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Help fw ya.. anyone.. thank you..

Hi, siapapun yg keep @lcejeno bisa tolong balikin? emg awalnya salah gua soalnya lupa keep pas gua lepas, I'm so sorry for that. Balikin yaa, ada buktinya juga itu punya gua. You can contact me through @JenofRobot atau pc aja @Yoonomh, thank you so much.

Kecololan usn 2 kali tp gua #gapapa

TLG BALIKIN dan repost
Hi boleh bantu fw? usn ku @seuvnghee ke keep orang, baru ku lepas beberapa menit, trus di timer gitu kan, taunya malah keduluan orang. yang keep boleh tolong lepas ngga? itu usn kesayangan akuu TT kalo mau bukti ada di @demowns banyak. chat @City_263bot ya tolong

Disini ya

Sigh of Hell. dan repost
Speak up is everyone's right, but the way you say 'help fw, moots' when you do it, i don't get it. I mean, speak up is the way you publish your own opinion, and opinions are not for everyone to agree on + no need to everyone knows. If your intention just trynna to look cool, add viewers on your channel, even though you don't know what you're talking about, i think it would be better if you just keep it by yourself?

And the way you speak up with many harshwords then you said 'help fw' i can't understand what do you mean. Speak up is public speaking, so please use the right word, you have to know manner of speaking when you speak up even though you say your channel has a lot of harshwords.

Speak up is the way you publish what's on your mind about smt. So, please if you don't have the right basic bout the topic that you wanna talk about, don't force anyone to agree with your sentences. Opinions are opinions, everyone have it and not everyone have the same opinions with yours.

9 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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