TonTelegramFreaks : Telegram Freaks for TON & Telegram News

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Toifa: Telegram

A project by TelegramFreaks @TgmeFreaks @NewsTelegramFreaks @CryptoGraficoReal 🇺🇸 @toncoinenglish 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 @ToncoinMultilingual 🇷🇺 @toncoinrussian - Other channels @ContactTelegramHow @CountriesFreaks

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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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TON Telegram News by GRT : Updates about Fragment / Toncoin / GetGems / Tonkeeper dan repost
TON reduce las tarifas de la red

TL;DR: Las tarifas de la red de TON se han reducido 2.5 veces en general en respuesta al reciente crecimiento de Toncoin.

Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar una serie de actualizaciones destinadas a reducir las tarifas de la red, mejorar la escalabilidad y accesibilidad de TON Blockchain. Estas actualizaciones son un testimonio de los continuos esfuerzos de TON para innovar, fomentar una mayor actividad dentro del ecosistema TON y llevar las criptomonedas a todos los bolsillos.

Actualizaciones clave:

Descuento en Jetton de USDt

A partir del 16 de abril, hay un descuento especial para transacciones Jetton con gobernanza como USDt. Las tarifas se redujeron a 0.02 TON desde 0.032 TON para la primera transacción, y las transacciones subsiguientes ahora son solo 0.0145 TON.

Reducción global de tarifas

Los validadores han aprobado la propuesta del equipo de desarrollo central de TON para una reducción adicional de 2.5 veces en las tarifas de transacción. El costo para la primera transacción Jetton con gobernanza es ahora de ∼$0.06, con transacciones subsiguientes en ∼$0.04, asumiendo que 1 Toncoin = $7. Tenga en cuenta que estos costos fluctuarán con el valor de Toncoin.

Introducción de contratos inteligentes precompilados

Se han introducido contratos precompilados en la red de TON, y el primer contrato precompilado, un jetton con funcionalidad de gobernanza, ha sido activado. Esto significa que los contratos inteligentes más populares, escritos en C++, se incrustarán directamente en el nodo, evitando la necesidad de ejecución de TVM. Este ajuste reduce el consumo de recursos y, en consecuencia, las tarifas asociadas con estos contratos.

Estas actualizaciones tienen como objetivo hacer que TON, la cadena de bloques más escalable del mundo, se destaque como la opción más asequible para proyectos que buscan una adopción masiva.

¡Manténgase atento a más actualizaciones importantes!

TON Telegram News by GRT : Updates about Fragment / Toncoin / GetGems / Tonkeeper dan repost
$120,000 Airdrop

TL;DR: We just airdropped 20,630 Toncoin (TON) to $JVT holders and $ANON traders.

The active communities behind $ANON and $JVT, two dynamic projects participating in The Open League, are today’s recipients of the airdrop. Congratulations on your well-deserved rewards!

At the time of the snapshot on April 22, 2024, at 12:00 UTC, $ANON and $JVT had the highest active holders score in their respective leaderboards, within the Meme Coin and Minor League categories.


▪️ For $JVT Holders: A total of 1,043 active holders, defined as those who staked jettons or created a staking pool on JVault since March 4th, received 10 TON each.
▪️ For $ANON Traders: The top 1,020 traders, recognized for performing the highest number of ANON/TON swaps on DEXes since March 4, also received 10 TON each.

Are you a project wanting to get airdrops for your users?

Join The Open League Hackathon and get fast track into the Minor League Token leaderboard. Registration closes on April 30, 2024. More details here.

Who’s getting the next airdrop?

Stay tuned to this channel. Hint: 🖼

Beta Info English dan repost
Telegram Desktop Has Been Updated to Version 4.16.9 Beta

What's new:
• The dialog list search has been updated: it now shows recent chats, active contacts and recommended channels.
• Changing the client's font in Settings › Chat Settings › Font family.
• Ability to change the number of reactions on posts in the channel settings.
• Added a button in the preview for /addtheme, /addemoji and /boost (for groups) links.
• Enable displaying ads for Telegram Premium subscribers as an option.
• Pinned stories in profiles.
• Correct display of online status of people who have blocked you (display “long time ago” instead of “recently”).

Download: from the official website or from GitHub.

#update #desktop

Beta Info English dan repost
Telegram Authorization by Secret Phrase

In the Beta version of Telegram for Android with the help of @tgcrawl, lines have been found that are responsible for a new way of authorization in the app.

When logging into Telegram, a user may be required to enter a secret word or phrase. Such codes are specified in an SMS message or in a notification from the Telegram service account on another active session.

On the authorization screen there may be additional hints — for example, the word with which the code phrase begins. In addition, the copied phrase can be quickly pasted into the form using the “Paste” option.

The @tginfo editors suggest that the secret phrase authorization introduction may be related to the new P2PL software, which we detailed here.

