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✅why in News: During his four-day visit to the UK and Italy, Indian Army Chief Manoj Naravane will inaugurate the Indian Army Memorial at Cassino in Italy, about 140 km away from Rome.

✅About: The memorial commemorates over 3,100 Commonwealth servicemen who took part in the effort to liberate Italy in World War II. Apart from this, 900 Indian soldiers were also commemorated on this memorial.

▪️What was happening in Italy in WWII?

✅Under Benito Mussolini, Italy had joined Nazi Germany in 1936 and in 1940 it entered WWII (1939-1945) against the Allies.

✅But in 1943, Mussolini was overthrown and instead, Italy declared war on Germany. The invasion of Italy by the Allies coincided with an armistice that was made with the Italians.

▪️What was India’s involvement in World War II?

✅Indian Army was the largest volunteer force during WWII, with over 2.5 million Indians participating.

✅These troops fought the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) as part of the Allies.

✅Three infantry divisions of the Indian Army took part in the Italian campaign. These were the 4th, 8th and 10th Indian Divisions.


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🔆Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

✅Why in News- The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has paid homage to Rishi Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay on his Jayanti.


✅Bankim Chandra Chatterjee or Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (1838 – 1894) was an Indian novelist, poet and journalist.
✅He is known as Sahitya Samrat (Emperor of Literature) in Bengali. He wrote fourteen novels and many serious, serio-comic, satirical, scientific and critical treatises in Bengali.
✅He also received the title of Rai Bahadur in 1891.
✅One of his brothers, Sanjib Chandra Chattopadhyay was also a novelist and is known for his book "Palamau".

▪️Literary career

✅Chattopadhyay's earliest publications were in Ishwar Chandra Gupta's weekly newspaper Sangbad Prabhakar.
✅Durgeshnandini (Daughter of the Feudal Lord) is a Bengali historical romance novel written by Indian writer Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay in 1865. Durgeshnandini is the first Bengali novel written by him as well as the first major Bengali novel in the history of Bengali literature.
✅Anandamath is a Bengali fiction, written by him and published in 1882. It is inspired by and set in the background of the Sannyasi Rebellion in the late 18th century. Vande Mataram as the Motherland was published in this novel.
✅Vande Mataram (also pronounced Bande Mataram) is a Bengali poem, written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee , originally in Sanskrit, in 1870s, which he included in his 1882 novel Anandamath.


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🔆Evolution of Civil services in India:

1. Cornwallis ( 1786-93) first to organise .

2. Wellesley ( 1798-1805)
A. Fort William college for new recruits
B. 1806- Disapproved ( by Court of Directors)
C. East India College at Haileybury in England

3. 1853- Open competition

4. Indian Civil Service Act, 1861:
A. Age: 23 (1859), 22 ( 1860), 21 ( 1866), 19 ( 1878)
B. 1863- Satyendra Nath Tagore became first Indian to qualify

5. Statutory civil service (1878-79: Lytton)
A. 1/6th covenanted post to Indians through nominations ( system failed and abolished)

6. Aitchison Committee on Public Services ( 1886) - Dufferin
A. Drop covenanted and uncovenanted
B. Imperial Indian Civil service ( Exam- England), Provincial Civil Service ( exam- India),
Subordinate Civil Service ( Exam- India)
C. Raising Age limit to 23

7. Montford Reforms 1919:
A. 1/3rd recruitment in India itself- to be raised annually by 1.5%

8. Lee Commission 1924:
A. Direct recruit. To ICS on basis of 50:50 parity to be reached in 15 yrs
B. Public Service Commission to be established ( as laid in GoI Act,1919)

9. GoI Act, 1935:
A. Establishment of Federal Public Service Commission and Provincial Public Service Commission


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🔆Evolution of Police System

1. 1770: Institution of Faujdars and amils abolished ( Faujdars restored by Warren Hastings in 1774)

2. 1775: Faujdar thanas in major towns of large districts

3. 1791: Cornwallis
A. Relieved zamindars of their police duty
B. System of Daroga and SP

4. 1808: Mayo
A. SP for each division helped by spies ( goyendas)

5. 1814: Order of Court of Directors- Daroga and subordinates abolished except in Bengal

6. 1828-35: GG Bentinck:
A. Abolished office of SP
B. Collector/magistrate head of police
C. Commissioner in each division to act as SP

7. 1860: Police Commission (led to Indian Police Act,1861)
A. System of civil constabulary
B. IG as head in Province, DIG as head in range, SP as head in district

