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CHAPTER 4: Broken Dolls Broken doll is a warning alert. You will be rewarded or recognized for your current hardships and difficulties. This dream is unfortunately a warning alert for repressed anger and rage at that person or towards a particular condition. You are looking for an outlet to relieve some of your pent up tension and anxiety. Broken doll in dream is a warning alert for a project or plan that was poorly thought out. Your subconscious is trying to make you aware of a solution to a problem. You are trying to rid yourself of former feelings or memories and your old ways. This dream is a symbol for your control over your subconscious desires.Dream about broken doll is feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty and a lack of self esteem, Broken doll means your tendency to dominate a conversation relationship or situation. You feel others are overly dependent on you. You may be feeling limited. The dream is a metaphor for something or someone you have missed.