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There is no freedom in a world of lies. And there can't be peace when there is no freedom. Only the truth can set us free. We only side with the ordinary people of the world. Bipartisan.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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EU sanctions force search engines to bury Russian news outlets

The latest skirmish of EU sanctions against Russia will force the likes of Google and social media platforms to suppress or even completely hide posts or content produced by Russian news outlets.

DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg openly admitted on Twitter that his search engine company is manipulating results it considers Russian "disinformation."

No one has a right to ban information about events that are happening. People have a right to hear all sides. Always 'Question More'.

Russian FM Sergey Lavrov speaks to the press after negotiations in Turkey, on human shields being used by Ukrainian battalions, biological weapons, values and working with NATO.

Mazmun berkitilgan

GEORGENEWS dan repost
⚡️Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby JUST LIED TO THE WORLD

US has funded Ukraine Lab Pathogen and Bio Weapon Research since 200

A publicly-available document📎 shows a $15MN agreement signed between the US DoD and Ukraine’s Health Ministry to support research into biological weapon research in Kiev, Lvov and Odessa.

The US govt provided materials and training for “cooperative biological research, biological threat agent detection and response, and improving biological material protection, control and accountability”.

Details were withheld from public disclosure, but “state secrets of Ukraine” were to be shared with the US Defense Dept.

Checkmate. Time to reveal what really went on there for almost two decades?


Cecilia 🌹 dan repost
Yes. Let's not forget the ordinary Russian citizens in all of this. They are suffering too, sanctions, shut down just for being Russian. All this bollocks and virtue signalling about standing with Ukraine. Yeah okay... But I also stand with the ordinary Russian who's done NOTHING to deserve the global persecution. They too want a peaceful life. All because the corrupt power hungry 'leaders' can't get on and want a cult driven agenda.There are no winners for the ordinary folk. If I hear one more person say "I stand with Ukraine"... 🤯 Russian's have become the new new version of the 'anti vaxxers'. Swap one baddie for another. The cult promotes archetypal sides. Good v Bad etc. Angel v Devil.. they know how powerful these archetypes are to the subconscious mind. If people are asleep they will follow any popular narrative. Who wants to support the 'bad guys'. No one. That's why we see those sanctimonious celebs 'standing with Ukraine'.
Stand for humanity. ❤️

Blue dimension news dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
120 tonnes of humanitarian aid delivered to Kharkov region in Ukraine from Russia - Russian Defence Ministry

It included food, bottled drinking water, medicines, clothing and bedding.


Disclosure HUB dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
😮😮😮🔥🔥Proof of the Labs and Organ harvesting in Ukraine

Just Human ️️️ dan repost
From anon @CueBacca:

"Dated JULY 28, 2021, its an amendment made by the DEFENCE THREAT REDUCTION AGENCY, COOPERATIVE THREAT REDUCTION and BIOLOGICAL THREAT REDUCTION PROGRAM to speed up the process of a previous extension request made in order to bring both the facilities(biolabs in Ukraine) up to compliance with WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION standards before opening.

...Guys, 7 months from July 28 2021 was FEBUARY 28 2022.



Did Putin intentionally stop these two new Biolabs labs from opening? It’s starting to seem that way."

Russia Demands US Explain Biological Labs in Ukraine.

Russia claims to have uncovered US-linked bioweapon facilities in Ukraine, apparently intended solely for military use.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has said that Washington owes Moscow and the world an explanation. Firstly, as Ukraine is Russia’s neighbor, and secondly that it might make the US' anti-WMD efforts around the world somewhat hypocritical.

9 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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