8. 1902: Police Commission ( Andrew Frazer)
A. Establish CID in the provinces
B. Central Intelligence Bureau at the centre

✅1875: Army Commission- Martial race and non martial race developed under CIC Lord Roberts ( 1887-92)

✅1926: Indian Sandhurst Committee ( Indian Army): Visualising a 50% Indianised officer cadre for 1952



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🔆Evolution of Education Policy

✅ University Education Commission (1948-49)
✅Secondary Education Commission (1952-53)
✅ Education Commission (1964-66) under Dr. D.S. Kothari
✅National Policy on Education, 1968
✅42nd Constitutional Amendment,1976-Education in Concurrent List
✅National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986
✅NPE 1986 Modified in 1992 (Program of Action, 1992)
✅ T.S.R. Subramaniam Committee Report (27 May, 2016)
✅Dr. K. Kasturirangan Committee Report (31 May, 2019)
✅New Education Policy 2020


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🔆Development of Education

✅1781: Calcutta Madrasah ( Warren Hastings)

✅1791: Sanskrit College, Benaras ( Jonathan Duncan)

✅1800: Fort William College ( Lord Wellesley)

✅ Serampur missionaries were very enthusiastic about spread of education

▪️1813: Charter Act

✅Sanction of 1 lakhs annually
✅ Amount not made available till 1823
✅ Grant sanctioned for Calcutta College ( 1817- Rammohun Roy)

▪️ 1835: Lord Macaulay's Minute

✅Settled the debate in favour of Anglicists- limited govt resources to be devoted to teaching western sciences and literature through medium of English language alone
✅Neglected mass education
✅Downward filtration theory

✅ 1835: Medical college in Calcutta

▪️1843-53: James Thomson ( LG of NW Province)

✅Developed comprehensive scheme of village education through the medium of vernacular languages
✅Purpose was to train personnel for newly set up Revenue and Public works dept.

✅1844: Applicants for govt employment should possess knowledge of English

▪️1854: Wood's Despatch ( Magna Carta of English education in India)

✅Responsibility of educating mass and rebuked downward filtration theory
✅Vernacular at school, English in higher studies
✅Stress on female and vocational education and teacher training
✅Education in govt institutions to be secular
✅System of grants-in-aid to encourage private enterprise


🔸1857: universities at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras

🔸1849: Bethune School, Calcutta ( JED Bethune)- Education for women
✅ Agriculture Institute at Pusa, Bihar
✅Engineering Institute at Roorkee (1847)

🔸 1856: Calcutta college of engineering

🔸1858: Overseers' school at Poona ( Poona college of engineering)

🔸1882-83: Hunter Education Commission (Ripon)
✅Confined its recommendations to primary and secondary education
✅ Primary education in vernacular
✅ Transfer of control of primary education to district and municipal boards
✅ High school should have two divisions
✅ Literary- leading to university
✅ Vocational- commercial careers
✅ Attention towards inadequate facilities for female education

🔸1882: Punjab university

🔸1887: Allahabad university

🔸 1902: Raleigh Commission
✅Go into conditions and prospects of universities in India
✅ Based on recommendations of Raleigh, Indian Universities Act

🔸1904: Indian Universities Act
✅Govt veto in universities senate regulations
✅5 lakh rupees to be sanctioned per annum for five years

🔸1906: State of Baroda introduced compulsory education throughout its territories

🔸1913: Resolution on education policy - govt refused to take responsibility of compulsory education

🔸1917-19: Saddler University Commission
✅ Study and report on problems of Calcutta university
✅Reviewed entire field from school education to university education
✅School course should be 12 yrs. Entry into university after intermediate stage for 3 yrs course.

🔸1919: Education shifted to provincial ministries so govt stopped taking direct interest in education

▪️1929: Hartog Committee

✅ To report on development of education
✅Average students should be diverted to vocational courses after 8th
✅ Admission should be restricted

▪️1937: Wardha scheme of basic education

✅ Congress organised a National Conference on Education in Wardha
✅Zakir hussain committee- detailed national scheme for basic education
✅ Learning through activity
✅ Based on Gandhi's weekly Harijan
✅ English only after Class 8

▪️1944: Sergeant Plan of Education

✅Pre-primary education for 3-6 yrs age group
✅Free, universal and compulsory elementary education for 6-11 yrs age group
✅Abolition of intermediate course



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✅Krishna raja Wodeyar II ruled from 1734-66.
✅ Haider Ali came to power in 1761 (de facto ruler, Sarvadhikari) à Had proximity with French.
✅Haider Ali set up arms factory in Dindigul.
✅Defeated by Maratha under Madhav Rao à In between 1774-76 he recovered all lost territories by multiple invasions of Marathas.

