22 July - the most important day in our planet to change laws / human rights / discrimination once at all! Behind Breivik Facts https://t.me/BreivikFacts
Obviously not for the massacre, but because we hope our investigation will finally make a change in our planet.
If you are reading this message, well, we are contrasting terrorism / criminals in paradise now
We hope our governments really start to learn from Norway disaster and other bad days, because we need to improve from errors
even if we need to talk about tabu topics or whatever!
instead of doing same exact errors, keeping eyes closed, fix problem with nothing = keeping problems ...
It's time to change laws, to improve human rights and much more related to so many things, not related to terrorism at all, but included in Brevik story.
Breivik story is in our opinion a story that can never be forget, not for the massacre he did, but because this story include all other stories / rights / etc.!
We really hope scientists and politicians will not ignore all what is behind that (and we don't mean the ☪️ discrimination, because we don't share that at all! @NoBreivikMania!!)
It's time to learn, to improve and to contrast terrorism / criminality!
Obviously not for the massacre, but because we hope our investigation will finally make a change in our planet.
If you are reading this message, well, we are contrasting terrorism / criminals in paradise now
We hope our governments really start to learn from Norway disaster and other bad days, because we need to improve from errors
even if we need to talk about tabu topics or whatever!
instead of doing same exact errors, keeping eyes closed, fix problem with nothing = keeping problems ...
It's time to change laws, to improve human rights and much more related to so many things, not related to terrorism at all, but included in Brevik story.
Breivik story is in our opinion a story that can never be forget, not for the massacre he did, but because this story include all other stories / rights / etc.!
We really hope scientists and politicians will not ignore all what is behind that (and we don't mean the ☪️ discrimination, because we don't share that at all! @NoBreivikMania!!)
It's time to learn, to improve and to contrast terrorism / criminality!