The Flat Earth Reality

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For The Real Truth Seekers!

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Are We Spinning?

Obviously we aren't.

I have come across many globe earth believers who join the FE groups and channels but do not really wish to study the flat earth geocentric model, and their real motive is to debunk the Flat Earthers, with their skewed knowledge.

They think "200 proofs, earth is not a spinning ball" by Eric Dubay is not enough and worthless, and if any Flat Earther is not able to convince them to their satisfaction, then the burden of proof lies on Flat Earthers!

Problem is, they can't grasp or visualize FE concept properly, and with their cognitive dissonance kicking in they start calling Flat Earthers biased and arrogant.

Hence, I want to reiterate, that being a "Flat Earther" is not an easy task, you need patience and sound logical open mind to perceive the reality. Unless you study the FE model with dedication you will remain a delusional personality who think only debunking Flat Earthers is enough to prove the globe theory as fact.

This video is for those people, who still believe that we are living on a spinning ball with ridiculous speeds, drifting in 3 different directions at the same time. Jeran Campanella explain this fallacy in detail.
Are We Spinning?
Are we spinning??? I give my opinion on this question in this video and come to the conclusion that there is NO WAY we are spinning. That is my opinion and you are free to yours. Links to all the art...

Robert Vance Gentry (July 9, 1933 – January 28, 2020) was an American young Earth creationist and nuclear physicist, known for his claims that how radiohalos provide unambiguous evidence of both an almost instantaneous creation of granites and the young age of the earth.

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The great barrier: The Antarctica ice wall footage from Admiral Byrd's 6th expedition.

Movie clues: The Simpsons –The Marge-ian Chronicles (S27E16, 2016)

Learning that the company "Exploration Incorporated" wants to begin colonizing the planet Mars within 10 years, Lisa eagerly volunteers.

On launch day when the countdown reaches zero, the engines do not ignite and the rocket does not move. Paul and Barry admit that the launch was a fake, as always; intended both to inspire a new generation and to create a distraction so they could abandon the project and flee.

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According to astronomy of every ancient civilization, planets are the wandering stars because of their apparent retrograde motion over the Earth's plane. And there are only 7 of them, including Sun and the Moon, and excluding the Earth!

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Movie clues: TEEN TITANS GO!

When Beast Boy declares the Earth is flat like a pancake, the Titans set sail to find out.

Episode: Butter Wall

Published: February 05, 2021

TEEN TITANS GO! is a comedy featuring the beloved DC heroes seen in a skewed light.

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Epic Aerial Infrared Photogrametry Analysis undoubtedly proves the Flatness of Earth we live on.

Using IR photogrammetry based on aerial 830nm IR images, we derive the curvature of the earth surface in the upper mid-west states (of the United States) to a stunning precision.

Conclusion part starts at 23:29

How international telecommunications work and how countries connect to the Internet.

>99% of telecommunications happens through the Submarine cables and ground based radio towers, remaining < 1 % happens via satellite transceivers floating in atmosphere 10-20 km above, using balloons and solar powered drones and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Must watch informative video.

An ancient flat earth map from 1587 created by cartographer "Urbano Monte" was unveiled in 2017, confirming that people in 16th century knew that the earth is a flat plane.

World is indeed a mysterious place..Interesting video.

Escape The Matrix dan repost
Weather modification techniques are being used to cripple humanity.

Mars Perseverance Rover Landing Debunked

Last week, NASA, the biggest black budget black hole in existence, sucking in 52 million dollars of American tax-payer money every single day, just spent 2.3 billion of your dollars to allegedly land a remote control car on Mars for the fifth time.  Yes, the multi-billion dollar charade of landing on Mars has been happening since 1976, and thanks to the gullible unquestioning masses enthralled and duped by these ridiculous Hollywood performances, they will most likely continue for decades to come.

— Eric Dubay

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The Ingenuity helicopter hoax

NASA claims it has landed The Ingenuity helicopter on Mars with Perseverance on Thursday, February 18, 2021, is working fine and communicating with controllers on Earth.

