SwissDataHoarding: Telegram Channel for Datahoarders from Switzerland [Subreddit / Reddit]

Kanal geosi va tili: Germaniya, Nemischa

Telegram Channel für Datahoarder aus der Schweiz, dalla Svizzera, from Switzerland, de la Suisse. Swiss Datahoarding Channel.

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Kanal geosi va tili
Germaniya, Nemischa
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The reality? We are changing the way of communication like no one other in this world - Governments and all other are still years behind, even if they made little improvements.

Obviously we that we mean related to various countries, not just Switzerland, since we provide, communicate and track 9 different languages about all topics, not just governments related, with tons of brands on multi socials using multiple different strategies and destination groups. Months of work behind that.

We can just say, that how various people and government communicate is HUGE different between nationality and specific topics. Reason why some social are better made for specific topics. TikTok for example is for sure one the worst social to diffuse science, since there is much more bullshit than facts and is still more a video based social, but this doesn't mean that TikTok should not be used. Same like Instagram, which is one of the worse social with no way to search informations, but again this doesn't mean Instagram should not be used ...

Plus we don't need to forget social discrimination by people, even if some social offer just better features compared to most used socials, and we are not just talking about Reddit or Telegram ...

Without considering the fact that if haven't had all such shitty problems with devs, Telegram, services, etc. currently we would be on another level (and yes, we know there are still issues that need to be fixed), but we are still working and working. Tons of projects, not enough time ...

🇫🇷 message version:

Ist jetzt nur Schuld der Energiewende, die 1 trio € kostet?

Die Preise sinken – die Aargauer aber müssen 2024 trotzdem erneut mehr für ihren Strom bezahlen

Oberlunkhofen trifft die Teuerung mit 58,11 Rp./kWh schweizweit fast am stärksten. 2022 bezahlt ein Durchschnittshaushalt der Gemeinde 15,11 Rp./kWh. Die Steigerung beträgt damit 284,6 Prozent. Gaiserwald SG ist mit 58,76 Rp./kWh Tabellenführer der Schweiz.

«Historische» Energiepreis-Erhöhung in mehreren Kantonen – ein Überblick

Die Strompreise steigen auch 2024
Die Strompreise steigen im Schnitt um 12 Prozent. Abhängig vom Wohnort dürften die Unterschiede gross sein.

Stark steigende Strompreise 2023
Ein typischer Haushalt bezahlt im kommenden Jahr 26.95 Rappen pro Kilowattstunde (Rp./kWh, alles Medianwerte). Dies entspricht einer Zunahme von 5.77 Rp./kWh (+ 27 %). Die Unterschiede können lokal jedoch sehr viel höher ausfallen.

Die Netzkosten steigen geringfügig; für einen typischen Haushalt um 7 Prozent von 9.9 Rp./kWh auf 10.5 Rp./kWh. Die Energietarife steigen für die Haushalte von 7.9 Rp./kWh auf 13.1 Rp./kWh (+ 64 %).

Strompreise Schweiz 2023

Warum sind Elektrizitätstarife in der Schweiz unterschiedlich hoch?

Energiepreise Versorgungssicherheit

Electricity & gas hit record prices in 2022

Average monthly electricity wholesale prices in selected countries in the European Union (EU) from January 2020 to June 2023

Energy crisis in Europe: Which countries have the cheapest and most expensive electricity and gas?

Energy inflation rate continues upward hike, hits 27%

Energy Prices Keep Climbing in the EU

Electricity price statistics

Cold-related deaths have been noted for centuries.

The results show that the percentage increases in all-cause and RD mortality with fall in temperature were greater, and that protective measures against a given degree of cold were fewer, in regions with mild winters.

Although we know that the middle-aged and elderly should wear protective clothing and keep active in cold weather outdoors, our surveys show that in relatively warm countries they often fail to do so.

As recently described by Fowler et al.,22 the EWD index (EWDi) is calculated by comparing the number of deaths that occur in:
† the 4 months of winter (these are pre-designated as December–March in the Northern hemisphere);
† the four autumn months preceding that winter (August– November)
† the four spring months following on from that winter (April – July)

Several known effects of cold on the body could account for cold-related deaths. Arterial thrombosis is promoted by the haemoconcentration3,4 induced by cold, and rapid coronary deaths could result from rupture of atheromatous plaques during hypertension and cold- induced coronary spasm.5–8,22

Suppression of immune responses by stress hormones during cold exposure is likely to reduce resistance to respiratory infection, as will direct effects of cold on the respiratory tract;23,24 these direct effects could also cause bronchoconstriction.25

Acute-phase reactions to such respiratory infection13,14 can then be expected to increase further the risk of arterial thrombosis. The results do not rule out other factors such as previous temperature experience, or low vitamin C intake in winter.26,27

However, the associations shown in the results between mortality and protection against cold stress strongly suggest that excess winter mortality could be reduced substantially by improved protection from cold—particularly in countries with warm winters where the need for cold-avoidance was less obvious, and measures taken against it less effective.

(index) Heating degree days (HDDs)

Bitte, weniger BULLSHIT! 🥶 != ☠️ und es hängt ab "wer?", "warum?", etc.

Although cold waves are more frequently reported in EM-DAT, heat waves were the major cause of temperature-related deaths in Europe and the Russian Federation.

Human mortality from extreme heat and cold
With 3°C global warming in 2100, 90,000 Europeans could die from extreme heat annually. With 1.5°C global warming this is reduced to 30,000 deaths annually.

Please note that the vertical scale for reported fatalities for heatwaves and cold wave is different.

Die Übersterblichkeit im Frühling 2020 sowie im Herbst/Winter 2020/2021 als auch im Win- ter 2021/2022 ist zweifelsfrei auf die Covid-19-Pandemie zurückzuführen.

Sommer 2019 z.B. 146 - 918 (= -29 und -455)
Winter 2018 z.B. 175 - 1373

In Übereinstimmung mit zahlreichen in der Literatur beschriebenen Untersuchungen findet sich bei der Gesamtgruppe der Rostocker Suizidenten eine jahreszeitliche Verteilung mit einem Suizidhoch im Frühling.

Bei den Frauen liegt im Frühling das Häufigkeitstief der Suizidverteilung vor, die höchste Suizidrate zeigt sich im Sommer gefolgt von einem zweiten Hoch im Herbst.

Bei den Männern korrelieren niedrige Temperaturen am Ereignistag mit einer
höheren Suizidrate.

In der Altersgruppe der unter 20Jährigen ergeben sich die meisten Suizide bei wenig

Starker Niederschlag über die letzten fünf Tage senkt die Suizidrate.

Altersgruppe der über 60 Jährigen: Die meisten Suizide ereigneten sich bei einer mittleren täglichen Sonnenscheindauer
von ca. 1,5- 4h in den letzten fünf Tagen.

aus der Doktorarbeit von Lutz Liese

Warum im Winter mehr Menschen sterben

In welchem Monat sterben die meisten Menschen?




Sterblichkeit, Todesursachen

Spezifische Todesursachen

6 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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