Technocratic World Order

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Puberty blockers promoted by Biden admin are child abuse

Puberty-blocking procedures promoted by the Biden/Harris Admin are child abuse. The FDA has just confirmed these hormones/drugs have extremely dangerous side effects, like brain swelling and vision loss.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts

Carbon Credits, Digital Stalking, and Social Credit Scores: Individual Freedoms Ends With Digital ID


First bugs, now CANNIBALISM: scientist says humans need to eat other humans to “fight climate change”

Prof. Magnus Soderland, a professor of who even cares at the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden, argued on television the other day that humanity needs to “awaken” to the idea of cannibalism as the solution to “climate change.”

Human flesh, Soderland claims, is much more “sustainable” than meat and dairy when it comes to meeting one’s nutritional needs – especially if normal food becomes scarcer in the future because of “global warming.”

Having a “conversation” about eating human flesh will help to destigmatize the idea, according to Soderland, who believes that the general public can and should be “tricked” into cannibalism – or what he refers to as “making the right decisions” concerning diet.


Newborn baby’s arm AMPUTATED after mom took covid vaccines and baby suffered blood clots in the womb

Little Zack Reilly is now missing an arm, reports indicate, after it had to be amputated almost immediately after his birth when it was discovered that the child had developed blood clots in both his now-removed left arm as well as his brain.

The child was reportedly delivered in an emergency caesarean at 37 weeks on July 11, 2021. He had a “bruised and blistered” left arm, we are told, and the limb was removed after an MRI scan showed that he had suffered a stroke while still inside his mother’s womb.

In addition to losing and arm and suffering brain damage, little Zack now has seizures and no longer smiles.


Smoking gun: U.S. government, CDC colluded with Google, Twitter, Facebook to censor important information about experimental covid vaccines

America First Legal (AFL) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to investigate unconstitutional acts between the federal government and the Big Tech social media platforms. AFL obtained 256 pages. These pages document egregious violations of the US Constitution and provide evidence that the Federal Government violated the Nuremberg Code.

CDC conspired with Big Tech to censor Americans and destroy the informed consent principle.

According to the latest document release, officials with the CDC and the Biden administration colluded with content moderation teams at Google, Twitter and Facebook to block US citizens from receiving the most basic level of informed consent about the emergency use covid-19 “vaccines.”


David Rubenstein — the Jewish globalist billionaire who funded the woke transformation of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello — paid for a similar overhaul of James Madison’s house — where the author of the US Constitution has been shoved into a supporting role, while slavery and racism take center stage.

The pioneering health technology, created by engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is capable of providing images of the insides of our bodies continuously for 48 hours.

This is a part of the new Silkroad, The Belt and Road Initiative and also a project under Agenda 30:

UK companies are part of the Saudis’ bizarre mirror city plans – but it comes with risks

Mohammed bin Salman hopes to build a 75-mile mirrored skyscraper housing 5m people – but is his plan even technically possible?

The Mirror Line, which promises to house 5m people, is the crown jewel in Prince Mohammed’s $500bn Neom project, which aims to transform an expanse of desert the size of Belgium into a new megacity. First unveiled in 2017, it is the centrepiece of efforts by the Gulf state to diversify its economy away from oil and attract foreign investment – a scheme dubbed Vision 2030.

-->link (paywall skipped)

NASA is one step closer to putting human boots on Mars after Congress passed the first authorization bill for the American space agency in five years, which includes funding for the Artemis mission to not only continue its work to the moon but also soar to the Red Planet.

This includes implementing processes to ensure a lunar base and orbiting outpost are constructed, spacesuits are made and designs for human habitats on Mars are in the works. However, the bill does not state the exact amount of funds set to be given to NASA to make it all happen.


One of the goals of Agenda21/30, along with owning nothing and be happy and carbon zero, is putting humans on Mars. The question is how will they fake this now? Or Project BlueBeam will come into fruition at the right time?
What a time to be alive!

-Keira Bell was given drugs aged 16 by clinic doctors to pause her development;
-Six years later and following a double mastectomy, she regretted the situation;
-In 2020 she took Tavistock's Gender Identity Service to the High Court and won;
-Keira wants doctors to stop prescribing drugs to children with gender dysphoria;
-The Tavistock clinic has now been ordered to close following a damning report;

Some of the similarities between the two viruses speak for themselves. Like the HIV strain that started the AIDS pandemic in the late 1970s, the current monkeypox outbreak has emerged from sub-Saharan Africa and has been found overwhelmingly in men who have sex with men who live in the world’s metropolises. And while epidemiologists have not reached a complete understanding of how the current outbreak of monkeypox spreads, recent research points to sexual transmission.

Last year, DeepMind released protein shape predictions for every protein in the human body and in 20 research species, Live Science previously reported. Now, they've expanded those predictions to proteins in basically everything.

"This update includes predicted structures for plants, bacteria, animals and other organisms, opening up many new opportunities for researchers to use AlphaFold to advance their work on important issues, including sustainability, food insecurity and neglected diseases," DeepMind representatives said in a statement(opens in new tab).


This is another step in the merging of AI with humans.
With the ML being so advanced, soon the AI will be able to write imitating human feeling, human emotions.. The text written by AI will be indistinguishable from that written by a person.

Indeed, it is a scary time to be a professional writer. Earlier in 2020, Microsoft laid off journalists to replace them with a writing AI. And as AI language models get increasingly better, researchers are claiming that soon, AI-generated text will be indistinguishable from that written by a person.

The author of the article concludes that:
"Writing with AI can leave writers with energy and time for the creative side of the writing process. Ideally, our entrepreneurial drive would not completely displace humans from our creative endeavours."


The Art of Deception
Intelligence agencies, companies, and organizations of all kinds have developed strategies to infiltrate and manipulate groups online, combining an understanding of individual psychology and group dynamics to craft sophisticated techniques for deception. Anyone who is paying attention has seen these strategies in action over the years and the Covid “crisis” has provided an excellent case study. Media outlets and shill accounts do more than promote propaganda, there is an intentional effort to control our attention and emotional state as this is the best way to influence decision making.
In 2014, a presentation created by the Joint Research Intelligence Group (a secret British intelligence unit) was leaked online: “The Art of Deception: Training For A New Generation of Online Covert Operations”. While it looks a bit schizo, it shows various elements involved in running a digital psyops. Notice the emphasis placed on people – identity, beliefs, perception – and not information. The goal is to wield our most base drives and desires against us. Information is a tool deployed against existing biases and blind spots.
In the alternative news/truth seeking/conspiracy world a lot of energy is directed towards collecting as many facts as possible and staying up to the minute with the latest news. Training programs like this one teach how to confuse, misdirect, and neutralize those seeking answers by exploiting our curiosity and willingness to accept information that conforms with our expectations and worldview. QAnon is the most obvious example of a prepackaged conspiracy designed to satisfy the psychological needs of a particular demographic of skeptics. But so much of what is out there serves the same purpose in a more subtle way (more on this topic in future posts). While we’re distracted, trying to put the puzzle pieces together, often arguing amongst ourselves, TPTB destroy economies and set up tyrannical systems that will be impossible to undo regardless of who is “elected” into office.
The presentation frequently references magicians - an apt analogy to this form of spycraft. Nearly everything we’re seeing is part of the show, every move scripted, even the mistakes and blunders are critical to pulling off the trick. Check out the full document by clicking here.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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