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Be Not Content

Be not content; contentment means inaction;
The growing soul aches on its upward quest.
Satiety is kin to satisfaction;
All great achievements spring from life's unrest.

The tiny root, deep in the dark mold hiding
Would never bless the earth with fruit and flower,
Were not an inborn restlessness abiding
In seed and germ to stir them with its power.

Were man contented with his lot forever,
He had not sought strange seas with sails unfurled
And the vast glories of our shores had never
Dawned on the gaze of an admiring world.

Prize what is yours, but be not quite contented;
There is a healthful restlessness of soul,
By which mighty purpose is augmented
To urge men onward to a higher goal.

So, when the restless impulse rises, driving
Thy calm content before it, do not grieve;
'This but the upward reaching and striving
Of the good in you to achieve, achieve.

You cannot enthrone a race of mental dwindlings and physical cowards,—cowards by virtue of their submission to a network of "creeds" and "laws" they've allowed to be woven around them, and which they stupidly support and defend.

War is a creator of progress, for it purifies the blood, thoughts, and brains of men. Man has been a fighting animal for a million years, and because of this he is still alive and flourishing. He would otherwise have been extinct as a species a thousand years ago. War produces the Will to Power man, who is the plus-man of the period—the creator of new ideas, new conditions, new epochs. War is a good thing for posterity. A returned warrior is worth ten stay-at-home men. Fighting men are a great asset in the production of a virile breed. A man who can't or won't fight is better dead—for he makes better manure.

The Robbers of Today

In the time of Rome Imperator—in the age of Charlemagne,
In the days of Hun and Vandal, and the swoop of Tamerlane—
Men risked their bones for booty in the battle's bloody fray;
Not so the chartered robbers who rob the world today.

The miner pays them tribute, and the farmer's "home" is theirs;
They coin OUR coal and iron and OUR silver into "shares."
The wool fleets northward sailing—the wine and grain and hay,
Belong, without exception, to the robbers of today.

The widow, starving slowly, and the child that feeds on crusts,
Are melted down to dividends by vast financial trusts.
O, cruel were Pizarro's hordes who marched to loot and slay;
More ruthless far the mortgage wolves—the robbers of today.

Their stronghold's in the city's heart (no "castles by the Rhine");
Their throne's a marble counting house—where brassy doorplates shine;
Their swords are acts of Congress and Judges in array—
O, mighty are the mortgage kings, that rule the world today!

When the kindly Roman emperor imagined that peace had settled down permanently upon the ancient world, even then the (dissimulating) assassin's dagger was sharpening for his throat; and now while lower organisms dream of a "world of lovers," of arbitration instead of hostility, of conciliation between rival carnivores, the mechanism of deletion is silently under construction; that, when completed, will sweep them from the face of the earth.

"Good blade! Mighty overcomer! Trusty friend! I salute thee! Verily thou are my saviour, my deliverer, my Iron Redeemer! Glorious steel, ruler of earth and ocean, thou wast never a backbiter yet! In the hour of need thou didst not desert me!"

What gods hast thou, that bow before the might of mortal men?
Surrendered now in ignorance; enslaved before the pen
Of magistrates and potentates less powerful than thee—
What makers vested strength within the legs that bend the knee?
What then of their countenance, their handiwork to see?
Cry out! Cry out unto them and witness unto me!

What chains and shackles hobble thee, what burden giveth pause?
What fearsome power maketh thee unworthy of thy cause?
What of the faith and principles thou surely must despise,
To supplicate in deference before a throne of lies?

Count for me the years before the soul of freedom dies.
Art thou now a servant and a slave in thine own eyes?
What fools are we, who in false grace before accusers bowed
And in our hubris and our haste their tyranny allowed.

The philosophy of power boldly proclaimed. The good old religion of fate and gold—the logic of our forefathers—glad tidings of great joy for the well-born and strong—the iron gospel of Odin and Thor revindicated—the lordship of the cross of steel—the heroic ideal of Mars and Jupiter versus the tearful ideal of Chivalry...

Equality can only exist amongst equals. Civilization implies division of labor, and division of labor implies subordination, and subordination implies injustice and inequality. Woe to me if I speak not truth!

At such words as these, pusillanimity blanches with timidity, gathers in its idol halls, supplicating: "Lord, have mercy upon us!—have mercy upon us!—Deliver us from evil!"

In primitive communities the philosophy of Power is thoroughly understood by and acted upon by all classes—even by the Servi.
The ideas of abstract justice, righteousness, non-resistance, can find no lodgement in an uncorrupted brain. Life is too grim in a camp of hunters and warriors for artificialism to meet anything more appreciative than a good-natured sarcasm. He who has to hunt for his family-dinner every forenoon (and seize land on which to build his shelter) is not over likely to enthusiastically swallow the depraved theoria of self-renunciation, or pledge unbounded allegiance to a self-appointed ring of tax-gatherers—masquerading as political philanthropists.

