a faith not of the Right (which at bottom aspires to conserve everything, even injustice) or of the Left (which at bottom aspires to destroy everything, even goodness), but a collective, integral, national faith.

José Antonio Primo de Rivera

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭-𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐦 dan repost
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Who is Enoch Powell and did he inspire the nationalist movement in Britain?

“In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”

Over half a century ago Conservative MP Enoch Powell gave a controversial anti-immigrant speech that was one of the most pivotal moments in British political history.

Europe, Youth, Revolution!

Geuzenbond activists placed posters in Zutphen.


The Italian Social Movement (Movimento Sociale Italiano) was a legal political party of the post-war era that openly identified itself with "neo-fascism". Subsequently, MSI declared themselves "post-fascists", it is worth noting that in Italy there is a difference between these two concepts.

If at first the party's rhetoric and ideology were dominated by ideas that came from among those who remained faithful to the legacy of Benito Mussolini and the Italian Social Republic of 1943-1945, MSI later took positions similar to those of the conservative right. In 1972, the party merged with the Italian Democratic Party of Monarchical Unity (PDIUM), which adhered to moderate conservatism and monarchism. After this merger, Destra Nazionale (National Right) was added to the party name. In such a symbolic way, MSI-DN began to distance itself from traditional fascism, which did not identify itself with the right, but postulated a kind of "third way" in relation to the cosmopolitan left and the reactionary right.

Loyalty to the fascism model of 1919 and 1943 was retained by other, extra-parliamentary, groups that emerged from among the MSI youth organizations in the late 1970s and actively joined the armed struggle against left-wing radical terror and the political regime of the Christian Democratic Party.

With the current decadent state of mainstream cinematography, we recommend you check out the artworks of Hans Jürgen Syberberg. He is especially known for the German Trilogy ("Ludwig—Requiem for a Virgin King", "Karl May", "Our Hitler"), where he tried to find the genesis of German antimodernist consciousness, and the movie adaptation of Wagner's opera "Parsifal" (1982). These film works are a cinematic manifestation set against the idea of progress, an attempt to bring back the role of myth into our culture. Unfortunately, now we live in the Hollywood and Netflix age, and the work of Syberberg stands now as the last romantic breath before the complete soulless industrialization of movie production...

We suggest Jonathan Bowden's lecture on Syberberg:

«I’m looking at it this way» — during one of the interrogations, Ungern expressed his views on the role of the monarch and the aristocracy: «The tsar must be the first democrat in the state. He should stand above the classes, acting as a mediator between the existing class factions. The common view of the aristocracy is also incorrect; it has always been somewhat oppositional. History shows us that it is primarily the aristocracy that has killed tsars.

The real issue is the bourgeoisie. It can only drain the state’s resources, and it has led the country to its current state. The tsar must rely on the aristocracy and the peasantry.»

Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, Knight of Shambhala.

The far-left world is incapable of overthrowing capitalism, just as the far-right world is incapable of overthrowing democracy — because the two middle worlds, the left and the right, are together.

Pierre Drieu la Rochelle

🏴🔥 A crazy idea. Only the crazy, the insane, the instinctive, can change the face of this school and tear away the gray conformism that wants to make everyone equal. If you're looking for them, it's us. The ones that everyone hates because they are too different, too outside the box, too ahead of history. We are the children of the century: those who don't care at all what the world thinks, says or writes about them.

Blocco Studentesco

We must always learn to love ourselves; it is the only romance that lasts a lifetime.

Gabriele D'Annunzio

Europe-Action dan repost
A 1976-1977 edition of the ‘Carnet du Militant’ (Activist’s Notebook) published the French GUD.

Fronte Universitario d'Azione Nazionale (University Front of National Action)

FUAN was a student organization of the Italian Social Movement (MSI) party that was active from 1950 to 1996. This structure played a significant role in the Years of Lead.

The organization was founded in May 1950 in Rome under the name Formazioni Universitarie di Avantguardia Nazionale (University Formations of the National Vanguard) on the initiative of a group of "ultra-right" students who belonged to the MSI youth sections in various Italian universities.

FUAN often came into conflict with the official party line, taking more radical positions in the early 1970s (as was the case with the Roman section, the so-called FUAN-Caravella).

The democratic evil and the Semitic poison corrode it in all its roots - right down to its laws, sciences, and speculative thought. As for leaders - those persons who excel, not through violence, nor through greed for profit, nor through their ability as exploiters of slaves, but instead through unwavering and transcendent qualities of life - there are none. Europe is a big anodyne body, possessed and shattered by an anxiety which no one dares to express, which has gold or blood, machines and factories for flesh, newspapers for brains - a shapeless body which tosses restlessly, driven by obscure and unpredictable forces which implacably crush anyone who tries to oppose it or even just to avoid its mechanism.

The highly extolled “civilisation” of the West has been able to do alll this. This is the vaunted result of the superstition of “Progress” - beyond Roman imperiality, Doric Greece, and all other exemplary forms of the great Aryan primordial civilisations.

Julius Evola. Pagan Imperialism

“We are against certain exasperations of nationalism, which we believe have shattered in their historical implications the unitary substratum of Western civilization. We are anti-bourgeois: the bourgeoisie, understood as a state of mind and an economic perspective of the world, is primarily responsible for this dissolving climate [...] We are for a lifestyle that no party can give us; but only an Order of ideas, a differentiated unity of demands, camaraderie in the fight against a broken system. We are for an aristocracy which is a radical rejection of the egalitarian model. We assume a hierarchical and organic perspective [...] We are for the civilizations of Europe and of the West, with their Myths and their Traditions, beyond the selfishness and sterile provincialisms in which today's nationalistic mentality is closed.”

Franco Freda, Manifesto del Gruppo di Ar

Today, the awakening individual sees that the god of the ballot paper is an empty scrap of rag without importance. The universal, identical, secret yet direct, voting right is not a magic wand but a tool of disintegration in the hands of folkish hostile demagogues. Is this universal right to vote then to be taken away from women? Yes! But also from men! A folkish state will not undertake to make major decisions through anonymous male and female voting masses. Such decisions will be made by responsible personalities.

Liberalism taught freedom of movement, free trade, parliamentarianism, emancipation of women, equality of men, human equality, equality of the sexes, and so on. In this, it sinned against a natural law that creation only arises through the release of polar conditioned tensions. That is, a high degree of energy is necessary to perform work of any kind. To create culture. Today, in the midst of the collapse of the feminised old world, the National idea demands strength, type forming, restriction, discipline, protection of racial character and a straightforward recognition of the eternal polarity of the sexes.

Alfred Rosenberg. The Myth of the Twentieth Century

Jeune Nation march during the Barricade Week in Algiers (January 24 - February 1, 1960). One of the leaders of Jeune Nation was Dominique Venner. The organization fought, in particular, for the preservation of French control over Algeria. By 1960, the organization was officially banned in France (since 1958) due to armed attacks on Algerian and French communists.

Nation Europa dan repost
Presentation of «Nation Europa» conference. Part III.

Gabriele Adinolfi, a prominent Italian intellectual and key figure in the European discourse, participated in the «Nation Europa» conference, delivering his speech online. As one of the founders of Terza Posizione, Adinolfi shared his vision for Europe's future, drawing on his extensive experience.

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