In case you haven't noticed, NASA has really cranked up the space nonsense in the last few weeks. Just making sure everyone still believes in that infinite space universe, and would not want you to question things now before the asteroids & fake aliens show begins.

Well this time they've really reached to far into the cookie jar because it is a verifiable fact that in the so called near to vaccum atmosphere (that they made up) on Mars, there is no way a propeller or fan blade can work. They call us science deniers, but when shown using the science itself, that they are wrong, they cowardly take those videos down.

Capricorn One (1978) full movie 👆

Three astronauts are about to launch into space on the first mission to Mars. But when a mechanical failure surfaces that would kill the three men, NASA removes them from the Capricorn One capsule. To prevent a public outcry, NASA launches the capsule unmanned and requires the astronauts to film fake mission footage in a studio. However, the plan is compromised when an ambitious journalist discovers the conspiracy.

youtubednbot dan repost
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Earth's atmosphere is a complex thing that creates many optical phenomenon and illusions.

Atmospheric magnification due to varying concentration of water droplets (humidity), air density at perticular altitude, refraction of light, perspective and field of view limitations of human eye contribute to setting of Sun and Moon on a Flat Earth.

In this video we can see the Moon is setting or disappearing due to Sunlight and atmospheric magnification as the Sun rises or comes in field of view at a particular location.

US Airforce SR-71 pilot's testimony proves the Flat Earth

According to Major Brian Shul of USAF, during his training mission of SR-71 aircraft, at an altitude of 89,000 feet he could view areas well beyond 1000 miles.

If you check this with globe earth's "distance to horizon calculator" and Google earth, at 89,000 feet altitude you can't see beyond 366 miles due to obstruction of earths curvature or bulge.

So the physical reality is totally different from the digital tools globe believes rely on.

What is your current status?
  •   I am a hard core Globe believer
  •   I am a Globe believer but open to Flat Earth idea and research
  •   I am currently researching Flat Earth
  •   I am already a hard core Flat Earther
34 ta ovoz

Scientism Exposed – Documentary by Robbie Davidson (2016)

What if there has been an agenda to keep people from the Truth of God? What if everything modern day science has taught you about your origins is wrong? Make no mistake; the very foundation of all of mankind’s “knowledge” depends on what is believed to be the Truth about the Origin of all that exists.  

“Scientism Exposed” is the long-awaited documentary film uncovering the spiritual agenda and deception with the scientific worldview that many teach today as proven truth and fact.

00:05:48​     Scientism Introduction
00:14:20​   Scientism & Evolution
00:35:25​    Scientism & The Universe
00:44:48​    Scientism & The Occult
00:49:01​    Scientism In The Heavens
00:59:44​     Scientism & Space
01:27:57​ Scientism & The Future
01:39:40​ Scientism & Sin

Mainstream Media has been really frustrated with the Flat Earthers!! 😅

They've literally mentioned everything a Flat Earther believe...Enjoy 😂

🔸 If you believe evolution is fake, then you’re a flat-earther!

🔸 If you believe Earth is closer to 10,000 than 4.5 billion years old, then you’re a flat-earther!

🔸 If you believe global warming is fake, then you’re a flat-earther!

🔸 If you believe COVID-19 is a hoax, then you’re a flat-earther!

🔸 If you think govt is paying hospitals money to “pump up” the covid death numbers, then you’re a flat-earther!

🔸 if you’re anti-mask during a pandemic, then you’re a flat-earther!

🔸 if you’re an anti-vaxxer, then you’re a flat-earther!

Scientific American: The Most Accurate Flat Map of Earth Yet

A Globe believer professor from Princeton University creates a version of Flat Earth map to minimize map error score.

He also acknowledge that the National Geographic Society uses "Winkle Triple" a Flat Earth projection map for all it's practical purposes and projects.

So it is once again proved, that the every US government agency uses flat earth projection maps for their practial application, but still keep the masses in deception about shape of the earth.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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