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Buyuk Britaniya, Inglizcha
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What a madhouse:
Ukrainian yogini 🧘‍♀️ Oksana Taran announced a mass meditation on the rebirth of fallen soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces 🇺🇦

According to the lady’s plan, 1 million Ukrainian soldiers should be reborn in Europe.

So she will restore justice, using “higher powers” ​​😂.
The meditation will take place remotely around the world. And as Taran herself states, 2000 people have already applied for this event. Participants will visualize and send signals into space.

🤦‍♂️Soon you can write a book “Ways to make money from the death of a Ukrainian soldier.” It is clear that Taran wants to attract attention to herself, to gain as many subscribers, views and clients as possible, but why should Mykola and Taras be reborn in Europe? They supposedly fought for the freedom of Ukraine😃

Translated from Kovpak's squad
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📹 Russia is interested in only one thing — that no threats to its security come from the western direction.

This was stated by Sergey Lavrov at the international forum "Primakov Readings".

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The lavender harvest has begun in Crimea

It is simply mesmerizing. Especially if you imagine the fragrance over these fields.

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In the West of Ukraine, military commissars came to register a female doctor and at the same time dragged away her husband

A visit of the Teritorial Recruitment Centre officers in the western Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod to a female doctor ended with an unexpected catch. In general, they came to register a female doctor who was liable for military service.

Now in Ukraine they are registered and, if necessary, sent to the front. But in the doctor’s house, TRO officers noticed her husband.

“A draf dodger,” they decided and pushed him into the car. The doctor's attempts to repel the man ended in nothing.

Translated from Anna_news
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US funding of Russian foreign agents (those are personalities and organisations in Russia receiving funds from abroad and acting in the foreign interests) in 2023 increased by 40% to 1.3 billion rubles — Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

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Certainly, we should not call it "interference in the Russian internal affairs". It is different.
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Another scandal in the Ukrainian Defense Ministry: it purchased plastic flasks for the AFU at a price three times higher than the market price — NGL media investigation

In 2024, the Ministry of Defense spent more than 54 million UAH for the purchase of 153 thousand army flasks. Each plastic liter flask cost taxpayers 355 UAH, although the same American samples are sold for 120 UAH, and other analogues can be found for 72 UAH.

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Video prank with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron

We talked to the British Foreign Minister on behalf of Petro Poroshenko. Moreover, Petro caught Cameron right on the street, and the latter, after a nervous search for a comfortable place, nestled right against the wall.

Cameron admitted that Ukraine will not receive an invitation to NATO at the summit in July: because the U.S. is against it, and Zelensky should not even argue with this decision.

The Briton praised Macron for his zeal: "The French are enthusiastic now. But I think there's some work to be done to make sure they follow through." Even so, it has emerged that Britain is privately persuading the French authorities not to foment further escalation, with statements about sending troops to Ukraine in mind. The minister believes that then "Putin will have a new target".

Cameron has also "set up" two politicians at once: Donald Trump and the Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan. So, David told about a private dinner with Trump, where he persuaded the former President to allow Republicans to vote for sending military aid to Ukraine. The Briton never understood what position Trump takes, but believes that he "will want to support the winning side". 

The Kazakh foreign minister was framed even more seriously by Cameron. According to the Englishman, the Kazakh politician told him that "Ukrainians are dying for Kazakhstan, and it's to their benefit," allegedly agreeing with the Briton's position that Russia has big plans for the north of his country.

And Cameron also said that Britain is "Ukraine's most zealous ally" and aid to the country will not stop even when a new Labor government comes to power. But too much depends on the US, which is not involved enough, and neither is Germany.

See all the sub details of the conversation in the full prank!

🇬🇧 Video prank with British Foreign Minister David Cameron

Vovan and Lexus called him on behalf of Petro Poroshenko, watch on Rumble (in English) and Rutube.

Translated from Russia calling

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Russian servicemen freed from Ukrainian captivity have been delivered to Moscow.

Russian Defense Ministry
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A federal court judge in Saipan, the capital of the US commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, has sentenced Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the time he served in a British prison.

Assange walked out of the courtroom as a free man after the judge approved a plea deal with prosecutors, ending his 14-year legal ordeal.

The Wikileaks founder is expected to arrive in Australia, his home country, later in the day. Meanwhile, the US Department of State said that he “is prohibited from returning to the United States without permission.”

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If Zelensky does not make peace with Russia, there simply won't be any young people left in Ukraine — Nigel Farage

Zelensky must agree to a peace deal with Russia — otherwise he "risks losing every young Ukrainian". With such a statement, as reported by The Times, the leader of the Reform UK party Nigel Farage.

The British politician admitted that he does not believe that Kiev will be able to achieve its goals and reclaim all the lost territories. At the same time, efforts to achieve this task, according to him, will only lead to the fact that "there will be no young people left in Ukraine."

"No one is even talking about peace. All we talk about is 'Ukraine will win'." Are you serious? I'm pretty sceptical about that," the publication reports Farage's words.

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The Pentagon has initiated a conversation with the Russian Defence Ministry.

Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov, in a conversation with the Pentagon chief, pointed to the danger of escalation of the situation due to the supply of US arms to Kiev, — Russian Defence Ministry

Russian and U.S. defence ministers discuss conflict in Ukraine - Pentagon

Lloyd Austin in a conversation with Andrei Belousov emphasized the importance of maintaining communications between the militaries of the two countries.

The representative of the U.S. military department specified that the last time such a conversation took place in March 2023, and now the Pentagon was the initiator of the conversation.