▪️First War (1767-69):

✅Treaty of Madras
✅Inconclusive war à treaty for exchange of prisoners and help of British in case of attack on Haider Ali
✅ British treaty with Nizam of Hyderabad (1766) for protection from Haider Ali in lieu of Northern Circars.
✅ Marathas, Nawab of Arcot and English.
✅ Latter was duped by the former two on persuasion of Haider Ali

▪️Second War (1780-84):

✅Treaty of Mangalore
✅Inconclusive war.
✅Violation of Treaty by British. British didn’t come to Mysore’s aid when Maratha attacked Mysore.
✅ Ali’s growing proximity with French.
✅ British occupied Mahe, which was under Haider Ali’s possession.
✅War Course: Sir Eyre Coot defeated Haider Ali in Port Novo à Haider Ali died of cancer in 1782 war continued by son Tipu Sultan.

▪️Third Anglo Mysore War

✅Treaty of Seringapatam
✅Heavy indemnity paid by Tipu.
✅ 1790: Meadows defeated by Tipu.
✅1791: Cornwallis with Maratha and Nizam won in second attempt

▪️Fourth Anglo Mysore War
(April 1799-May 1799)

✅Mysore conquered by British.
✅ Tipu died Mysore came under Subsidiary Alliance in 1799
✅Tipu’s friendship with French worried English.
✅Accused him of plotting against them.
✅Arthur Wellesley; brother of Lord Wellesley participated in the war.


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✅REASONS • Misuse of Dastaks by company servants.
🔸Imperial Farman gave right to trade in Bengal without paying transit dues or tolls.
🔸 Servants sold Dastaks to friendly merchants.
🔸 Hence, Mir Kasim abolished all duties.
🔸Tussle led to war between company and Mir Kasim in 1763. He fled to Awadh.
🔸Formed an alliance with Nawab of Awadh; Shuja-ud-daula and the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.

✅BATTLE COURSE:English army led by Hector Munro.

✅RESULTS :Short and decisive battle won by the English army under Hector Munro.

🔸 Mir Jafar placed in throne as a mere puppet.
🔸 British supremacy was established in Northern India.


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🔸 Nawab seized fort Williams. Killed foreigners inside (black hole tragedy)
🔸 Nawab was opposed by dominant group in his court of Rai Durlabh, Jagat singh, Omichand.

✅BATTLE COURSE: Alliance: Mir Jafar (husband of Alivardi khan’s sister) + Robert Clive with Rai Durlabh Omichand and Jagat Singh v/s Siraj-ud-daulah

✅RESULTS: Won by the trio. Mir Jafar became the new Nawab

🔸1760: Mir Jafar rebelled.
🔸Treaty of 1760
🔸Replaced by Mir Kasim.
🔸 Mir Kasim shifted capital from Murshidabad to Munger (Bihar) for safe distance from company.


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✅ Robert Clive signed treaty with Shuja ud din and the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.
✅ First Treaty of Allahabad: Shuja ud din surrendered Allahabad to the emperor Shah Alam II. He gave the zamindar full possession of estate.
✅Second Treaty of Allahabad: Shah Alam II in Allahabad under company’s protection. He issued a Farmaan
✅which gave Diwani rights of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to EIC. Provision of Nizamat functions were also given to the company.
✅Imposed by Robert Clive.
✅Dual system of government à Rule of the Two (Company and the Nawab) à Diwani (Right of administration) and Nizamat (Police, Judiciary etc.) came under company control.
✅ Right to nominate deputy Subahdar and Diwan given to company.
✅Mohammad Reza khan (Bengal) and Raja Sitab Roy (Bihar) were appointed deputy Diwans.
✅It was done away by Warren Hastings on account of administrative breakdown in 1772.


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✅British exports from Bengal: Saltpetre, Rice, Indigo, Pepper, Sugar and Silk, Cotton Textiles. (Bengalcomprised 60% of EIC trade with India.)

✅Factories were set up in Balasore, Hooghly, Kasim bazar, Patna and Dacca.

✅1717: British secured royal Farman for Emperor Farrukh Siyar for trade (export import) in Bengal à right to issue Dastaks (free passes for trading) for movement of such goods issued. (Dastaks were cause of perpetual conflict).

