Some Folks today actually Live White Power through Stand up, Solid actions while others just wordsmith for the rest of y’all on Telegram.
Use Discernment brothers. One’s beliefs does not justify you to The Cause, one’s actions do. They go hand in hand with true conviction. Investigate these peoples characters not regurgitated nonsense and meaningless words that they spit out.
Don’t believe the fake characters presented online. You’d be surprised to actually see the way they live in their personal lives. No White man needs a pat on the back for being successful such as the men who fill the ranks of VSC because these are standard things required.
But what do we say about those who cannot Be successful and truly are as bad as the opposition. Living like you are several shades darker than you actually are while trying to teach things you don’t live does not put you amongst the Noble ones.
How are you gonna fix Our situation when you can’t fix yourself? 🤔
Step it Up.
Use Discernment brothers. One’s beliefs does not justify you to The Cause, one’s actions do. They go hand in hand with true conviction. Investigate these peoples characters not regurgitated nonsense and meaningless words that they spit out.
Don’t believe the fake characters presented online. You’d be surprised to actually see the way they live in their personal lives. No White man needs a pat on the back for being successful such as the men who fill the ranks of VSC because these are standard things required.
But what do we say about those who cannot Be successful and truly are as bad as the opposition. Living like you are several shades darker than you actually are while trying to teach things you don’t live does not put you amongst the Noble ones.
How are you gonna fix Our situation when you can’t fix yourself? 🤔
Step it Up.