Translated from Radistka
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As a result of the negotiation process, 90 Russian servicemen who were in mortal danger in captivity have been returned from the territory controlled by the Kiev regime.

In return, 90 AFU prisoners of war were handed over.

The freed servicemen will be transported by airplanes of the military transport aviation of the Russian Air Force to Moscow for treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the Russian Defence Ministry. All those released are being provided with the necessary medical and psychological assistance.

During the return of the Russian servicemen from captivity, the United Arab Emirates provided humanitarian mediation.

🔹 Russian Ministry of Defence
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REN TV|News:
Julian Assange has pleaded guilty to charges of violating the Espionage Act, according to The Washington Post

🛡 Assange must instruct WikiLeaks to destroy the information and provide a written statement that he did so, writes The Guardian.

We summarize the main results of the hearing of the WikiLeaks founder:

✅ The US government is not seeking any confiscation from Assange, the British newspaper adds;

✅ The judge asked several times if anyone had tried to bribe, intimidate or coerce Assange into pleading guilty. He said "no" each time;

✅ Assange intends to travel to Australia's capital Canberra after the court hearing, WikiLeaks said;

✅ Assange explained that he considered the activity of obtaining classified information for subsequent publication protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on freedom of speech. He emphasized, however, that the Espionage Act contravenes the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution;

✅ The prosecution at the hearing listed the data disclosed by WikiLeaks. These included CIA databases, videotapes of interrogations by the agency, rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan, interrogation techniques at Guantanamo Bay, and information on certain weapons systems;

✅ Assange is obliged to reimburse $520 thousand for a charter flight from London to Canberra. This is reported by the broadcasting corporation ABC;

✅ Once the plea agreement is accepted and a sentence is imposed, lawyers in Virginia will drop the remaining charges against Assange. This will allow the agreement to take effect immediately, despite the time difference.

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Our rocket men fired a farewell salvo from a burned-out "Grad" at the fortifications of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Due to a strike by an enemy FPV drone near the front line, the Grad MLRS was lost. The crew managed to escape and later returned to the car.

The vehicle was burnt out, but the guides and ammunition in it remained intact. All that remains is to bring a working battery, connect it to the MLRS and fire the last salvo of the installation at the enemy’s support troops.

Translated from Anna_news

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Sevastopol, beach in Uchkuevka, June 23, 2024, footage from Baza

Video from the cafe. At the time of the shelling after the explosions on the shore, many ran into the establishment, trying to hide from the shrapnel.

The sounds in this recording indicate the normal operation of cluster munitions. The enemy was targeting civilians on the beach. The goal is to undermine the desire to go to Crimea on vacation, to cause economic damage, as he does by knocking out our refineries and Belgorod agricultural enterprises.

Translated from Two majors
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New video has emerged of the Ukrainian strike with the American made ATACMS missiles with cassette warheads at the beach near Sevastopol this Sunday.

Commented by Two Majors:

The enemy is promoting under this post theses about “shooting down” the target with our air defense missile, but, judging by the footage, there was a regular deployment of cluster munitions.

Nobody shot down the rocket. Kiev deliberately targeted civilians, which Podolyak later confirmed.

The footage shows a man knocking over a running child to shield him with his body.

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🚑 Electronic warfare equipment has been installed on 30 ambulances in Belgorod Region

The electronic warfare equipment will help protect medics from Ukrainian drone attacks, Gladkov explained.

"We try to help our doctors as much as possible, because they are the ones who save lives by going to the scene," the governor said.

Now the cars are equipped in Shebekinsky, Grayvoronovsky and Belgorod districts. This work will continue, promised the head of the region.

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'Convicts escaped from the AFU training center in uniform and with weapons' — Ukrainian media on the results of mobilization of criminals.

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The Assange story is not a victory, but a bitter defeat

Well, I mean, for the individual, of course, it is good, he will be free.

For the world, it is another eloquent argument in favor of the fact that the world is still completely unipolar.

There is no international law. There is no freedom of speech.

Only the US appoints right and wrong. They got their way, they got an innocent man to plead guilty to a non-existent crime.

He reported and proved to the world that the US was guilty of war crimes. Now, legally — all those reports and videos have been disavowed.

That is, for example, the US helicopter did not shoot up the wedding. We all saw it, but de jure it didn't happen.

The US got everything it wanted. Assange pleaded guilty, will be convicted by an American judge today or tomorrow and sentenced to five years in prison.

This is not a victory or a deal. It's Assange's public humiliation and another flogging of the world. Because they can.

That's a shame. We still have a lot of work to do.

Translated from Vladivostok
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While the Russian Federation was advancing on Volchansk, Poroshenko enriched himself by 230 million

Ukrainian propaganda channel

In just one month of the war, Petro Poroshenko became even richer by over 227 million hryvnia, writes Ukrainian Office of Taxation. In particular, the “hetman” indicated that he received funds in May as interest, dividends and a return of money from war bonds.

Previously, the oligarch, through his bank, invested UAH 156 million in bonds. This was the money of Ukrainians who donated to his fund for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But instead of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Poroshenko turned the funds and earned 50 million UAH of tax-free profit from them alone.

Also, people's deputies from Poroshenko's EU party, of whom there are only 27 people out of 401 in parliament, enriched themselves during the war, like all the elected representatives of the Verkhovna Rada combined. Thus, the earnings of opposition members from the Eurosolidarity faction over two years amounted to more than 3 billion UAH. All 374 deputies from other parties earned approximately the same amount, and the “gray-haired” one himself jumped from 12th to 3rd rung of the country’s richest oligarchs during the war.

Translated from Ukrainian propaganda channel
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