Anti-White Portland Proud Boys attacking Rose City Nationalists whom they greatly outnumber. They call them "racists" and attack them from behind and while they're on the ground. Doing to people further right of them what Antifa has done to them several times. When they rip their masks off you can see that they're mostly young guys outsized by the fatter middle aged drunks and drug addicts who are attacking them. Pretty much all the younger talent and men with promise have abandoned the sinking ship that is Proud Boys in Portland area. Leaving it one of the most degenerate ((((anti-White))) PB chapters, next to Ohio of course.
This is a lesson for why we need Unity amongst Our People especially while out at rallies. You can't take a small crew of green boys into a situation in a place notorious for hands off policing where hostile Antifa/Proud Boys (same thing in Portland) are going to be there in much greater numbers. When the situation is against you, you need numbers.