TTA Urganch Filiali | Rasmiy Kanal dan repost
🇺🇿 Oldin xabar berganimizdek, Turkiya Respublikasi Dengizli shahri Pamukkale universitetidan TTA Urganch fialiga bir guruh professor-oʻqituvchilar tashrif buyurgan edi. Delegatsiya vakillari filial professor-oʻqituvchilari bilan birgalikda tibbiyot muassasalarida boʻlib, murakkab operatsiyalarda ishtirok etishdi hamda bemorlarni tibbiy koʻrikdan oʻtkazishdi, shuningdek, filialda talaba-yoshlarga oʻz mutaxassisliklari yuzasidan maʼruzalar oʻqishdi.
🇬🇧 As we reported earlier, a group of professors and teachers from Pamukkale University, Dengizli, Turkey, visited Urgench branch of TMA. Representatives of the delegation visited medical institutions and participated in complex operations and they also gave lectures on their specialties to students at the branch.
TTA Urganch filiali Matbuot xizmatining rasmiy sahifalari:
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🇬🇧 As we reported earlier, a group of professors and teachers from Pamukkale University, Dengizli, Turkey, visited Urgench branch of TMA. Representatives of the delegation visited medical institutions and participated in complex operations and they also gave lectures on their specialties to students at the branch.
TTA Urganch filiali Matbuot xizmatining rasmiy sahifalari:
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