Good Night, Finally after a long debate we've selected a few people to be a part of Voonity, for those people I congratulate you! I hope you keep what you promised in the beginning, nd' for some people who aren't elected we're very sorry. Really we choose very confused cuz' your answers are very good and satisfying. But unfortunately we've to choose just a few to be a part from us.
For some people who don't qualify, don't be discouraged, let's meet at the next open member! don't worry we can become good friends, our bot is wide open to anyone.
Thank you for all, see you soon!
Warmest Love, Voonity.
For some people who don't qualify, don't be discouraged, let's meet at the next open member! don't worry we can become good friends, our bot is wide open to anyone.
Thank you for all, see you soon!
Warmest Love, Voonity.