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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Libshit retards conveniently love to ignore the sex trafficking of hundreds of thousands of children all because muh immigrants have yummy food

Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🇺🇸🇺🇸❌🇮🇷🇮🇷 — Republican Candidate and Favorite to win US presidential elections, Donald Trump, in answer to the Pasdaran threats against his life vows to take forceful action against the ruling authorities in Iran:

If you do anything to harm this person (him, Donald J. Trump), we are going to blow your largest cities and the country itself to smithereens.

And there would be no more threats.


965 0 22 21 55

I read rumours about Western powers backing out of deep strikes inside of Russia because Russia has threatened to nuke Western Ukraine.

Now Putin wants to officially make this legal (previous Russian nuclear doctrine forbids striking a non-nuclear state).

In other words, the updated Russian doctrines allows for nuclear strikes against Ukraine.


1.1k 0 17 24 49

A post I saw on Substack

> The chuds, most unpleasant.

> Agreed. I love the FBI.

> What are your thoughts on the CIA? Amazing, or... amazing?

> Ha, you got me. Super amazing. Trump is quite the buffoon.

> Frankly I think he deserves a 38th felony, for being so unsavory.

> Hear hear. I love my new neoliberal character arc.

> It's neat how we both used to be one way, then we saw a study and read a book, and now we're another way.

> We embody an Aristotelian erudition that the rightoids cannot grasp.

> MAGA lacks a certain Nietzschean dialectic, if you will.

> Actually I believe Hegel speaks of this.

> Hegel doesn't address this, have you ever read his work?

> No. Have you ever read any Nietzsche?

> No.

977 0 13 3 79

1k 0 33 28 10

Rerum Novarum // Intel, Breaking News, and Alerts dan repost
🇺🇸⚡️- Oran Routh, son of second would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh, arrested for possession of child pornography

I love how despite all of the attempts to deescalate the conflict by the Lebanese after Israel killed over 500 of them, Israel STILL went forward with their SMO, confirming that the decision was made earlier, irrespective of Hezbollah's actions.

As Israeli troops prepare to invade Lebanon for the fourth time, let us not forget that, unlike Russia, Israel will face no sanctions for its actions and the Lebanese will pretty much pay for the Holocaust and October 7th combined.

Intel Slava Z dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🇮🇱🇱🇧Netanyahu officially announced the start of the SMO

He addressed the people of Lebanon and asked them to leave the "danger zones."

He stressed that Israeli troops are not waging a war against the Lebanese people, but against Hezbollah, which, he said, has placed missiles in the homes and garages of civilians.

He also assured that after the completion of the military operation, the Lebanese will be able to return to their homes.

923 0 13 15 49

Is anyone ever popular in the UK?

1k 0 15 11 58

Fuck Boomers

1.2k 0 30 38 81

Durov has been compromised. What the Russian government couldn’t do, the Western governments have managed to accomplish.

1.2k 0 13 15 50

Intel Slava Z dan repost
✉️Pavel Durov announced new measures to combat illegal content on Telegram.

Using AI, the messenger's search engine was modified to prevent it from being used to sell illegal goods. Illegal content that was detected was removed.

Telegram also changed its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy so that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate the rules could be disclosed to relevant authorities around the world in response to valid legal requests.

1.1k 0 27 17 59

Intel Slava Z dan repost
🇺🇸Trump has raised the possibility of his defeat in the election. He has raised this possibility twice in the last few days and said he will not run again in four years, the BBC notes.

At an Israeli American Council event on Thursday, Trump said that if he loses, American Jews will be partly to blame.

"Do they even realize what's going to happen if I don't win this election? And the Jews are going to have a lot to do with it, because with 40 percent [of support], that means 60 percent are voting for the enemy!" Trump said.

And on Sunday he announced that if he loses, he will not run again in four years.

"No. I think that's it. I don't see [myself running again] at all. I hope we do very well," Trump, 78, responded to a question on the matter.

1.1k 0 13 13 41

Visited Germany 🇩🇪

12 million people are interested in seeing one conservative debating 25 liberals while just two million people are interested in one liberal debating 20 conservatives

1.5k 0 12 13 44

Intel Slava Z dan repost
✉️⚡️The Telegram messenger, whose management has agreed to cooperate with the French security forces, has begun to respond to requests from other countries as part of cybercrime investigations (c) Le Figaro

1.2k 0 13 39 42

I just finished "The College Scam" by Charlie Kirk. I've got to say that although Kirk is a notable Con Inc. figure who I (and Ubersoy) heavily disagree with, this book has a lot of good arguments and very concerning data. Every statistic I cite in this post is in the book.

Cost: The cost of attending an American college is absolutely ridiculous. Only 62% of full-time undergraduates graduate within six years, and many incur significant debt without a degree. Borrowers in their sixties owe $86 billion in student loan debt, with Social Security checks being garnished for payments. Student debt negatively affects homeownership rates and related industries, with 35% of the decline attributed to student loans. Then there are individual cases such as the graduates from the Columbia film program who have a median debt of $181,000 but earn less than $30,000 two years post-graduation.

Value of Education: Then there is the issue of whether or not one actually needs to go to college. A survey showed that 44% of respondents felt their college education was not worthwhile. Prestigious universities reportedly show little improvement in graduates' critical thinking skills over four years and only 27% of graduates work in fields related to their majors, with many STEM graduates not employed in STEM roles. In fact, American education is so bad that the Chinese have a literal tendency to send their children to prestigious American universities as "back ups" for if they don't get accepted into Chinese universities.

University Corruption: There is the issue of just how corrupt and greedy the education system is. The biggest problem is the lending companies who lobby both sides of Congress to keep students from defaulting on their student loans. Student debt service companies spent more than $4 million lobbying Congress in 2020 alone. Then, when Obama signed legislation in 2010 that made the federal government the lender of choice for most students, that flooded these universities with millions of dollars, allowing them to jack up tuition prices because they know they'll get paid no matter what.

Radical Leftism: This doesn't need much of an explanation. Colleges are filled with libtards. But it's not that they're just libtards; it's that they're genuinely insane. For example, three researchers wrote twenty academic papers and submitted them to peer-reviewed academic journals. These papers were filled with the most insane ideas and fallacious arguments one could think of. My favorite paper that they published was "Our Struggle Is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to Neoliberal and Choice Feminism." This paper literally just copied and pasted a chapter from Mein Kampf then reworded it to sound feminist. You get the point. Universities tolerate the most insane, dysgenic, harmful leftist views you can possibly think of.

Foreign Influence: Finally, there is the issue of foreign influence and radical leftism. Countries hostile to America (Such as China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc) spend billions of dollars in setting up "cultural institutions" on university campuses, only to serve as a gateway to spreading their propaganda. Even the Palestinian Authority donated a million dollars to Harvard. Why do all these countries do this? Because they know it's a good investment to spread their ideas to young Americans. They sponsor foreign students to infiltrate these universities, get an American education, then possibly infiltrate the government. This is fundamentally a national security issue.

That's basically the summary of Kirk's book. He makes other arguments, but these are the biggest ones. I didn't include every piece of data I read or every funny anecdote, because the point has already been made. I recommend reading this book and thinking very wisely about college if you live in America.

1.5k 0 31 53 49

2.3k 1 74 11 36

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.