⚪️ White Lives Matter Activists have been placing pro-White material throughout Courtenay, British Columbia.
📌 Through the cultural supremacy of the Aryan, I predict the emergence of a new faith, or more accurately, the regeneration of our old moral, spiritual and cultural existence, which offers the only real solution for our people. When I write about our ancient past, it is not an attempt to revive old dead gods, or re-work Christianity so it is more palatable for us as a people. I’m trying to awaken a faith in our identity.
⚪️ Join us @WLM_BC_CHAT and get involved locally!
📌 Through the cultural supremacy of the Aryan, I predict the emergence of a new faith, or more accurately, the regeneration of our old moral, spiritual and cultural existence, which offers the only real solution for our people. When I write about our ancient past, it is not an attempt to revive old dead gods, or re-work Christianity so it is more palatable for us as a people. I’m trying to awaken a faith in our identity.
⚪️ Join us @WLM_BC_CHAT and get involved locally!