He maintains his own inherent independent royalty for as long as he CAN, and never surrenders, except before absolutely superior force. Even then, he vows limitless vengeance, and obligates his sons and sons' sons to undying hatred against the domination and spoilation, of his conquerors.

What is the elemental difference between a Roman mandamus, a Turkish firman, a Russian ukase, a "Supreme" Court injunction or an order in Chancery? They are exact synonyms. Whatever their salient phraseology may be, in they are visible manifestations of Imperial Power—of Sceptred Majesty. No Sacerdotal sophistry can permanently disguise this fact, and what is more important, no emotional demagoguery can remove it.

At this very moment, while the land burns and the people toil uselessly, behind the vaunted, jeweled gates of government—great financial corporations (backed by the state, or otherwise involved), directed mostly by Hebrews, literally coin great empires into golden dividends, buy land and neighborhood SO THAT YOU cannot have it, purchase vast swathes of lands whereby they may place invaders—LEGALLY and not—within your midst, this they do and shall do once the ordeal has ended; upon the share lists of mortgage banks and man-devouring institutions generally may be found the names of governors, statesmen, generals—and other human carnivores by the thousand.

He who doubts should look up the official share-registers, and behold the long rows of adorable names belonging to “high priests,” philanthropists, humanitarians, activists and rulers appearing thereon.


EVERYTHING THAT IS GOOD IN MAN is associated with his fighting qualities, and he who has no fighting qualities is not a man, even though he looks like one. In fact, it is man's fighting powers that make him what he is. These fighting qualities are manifested in hundreds of different ways, according to the breed and character of the individual.

Why then should we suppress and defame the highest and holiest and most virile of masculine forces? Why should we declare that the virtues of tranquility are nobler than the virtues of combat? What reason is there in this? The argument for “peace of earth” is without logic, without reason and without justice. It is at enmity with every man whose prosperity is still to be won.

Is not all life a battle for bread? How can we get lands, women and gold, if we must not fight for them? What madness therefore to condemn the struggle for existence? Rather should we glorify it and raise it to the highest pinnacle of honor—deify it in fact.

Ask yourself—are you a winner in the struggle for existence. If not, why not? Why are you a failure? Why are you so helpless and suppressed? Why so inefficient? What is the matter with you? Where are your fighting qualities? Have you really got any? If so, why do you permit yourself to be crushed and broken?

Go—investigate yourself.

Free America

That seat of science Athens,
And earth's proud mistress, Rome,
Where now are all their glories
We scarce can find a tomb.
Then guard your rights, Americans,
Nor stoop to falsehood sway,
Oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose
For North America.

Proud Albion bow'd to Caesar,
And numerous lords before,
To Picts, to Danes, to Normans,
And many masters more;
But we can boast Americans
Have never fall'n a prey,
Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza
For Free America.

We led fair Freedom hither,
And lo, the desert smiled,
A paradise of pleasure
New opened in the wild;
Your harvest, bold Americans,
No power shall snatch away,
Preserve, preserve, preserve your rights
In Free America.

Torn from a world of tyrants
Beneath this western sky
We formed a new dominion,
A land of liberty;
The world shall own we're freemen here,
And such will ever be,
Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza
For love and liberty.

God bless this maiden climate,
And through her vast domain
May hosts of heroes cluster
That scorn to wear a chain.
And blast the venal sycophants
Who dare our rights betray;
Assert yourselves, yourselves, yourselves
For brave America,

Lift up your hearts, my heroes,
And swear with proud disdain,
The wretch that would ensnare you
Shall spread his net in vain;
Should Europe empty all her force,
We'd meet them in array,
And shout huzza, huzza, huzza
For brave America.

The land where freedom reigns shall still
Be masters of the main,
In giving laws and freedom
To subject France and Spain;
And all the isles o'er ocean spread
Shall tremble and obey,
The prince who rules by Freedom's laws
In North America.

“Thus did the great guile-masters
Their toils and their tangles set,
And as wide as was the water,
So wide was woven the net.”

Our Federal Government may be appropriately compared to a pirate ship, cleverly disguised as a friendly armed cruiser, convoying a fleet of peaceful merchantmen loaded with an immense treasure and Two-hundred-million passengers. When it first came to their “assistance” it was Oh! so kindly! so affectionate! so full of loving regard for its intended prey, for the welfare and bon-voyage of its quarry.

Now, however, that its fifty ships of state are out in the open ocean, and absolutely at its mercy, it strips off its decoy rig, hoists the “Deaths-head-and-bloody-bones,” opens its hidden portholes, runs out its round-lipped broadsides, and yells through its editorial speaking-trumpets: “Heave to there, or you'll be blown out of the water!”

Thus it will be seen the Jesuitic “Evangel of Equality” has proved itself a tremendous success. It seduced the American People into a feeling of contentment and security till their “bonds” and fetters were properly forged, polished, and neatly riveted on.

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