✅ Alivardi Khan was engaged in wars with Maratha for 15 years.

✅British strengthened their entrenchment in Fort Williams.

✅Alivardi Khan died in 1756à succeeded by Siraj-ud-Daula.

✅Internal tussle and opposition of Siraj ud daulah in the court.

✅Important Rulers: Murshid Quli Khan (first Diwan of Bengal) à Shujauddin à Alivardi Khan (stopped paying tributes to The Mughals)


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✅1600 • The East India Company was established.

✅1609 • William Hawkins arrived at Jahangir’s court but failed to secure permission due to opposition by Portuguese.

✅1611 • Captain Middleton obtained the permission of the Mughal governor of Surat to trade there, also started trade in Masulipatnam.

✅1613 • A factory of East India Company was established at Surat.

✅1615 • The Company established its first factory in the south in Masulipatnam.

✅1618 • Thomas Roe succeeded in obtaining two farman confirming free trade with exemption from inland tolls and permission to establish factories at Agra, Ahmedabad and Baroach.

✅1632 • The Company got the golden farman from the Sultan of Golconda which ensured safety and prosperity of their trade.

✅1633 • The Company established its first factory in east India in Hariharpur, Balasore, Odisha

✅1639 • Madras was given by the Chandragiri chief to the English and soon Madras with the Fort St. George replaced Masulipatnam as the English headquarters on the east coast.

✅1651 • The Company was given permission to trade at Hooghly (Bengal), Kasimbazar, Patna and Rajmahal.

✅1662 • The British King, Charles II, was given Bombay as dowry for marrying a Portuguese princess (Catherine of Braganza)

✅1667 • Aurangzeb gave the English a farman for trade in Bengal

✅1687 • Bombay was made the headquarters by shifting the seat of the Western Presidency from Surat to Bombay.

✅1691 • Due to some conflict, Mughals raided Hoogly. Then Job Charnock, negotiated with Mughals for return to Sutanuti in 1691.
🔸 The Company got the imperial order to continue their trade in Bengal in lieu of payment of Rs 3,000 a year.

🔸The city of Calcutta grew from the development of three villages Sutanuti, Gobindapur and Kalikata secured from the Mughal governor of Bengal.
🔸The fortified settlement was named Fort William (1700) and it became the seat of British power in India till 1911.


🔸The Mughal emperor Farrukhsiyar issued a farman, called Magna Carta of the Company, giving the Company a large number of trade concessions in Bengal, Gujarat and Hyderabad. It included:
1. Company’s import and export were exempted from duties.
2. Permission to issue Dastaks for transportation of goods
3. Duty free trade in Hyderabad.
4. Company minted coins to act as currency throughout Mughal Empire.


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✅1608: first factory in Surat. Set up as ‘Trading Depot’.

✅Hawkins in Jahangir’s court à received Royal Farman for trade in west coast.

✅ 1615: Thomas Roe à Imperial Farman: to trade in all parts of Mughal Dynasty.

✅South India: After Vijayanagar Empire declined;

✅ First factory in South India: Masulipatnam 1611.

✅Centre shifted from Masulipatnam to Madras à fortification at Fort St. George.

✅✅ Island of Bombay occupied in 1668.

✅ Major Rivals: Marathas

✅Eastern India: first factory in Orissa in 1633.


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✅Post conquest of Asia Minor by Ottoman Empire and capturing of Constantinople in 1453, trade routes came
under control of Turkish Empire rule.
✅Venice and Genoa also monopolized the trade routes. ✅Hence the European traders had to search for new sea
routes to Asia and the Spice island of Indonesia; also the East Indies à Discovered Cape of Good Hope.
✅Post Renaissance, Columbus of Spain in 1492 discovered America.
✅Vasco Da Gama of Spain in 1498 discovered all new sea routes to India.
✅ English conquest started with conquering Ireland in 16th century.
✅Dutch had factories in Gujarat, Kerala, Madras, Bengal, Bihar, UP. Their main interest lay in Indonesia
Island of Java and Sumatra and Spice Islands.


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✅The Danish East India Company was established in 1616 and, in 1620, they founded a factory at
Tranquebar near Tanjore, on the eastern coast of India.

✅ Their principal settlement was at Serampore near Calcutta. The Danish factories, which were not important at any time, were sold to the British government in 1845.
✅The Danes are better known for their missionary activities than for commerce.


