. help forward this!
“shrrkk shrrkk!” 🦙 u-uh where am i.. magical world of dollist-site. knock knock — who's there? oups! the most magnificent teddy of all time,
@thedollist DEBUT DAY!!!! 🎊. she looks like a beautiful doll dressed in such a cute way! "dolli-dolli" OMG OMGG she's ready to show off her dolly-like eyes with a doe ish face :> tick..tock..tick..tock.. the clock is ticking and the doll world is officially open for bussines! we'll meet the pwincess there! see you ✌🏻🤍
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dump pict
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bbip-bbop-bbip-bbop! because today is a very special day, because our favorite store has debuted! so we will have a big discount!! 👌🏻👌🏻 who can't wait?? below are the notes!
i. pembeli pertama- kelima akan mendapatkan moodboard gratis.
ii. 500p untuk moodboard 3-6 slide.
iii. 1000 untuk moodboard 9,12 slide dan seterusnya.
iv. membeli 2 paket moodboard akan mendapatkan 1 moodboard gratis (custom). dan hanya ada 5 slot.
v. membeli 3 paket moodboard akan mendapatkan 1 moodboard gratis (custom). hanya ada 3 slot.
that's a note for you from
@thedollist, waiting for your orders!