#Android #Authorization

Beta Info English dan repost
Custom Emoji in Polls

In the Beta version of Telegram for Android, users with a Premium subscription can now add emoji from custom emoji packs to their polls. Next to the input fields for the question and answer options, a circular smiley icon is displayed.

If you type any word into the poll's text field, Telegram will suggest custom emoji based on that word from among the most saved and popular packs.


Updates, Informations and News about Telegram in English dan repost
💡 In February 2022, I suggested to restrict Telegram channels in Russia and Ukraine, because they were being used for military propaganda. However, both our Ukrainian and Russian users vehemently opposed restrictions, prioritizing the freedom to access information, even when it’s biased. I supported our users’ choice 🫡

🚫 We still ban accounts and bots that collect coordinates to target strikes or post direct personal information with calls to violence. We don’t want Telegram to be a tool for violence — so please report such channels/bots to us if you see them ⛔️

✉️ As for general news/propaganda channels, we receive official letters from Apple that indicate that certain changes here may be unavoidable, at least for users accessing Telegram on iPhones from Ukrainian SIM cards. As I explained in my interview, to stay accessible to its users, Telegram must consider requests coming from App Stores 🍎

🗽Were it entirely up to us, we would always give our users what they ask for: access to uncensored information and opinions so that they can make their own decisions. However, it's not always up to us 🥲

TON Telegram News by GRT : Updates about Fragment / Toncoin / GetGems / Tonkeeper dan repost
TON reducing network fees

TL;DR: TON network fees have been reduced by 3x across the board in response to Toncoin’s recent growth.

We are excited to announce a series of updates aimed at reducing network fees, enhancing the scalability and accessibility of TON Blockchain. These updates are a testament to TON’s continuous efforts to innovate, encourage greater activity within the TON Ecosystem, and put crypto to every pocket.

Key updates:

USDt Jetton discount

Starting April 16th, there is a special discount for Jetton-with-governance transactions like USDt. Fees were reduced to 0.02 TON from 0.032 TON for the first transaction, and subsequent transactions are now only 0.0145 TON.

Global fee reduction

Validators have approved the TON Core Dev team's proposal for a further 3x reduction in transaction fees. The cost for the first Jetton-with-governance transaction is now ∼$0.06, with subsequent transactions at ∼$0.04, assuming 1 Toncoin = $7. Please note that these costs will fluctuate with Toncoin’s value.

Introduction of precompiled smart contracts

In the next node update, the TON Core Dev team will introduce the ability for smart contracts to be precompiled. This means that the most popular smart contracts, written in C++, will be embedded directly in the node, bypassing the need for TVM execution. This adjustment reduces resource consumption and, consequently, the fees associated with these contracts.

These updates are aimed at making TON, the world's most scalable blockchain, stand out as the most affordable option for projects seeking mass adoption.

Stay tuned for more important updates to come!

Beta Info English dan repost
Updated Recent Actions

In the Beta version of Telegram for Android, the “Recent Actions” section in groups has undergone some changes:

• The prompt that is shown when there are no recent actions to display within the last 48 hours has been updated.

• When tapping on a deleted message in the pop-up menu, it is now possible to change the user's permissions or completely ban them in the group.

• The filter for recent actions has a new appearance.

• Deleted messages in a group are now displayed compactly.

• "Recent actions" are now always displayed on the settings screen.


TON Telegram News by GRT : Updates about Fragment / Toncoin / GetGems / Tonkeeper dan repost
🌏 Наша AMA-сессия с Владом Камышовым начинается!

🙏 Присоединяйтесь к прямому эфиру!
Обсудим, что такое Evaa Protocol, лендинг, особенности проекта и вход в Open League

▪️ Влад
Камышов — Кор-контрибьютер в

▪️ Алексей Соловьёв — ивент и комьюнити менеджер TON Society СНГ

💝 Все слушатели, заполнившие форму, - получат памятные SBT от TON Society СНГ на свой кошелёк (в течение месяца).

слово: evaa

TON Society СНГ хаб | Новостной Канал 🌏

Beta Info English dan repost
Compact Display of Deleted Messages

In the Beta version of Telegram for Android, the display of deleted messages in the "Recent actions" section has been changed.

Currently, if an admin or user has deleted at least 5 messages from a chatlog group, all of them will be automatically minimized under the first message. At the same time, it is possible to view the entire list of deleted messages by tapping on the button below.


TON Telegram News by GRT : Updates about Fragment / Toncoin / GetGems / Tonkeeper dan repost
Attention TON Community 💎

If you have experience with learning and development on TON and have noticed something missing in the documentation or tools, this is your chance to let us know.

We encourage every community member to share their experiences with TON development by participating in our survey.

The survey encompasses four key topics and will take approximately 5-8 minutes of your time.

We invite you to contribute to this important initiative and share your valuable experiences here:

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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