ㅤㅤAhaa yes yes, welcome people! So for today's episode of the 'Special edition Dedicated to Heather' diary would be drum roll 🥁🥁🥁... Heather accidently sent 'good morning' to Central Hall on Close Day! This one was funny- SORRY BESTIE. As you guys know, on Close Day we can't send any messages to the Central Hall. But this girl with her clumsiness forgot, wich is okay we can tolerate we are all clumsy!! BUT NGL IT WAS CUTE T__T Heather will be doing a dare ~ What dare would it be? Stay tuned later! I'll edit sone parts heree.
ㅤㅤMe and Henriette my dear roomie laughed because of Heather's clumsiness but i think our dear Caretaker Jonathan and Nindya also laughed and was happy that they got a head on their hunt with the other CTs. Well i got no more things to say but Good Luck for your dare Heather!!