ChatGPT bullshit even related to terrorism / laws Part 1
Like we previously wrote IN NORWAY THERE IS 30 years prison
Well, let we test this fake ChatGPT about the Anders Behring Breivik story and laws in Norway ... obviously they continue to tell bullshit over bullshit ...
Kan ikke dømmes til 30 år for grov terror
Forsinket oppgradering av datasystemer i politiet og domstolsapparatet gjør at terrorsiktede Anders Behring Breivik ikke kan dømmes etter den nye terrorparagrafen med maksimalstraff på 30 år, skriver Adresseavisen tirsdag.
Delayed upgrading of computer systems in the police and the court apparatus means that terrorist accused Anders Behring Breivik cannot be sentenced under the new terror clause with a maximum sentence of 30 years, writes Adresseavisen on Tuesday.
Stortinget vedtok den nye straffeloven i 2009. Da ble maksimumsstraffen i terrorparagrafen økt fra 21 til 30 år. Men samtidig gjorde Regjeringen det klart at den nye loven ikke kunne tre i kraft før nye datasystemer var på plass.
The Storting adopted the new criminal law in 2009. Then the maximum sentence in the terrorism section was increased from 21 to 30 years. But at the same time, the Government made it clear that the new law could not enter into force until new computer systems were in place. It was estimated that it would take from one to two years
I dom på forvaring fastsettes en tidsramme som vanligvis ikke bør overstige 15 år, og som ikke kan overstige 21 år. For lovbrudd som har en strafferamme på fengsel i inntil 30 år, kan retten fastsette en tidsramme som ikke kan overstige 30 år.
In a sentence of detention, a time frame is set which should not normally exceed 15 years, and which cannot exceed 21 years. For offenses punishable by imprisonment for up to 30 years, the court can set a time frame that cannot exceed 30 years
Like we previously wrote IN NORWAY THERE IS 30 years prison
Well, let we test this fake ChatGPT about the Anders Behring Breivik story and laws in Norway ... obviously they continue to tell bullshit over bullshit ...
Kan ikke dømmes til 30 år for grov terror
Forsinket oppgradering av datasystemer i politiet og domstolsapparatet gjør at terrorsiktede Anders Behring Breivik ikke kan dømmes etter den nye terrorparagrafen med maksimalstraff på 30 år, skriver Adresseavisen tirsdag.
Delayed upgrading of computer systems in the police and the court apparatus means that terrorist accused Anders Behring Breivik cannot be sentenced under the new terror clause with a maximum sentence of 30 years, writes Adresseavisen on Tuesday.
Stortinget vedtok den nye straffeloven i 2009. Da ble maksimumsstraffen i terrorparagrafen økt fra 21 til 30 år. Men samtidig gjorde Regjeringen det klart at den nye loven ikke kunne tre i kraft før nye datasystemer var på plass.
The Storting adopted the new criminal law in 2009. Then the maximum sentence in the terrorism section was increased from 21 to 30 years. But at the same time, the Government made it clear that the new law could not enter into force until new computer systems were in place. It was estimated that it would take from one to two years
I dom på forvaring fastsettes en tidsramme som vanligvis ikke bør overstige 15 år, og som ikke kan overstige 21 år. For lovbrudd som har en strafferamme på fengsel i inntil 30 år, kan retten fastsette en tidsramme som ikke kan overstige 30 år.
In a sentence of detention, a time frame is set which should not normally exceed 15 years, and which cannot exceed 21 years. For offenses punishable by imprisonment for up to 30 years, the court can set a time frame that cannot exceed 30 years