People always think to be able to use and search social networks, even if this is NOT the case at all, if we exclude the 3 smart cats in the world.
Well let we check the most UNUSED feature on Telegram people are not using, near the pinned message feed
This means SEARCHING THINGS IN TELEGRAM. We don't talk about searching channels, this is another point @SearchTelegramChannels
IT'S CRUCIAL to check previous messages
via media panel, tags, link number, date of publication, searching specific words etc, without need to check each single post available! if you want to be over the average and don't be stupid by saying "informations are not available"
Well TELEGRAM is not Twitter, we already said that related to the scientific research about terrorism
Twitter search is working totally differently compared to Telegram.
In Telegram YOU CANNOT search:
- a if you want to search #a
- #a or a if you want to search #ä or ä
- a if you want to search ab, even if ab CONTAINS a!
- synonyms
- open the media panel and search directly there, even by date! except files links
- complex
In Telegram you CAN search:
- a if you want to search A
- ab if you want to search Ab
- aB if you want to search AB
- search by media (= photos, videos, ..) USING TELEGRAM STABLE!
- "a b"
In Telegram you cannot search posts inside the folder of channels! because they search inside all channels (💩).
Yes, we know Telegram search of channels is shit
and we already asked Telegram to improve that (near 100+ other features), to make Telegram even better to what already is ...
We already said how people and socials are terrorists against Telegram too
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Well let we check the most UNUSED feature on Telegram people are not using, near the pinned message feed
This means SEARCHING THINGS IN TELEGRAM. We don't talk about searching channels, this is another point @SearchTelegramChannels
IT'S CRUCIAL to check previous messages
via media panel, tags, link number, date of publication, searching specific words etc, without need to check each single post available! if you want to be over the average and don't be stupid by saying "informations are not available"
Well TELEGRAM is not Twitter, we already said that related to the scientific research about terrorism
Twitter search is working totally differently compared to Telegram.
In Telegram YOU CANNOT search:
- a if you want to search #a
- #a or a if you want to search #ä or ä
- a if you want to search ab, even if ab CONTAINS a!
- synonyms
- open the media panel and search directly there, even by date! except files links
- complex
In Telegram you CAN search:
- a if you want to search A
- ab if you want to search Ab
- aB if you want to search AB
- search by media (= photos, videos, ..) USING TELEGRAM STABLE!
- "a b"
In Telegram you cannot search posts inside the folder of channels! because they search inside all channels (💩).
Yes, we know Telegram search of channels is shit
and we already asked Telegram to improve that (near 100+ other features), to make Telegram even better to what already is ...
We already said how people and socials are terrorists against Telegram too
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