The Old Aryan Ways Uncensored

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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European folk ways, foretimes and blood.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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The summer solstice is something that has been with us from the start of our history. Over the years customs have changed, however they have not changed as much as others. One would often go out and engage in rituals linked to the sun, and those rituals would include bits of nature so folk would feel closer to the gods and the land around them.

Doing this would make folk feel closer to the land and it was also a day of celebrating something that only happens once each year in each hemisphere, the longest day of the year. Folk would celebrate this day as it was rare and thought to be special since the sun was at the highest point that it would be.

I randomised this, that is why it is not as long as it could be.

This poll will end in around three or four hours, I wonder what the results will be.

What should I write about next? This excludes my summer solstice post I am working on.
  •   How men and women should be treated within a pagan worldview
  •   How to debate Christians the right way
  •   Comparisons of Aryan Sky Fathers
  •   Comparisons of Aryan fire gods
  •   An explanation of the Celtic trinity then and now.
  •   Other (say in the comments)
58 ta ovoz

Happy summer solstice! Get out and enjoy this day for it is a great day to see that the light that makes this possible is a great inspiration to us.

NO LIVES MATTER ☠ dan repost
Taking care of a man, feeding him, clothing him, and anticipating his needs are natural expressions of love for me. I imagine the same is true for a lot of women. Yet little is more repulsive and casts these innate behaviors in a worse light than being told I *must* do these things, that they are part of some debt owed by me to a man by virtue of my sex. The right man will get them, and not because of, but in spite of, said rhetoric.

If you think this is something we should do, leave this channel and never come back. This is why so many of our women are the way they are, I will not accept it around here.

NO LIVES MATTER ☠ dan repost
Who benefits from trying to run half the population away from the truth?

While what is above is true, I do not care if you choose to live your private life naked. You must think about it yourself, it being done in the past does not make it right, what makes it right is that it worked for such a long time while not becoming too corrupt to keep using.

On the Topic of Nakedness – Other Bit

In Sparta it was common to see young women being as naked as young men, examples would be ceremonies, festivals and sports activities. As seen below, both sexes were involved in tournaments and even danced naked with each other. The Spartans are often thought of as great folk to act like, this is (within the context of "far right" ideologies) since being naked is not against what is right. If one goes into a natural landscape one will see no beings out there doing what we do, that is since they have ways to rpotect themselves but also since the rise of Christianity the amount of folk interested in being naked has gone down by a great number.

Quotes on the Spartans

“But in the processions, religious ceremonies, festivals and sports activities of Sparta, the young women were as naked as the young men. Every year during the Gymnopedia, which lasted 10 days, Spartan youth of both sexes competed in sports tournaments and danced naked.

Even the Germanic tribes did this, this annoys those that wish to think of them as men and women that did not live their lives according to what makes the most sense even though they claim to care about what makes the most sense within the context of living in this world of ours. If they (the Germans) trained from childhood and they were interested in avoiding sexual activity until they were married (since it was believed they would become stronger and have a higher moral stature), it would make sense to say that they accepted being naked as another bit of their lives but they did not like it being corrupted.

Quotes on the Germans

"From childhood they practice strengthening the body through exercises.

The man who remains chaste for the longest time receives the highest praise from his people, since the Germans believe that abstaining from sexual activity before marriage increases the physical strength and moral stature of men.

Having sexual relations with a woman before the age of twenty is for the Germans one of the most dishonorable of crimes.

However, there is no hypocrisy in bodily matters, since the men and women bathe together naked in rivers and dress in such a way that a large part of the body remains naked."

Yes, as seen above men and women bathed together, not in the way many men and women do today but they still did it. They would not do it in the way that these degenerates (see the etymology to see that they are truly this) do now, Germanic men and women would, according to Roman sources, bathe together naked in rivers and dress in a way that much of the body would still be naked despite what many think about them.

I do not believe that it is crazy to say that we can have this again, it will take cleansing our lands of those that have done this to us, the ones that have been disturbers of peace for our kind for over 2,000 years now. It is time to get rid of this problem and embrace the truth that we will not be destroyed by them, rather, we will win so we should not care if we are thought of as weird by our enemies since we should not care what they think of us.


Gallic Wars

Europa Soberana


On the Topic of Nakedness – First Bit

There are many folkists and normal folk that have the idea that being naked is almost always linked to sex or degeneracy, this is not the case as I shall prove here. This does not mean that we should be naked at all times and that clothing is not needed, it is but it is not needed as much as many think. The way of being naked that I am speaking of is what Europeans before the rise of Christianity were okay with.

It is only okay if something is there to keep it from being degenerate, it can even be degenerate within a marriage. There are men that do degenerate things to their wives (in this context, their naked wives) so it cannot simply be between a man and a woman to be a good thing.

That something would be strong morals that would keep the chances of it from turning into something perverted (like child rape or other morally depraved things), this is the only way to ensure that something that is natural for us is kept in a state of balance since the body of a woman is almost always attractive to men and the same goes for women and how they are almost always attracted to the bodies of men.

This is since there is a biological need to make more children and that is where the confusion with being naked. This confusion is that being naked means that you are in the mood for sex even though this does not make sense. Sex is one bit of being naked but we were all born naked, were we not? A naked baby is not and should not be seen as attractive but that is how we are all born whether we like it or not.

There is nothing to be ashamed of about being naked, there is nothing wrong with it as long as nobody is harmed by it, then it becomes wrong. There is nothing wrong with being naked since sex is not the only thing about it.

Folk that say things like this are branded as against traditional ways of life even though we can trace this far back in cultures that are often thought of as great. The cultures of Sparta, the Germanic tribes and many across Europe, there are claims that the Picts and the Celts in general fought naked (these claims are doubtful but there is a small bit of truth to them since some Celtic tribes would have wanted to show off the art on their bodies), it is not that hard to extend that to how they lived their lives.


My next post is going to be odd compared to my normal work but I wish for everyone here to give it a chance as it is often linked to degeneracy even though it is as natural as sleeping is.

Truth is Light dan repost
Men and Women are equally valuable opposites. Puzzle pieces designed to fit together perfectly

modern feminism is actually misogyny - it hates everything feminine and female, and seeks to destroy women and cuck men by turning women into imposter men.

Everything in the world today is inversion and perversion of what was once known to be True

Ed dan repost

I shared this since it might interest some on this channel.

I do not mean this in the Abrahamic worldview, what I mean is that only good folk can be in such realms (for a short time or longer depending on the tradition) and that one can always try again in the next life.

It does not matter what it is truly called, whether it is called the Otherworld or Paradise or something else, only those that are good deserve to be in such a place and no evil man or woman will ever be there for they do not deserve to be in such a realm as evil is hated by the gods.

Truth is Light dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
👆🏻Although this type of true love is exceedingly rare in this degenerate and depraved world we live in, it doesn’t change the fact that this is the highest form of human love and sexual virtue. This wholesome sweetness, innocence and purity can never exist in polygamy. It only can exist within monogamous heterosexuality ❤️❤️


Yes, reject the imbalance of modernity, embrace the balance of tradition.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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