Eier av restauranten Milano Pizza på Rena i Hedmark, Bilal Güclü, forteller at terroristen Anders Behring Breivik (32) var innom restauranten hans opptil 7-8 ganger før terroranslagene.
The owner of the Milano Pizza restaurant at Rena in Hedmark, Bilal Güçül, says that the terrorist Anders Behring Breivik (32) visited his restaurant up to 7-8 times before the terrorist attacks.
De første tre dagene klarte jeg ikke å sove. Jeg var skikkelig redd. Hver eneste gang jeg lukket øynene, dukket det opp bilder av Behring Breivik, sier Güclü som har opprinnelse fra Tyrkia.
For the first three days I couldn't sleep. I was really scared. Every time I closed my eyes, images of Behring Breivik appeared, says Güçül, who is originally from Turkey.
🇹🇷 = ☪️ ....
When Islam is a problem, but 🇹🇷🍕 is ok ... 🤦♂️ WTF!
Alt virket tilsynelatende normalt med Behring Breivik. Han var alltid velkledd og høflig, og hadde ingen atferd som gjorde at vi ble mistenksomme. Han hadde så fine sko at jeg vurderte å spørre ham om hvor han hadde kjøpt de, sier Güclü.
Everything seemed normal with Behring Breivik. He was always well-dressed and polite, and had no behavior that made us suspicious. He had such nice shoes that I considered asking him where he had bought them, says Güçül.
The 32-year-old visited Milano Pizza on 13 June. It was also the last time the mass murderer stopped by Bilal Güçül's restaurant, but the first time they had a proper conversation.
Before leaving the restaurant, he asked me a few questions. He asked where I and the other employees were from. I replied that they all had roots in Turkey. He then boasted about our food offering. Then I asked Behring Breivik what he did for a living, and I remember being very surprised when he replied that he was a farm owner in the area, adds Güçül https://perma.cc/F3YT-LLA8
The owner of the Milano Pizza restaurant at Rena in Hedmark, Bilal Güçül, says that the terrorist Anders Behring Breivik (32) visited his restaurant up to 7-8 times before the terrorist attacks.
De første tre dagene klarte jeg ikke å sove. Jeg var skikkelig redd. Hver eneste gang jeg lukket øynene, dukket det opp bilder av Behring Breivik, sier Güclü som har opprinnelse fra Tyrkia.
For the first three days I couldn't sleep. I was really scared. Every time I closed my eyes, images of Behring Breivik appeared, says Güçül, who is originally from Turkey.
🇹🇷 = ☪️ ....
When Islam is a problem, but 🇹🇷🍕 is ok ... 🤦♂️ WTF!
Alt virket tilsynelatende normalt med Behring Breivik. Han var alltid velkledd og høflig, og hadde ingen atferd som gjorde at vi ble mistenksomme. Han hadde så fine sko at jeg vurderte å spørre ham om hvor han hadde kjøpt de, sier Güclü.
Everything seemed normal with Behring Breivik. He was always well-dressed and polite, and had no behavior that made us suspicious. He had such nice shoes that I considered asking him where he had bought them, says Güçül.
The 32-year-old visited Milano Pizza on 13 June. It was also the last time the mass murderer stopped by Bilal Güçül's restaurant, but the first time they had a proper conversation.
Before leaving the restaurant, he asked me a few questions. He asked where I and the other employees were from. I replied that they all had roots in Turkey. He then boasted about our food offering. Then I asked Behring Breivik what he did for a living, and I remember being very surprised when he replied that he was a farm owner in the area, adds Güçül https://perma.cc/F3YT-LLA8