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✅French east India Company was formed in 1664 establishing their 1st factory at Surat → by Francis Caron

✅Francis Martin founded Pondicherry in 1673 & became 1st governor of Pondicherry. Henceforth Pondicherry became headquarter of French possessions in India.

✅ In beginning of 18th century, English & French were competing for their supremacy in India, Mainly in carnatic & Bengal region.

✅ After 3 Carnatic wars, finally French were crushed & limited to Pondicherry

✅ First Carnatic war (1740-48) → extension of rivalry, ended in 1748 by treaty of Aix-La Chapelle

✅Second Carnatic War (1749-54) → inconclusive, undermined the French and English power in south India

✅Third Carnatic War (1758-63) → decisive war, treaty of Paris (1763)


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✅On December 31, 1600 the charter was issued by Queen Elizabeth I of England which gives trade monopoly for 15 years. English east India Company was established in 1600.

✅Captain Hawkins of England arrived at royal court of Jahangir in 1609 seeking permission to establish England trade center at Surat, but was refused by Jahangir due to Portuguese pressure

✅With captain Thomas Best’s victory over Portuguese est. first factory in Surat
✅Later in 1613, Jahangir issued a Farman (permission letter) to English (Sir Thomas Roe) to establish their trade center in Agra Ahmedabad and Baruch, hence British established their 1st trading factory at Surat in 1613.
✅ In 1615, Sir Thomas Roe came to India as ambassador of James 1 (King of England) & obtained permission from Jahangir to settle English trading factories in different parts of India
✅Bombay’s Control → Charles II received as dowry from Portuguese.
✅ Madras → Fort St. George replaced Masulipatnam.
✅ Bombay, Madras & Calcutta became 3 presidency towns of English settlements in India by 1700 with capital Calcutta.


✅Structure and Nature of the Trading Companies: English East India Company, formed through amalgamation of several rival companies at home, was controlled by a board of directors whose members were elected annually.

✅ Naval Superiority: Royal Navy of Britain was not only the largest; it was the most advanced of its times.

✅Industrial Revolution: The industrial revolution reached other European nations late and this helped England to maintain its hegemony. The Industrial Revolution started in England in the early 18th century.

✅Military Skill and Discipline: The British soldiers were a disciplined lot and well trained. The British commanders were strategists who tried new tactics in warfare.

✅ Stable Government: Britain witnessed stable government with efficient monarchs.

✅Lesser Zeal for Religion: Britain was less zealous about religion and less interested in spreading Christianity, as compared to Spain, Portugal or the Dutch.

Use of Debt Market: Britain used the debt markets to fund its wars.


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✅ Cornelis de Houtman was the first Dutchman to reach Sumatra and Bantam in 1596.
✅United East India Company of the Netherlands, formed in March 1605 by the Charter of Dutch Parliament, had the powers to wage wars, make treaty and build forts.
✅ Founded their first factory in Masaulipatam in Andhra in 1605.
✅Subsequently they won over Portuguese & emerged as most dominant European trade power.
✅Pulicat was their main center in India, later replaced by Nagapattinam.
✅Dutch carried indigo manufactured in the Yamuna valley and Central India, textiles and silk from Bengal, Gujarat and the Coromandel, saltpetre from Bihar and opium and rice from the Ganga valley.
✅In 1623, a treaty between British and Dutch → Dutch withdrew their claim from India and British from Indonesia
✅1650 (17th century), English began to emerge as big colonial power in India.
✅Anglo Dutch rivalry lasted for 70 years, during which Dutch lost their settlements to British one by one.
✅The Dutch were not much interested in empire building in India; their concerns were trade. In any case, their main commercial interest lay in the Spice Islands of Indonesia from where they earned a huge profit through business.
✅Decline in India- The defeat of the Dutch in the Anglo-Dutch rivalry and the shifting of Dutch attention towards the Malay Archipelago. In Battle of Bedara (1759), the English defeated the Dutch.

✅ After prolonged warfare, both the parties compromised by which the British agreed to withdraw all their claims on Indonesia, and the Dutch retired from India.

✅Dutch established factories in:

🔸Masulipatnam (1605),
🔸Pulicat (1610),
🔸Surat (1616),
🔸 Bimlipatnam (1641),
🔸Karikal (1645),
🔸Chinsurah (1653),
🔸Cassimbazar (Kasimbazar),
🔸Baranagore, Patna, Balasore, Nagapatnam
(1658) and Cochin (1663).
(It covered both Eastern and western Coasts).


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Modern India

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