/BMW/ - The Bureau of Memetic Warfare

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Toifa: Siyosat

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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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This Old Haus dan repost

659 0 12 4 13

/BMW/ - The Bureau of Memetic Warfare dan repost
I would like to take some time to talk about our sponsor Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham (With Natural Gelatin Juices™️ Added) [A product of Denmark]

Normally for a product that is 96% fat free (which Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham is) you would expect a dry almost chalky texture and a flavor lacking in savour - But Fear Not! Thanks to the Natural Gelatin Juices™️ which saturate and infuse your Celebrity Brand™️Boneless Cooked Ham, every Celebrity Brand™️ Bite is squelching with SUCCulent moistness.

Speaking of Juicy, for all you bodybuilders out there, let's talk about the health benefits of Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham (With Natural Gelatin Juices™️ Added) [A product of Denmark]. Denmarks finest export (Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham (With Natural Gelatin Juices™️ Added)) has macros that put Greek yogurt to shame, per each 70 calories serving you get 10 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, and ZERO grams of carbohydrates - sorry Meds, Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham (With Natural Gelatin Juices Added) has made this meme page admin a Nordicist! But that's not all, the Natural Gelatin Juices™️ contained in Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham (With Natural Gelatin Juices™️ Added) are an excellent source of collagen, you can tell Bryan Johnson to keep the teenager blood, all this Niche Internet Micro-Celebrity needs is Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham (With Natural Gelatin Juices™️ Added).

But still I hear you say "I'm a goopy little soyboy and I don't have energy to be a mass-maxxed Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham-beast" - Fear not my droopy little untermensch! Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham (With Natural Gelatin Juices™️ Added) has 192% of your daily recommended salt intake per can. While this may scare some of you, remember that doctors are big fags which don't actually solve any problems and only exist to enrich the pharma-Nose complex, what you should be focusing on is that this infusion of pure Nordic Electrolytes sourced from the viking brine of the Baltic will give you enough energy to row to England through a hurricane and sack their gay little country

BE A Celebrity Brand™️ Boneless Cooked Ham- BEAST!
(With Natural Gelatin Juices™️ Added)

GNG Channel dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Let's see who's in better cardio shape:

1. Random guy with a cell phone
2. NYPD officer

Who do you have your money on? 👀

#CityLife #NYPD #NYC #NewYork #BigApple #police #crime #theft #urban

Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT)
White people are still blamed for slavery, when it was practiced everywhere in the world, and was only ever abolished thanks to the idealism of White people. In some parts of the non-White world, slavery still exists. In 🇲🇷 Mauritania, an entirely Muslim country in African, over one fifth of the en...

/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📱 The government can blow up your smartphone

Just know that your smart phone has a lot more potential power than an old pager. Here is a video of an iPhone being induced to explode.

Some people don’t think it’s possible for a phone to explode in this way without the external power source. I’m not so sure of that. Whether or not it is possible to remotely hack a device and overload it in such a way to make the thermal runaway happen explosively is very much up for debate.

I can say for certain that it is possible in some use cases with similar form factor battery designs. I would also say that if this is known to phone and battery manufacturers, they will go above and beyond to keep that quiet, and for good reason.

People think that when li-ion batteries overheat they simply melt, but it’s all a matter of how fast the reaction happens. For instance, in cylindrical cell EV batteries, often the mitigation tactic to surround the cells in a medium that will slow, not stop the reaction. When a cell like that goes off, there really isn’t anything you can do to stop it.

In the case of a mobile device, they control this problem with a series of failsafes and fuses. My questions is what happens if you can remotely bypass those? Can you remotely bypass them? If you can, then I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that you could rapidly overclock a battery and get an explosion.

🔗 Stephen Stone

486 0 18 25 4

The Daily Poor dan repost
One of the most common criticisms I've received when my content gets posted on other channels is in the context of real estate posting. Critics will ask, "how deep in Coon Town is this house?" They'll speculate, "that town must be in Niggerville."

If that were the case, if a house being cheap implies that it's in a highly black area, then we'd expect the correlation between how white an area is and the median home price in that area to be positive. Heck, if it's a general rule, we'd expect the correlation to be both strong and positive.

However, when we check the data, that's not what we find. I ran data from different census levels, assessing the correlation between the percentage of an area that is non-Hispanic White and the median cost of a house in said area.

At high levels--regional, division, and state--the correlation is fairly strong but negative; that is, it's significantly cheaper on average to live in states with a larger white population.

At lower levels--counties, places, zip code tabulation areas, county subdivisions, and census tracts--the trend is weak but universally negative. The pattern tends to be that the trend line starts low, the least white places are cheap, rises significantly as you approach the national average of 60% white, and then it declines, with the whitest areas pulling the trend line under the starting point.

It's definitely not wrong to say that areas with a large amount of blacks tend to be cheap. However, areas with a mixture of whites and other races are what tend to pull the line up, with 90% or higher white areas being even cheaper than the mostly non-white areas on average.

An area being cheap does not imply that it is Coontown. Many of the cheapest areas in terms of real estate are 90+% white.

499 0 11 3 14

We're on the one road
Sharing the one load
We're on the road to God knows where
We're on the one road
It may be the wrong road
But we're together now who cares
North men, South men, comrades all


632 0 4 16 11

I encourage every American on this channel to join up - not only is organization the most important political action you can partake in, having a big group of likeminded friends makes everything easier in life; it is not natural to be without a tribe.

I organized this and had it built so I trust it and the people involved.

NatVet dan repost

If the enemy were confident we would stay online forever, they would have nothing to fear; the time is now - TRIBE UP

In conjunction with a trusted selection of Local Nationalist Groups, Active Clubs, and The MidWest Network we are launching a bot which will help those in the USA get in touch with a local vetter for IRL networks - simply click on the link below and input your state via the command:

"/vet [STATE]"
For Example: "/vet TX" for Texas - Use state abbreviations

A representative will reach out and will be able to confirm their affiliation with us via the bot.


Our main objective is to build resilient White communities that improve the lives of those in them via mutual aid, business formation, and trustworthy friends in a failing world. It is not enough to be awake to our ideas, you must organize with others and work to build a future.

The ethnostate state already exists, it is simply a matter of expansion - JOIN TODAY


/pol/ 4chan dan repost
📝 302 replies




634 0 10 2 17

The Park dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

602 0 21 10 41

ALL YOUR BASE 2 dan repost

Jack Posobiec dan repost
Feds tried to intimidate the Founder of Odysee at his home today. It did not go well for them

Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 (@jeremykauffman)
The FBI visited my house today for free speech acts they knew were not crimes. You can see the shame on their faces. This is the Democratic regime manifest.

622 0 16 14 25

Ohio Reich dan repost
Datahazard is a treasure.

517 0 18 2 13

Internet puke dan repost

19 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.