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White Lives Matter Official dan repost
🚨WLM does not condone violence.🚨

WLM is a peaceful, legal & anonymous initiative. Apolitical and non-religious, upheld by freedom of expression and of self-determination.

Any deviation to the above is not to be considered part of this initiative started in April 2021.


📌🇧🇬 Somewhere in Bulgaria


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌This weekend marked this initiative's one year of existence. The success of it is solely the result of what we call pro-White people.

With WLM directly or alongside WLM (as it has been for
131 and many others), we want to salute in honor all those that have realized that a happy and fulfilling life is that in which one pursues one's ideals through real life action.

Perhaps only making White Children can compare to the feeling of thoroughly, selflessly following one's deepest instincts for their people, in spite of the overwhelming negative force that we call anti-Whites. How many of us can sincerely say that we followed through and truly tried our hardest to secure a future for our Children?

Great activism efforts have taken place for the 12th month is a row in: OH, MT, NH, WA, GA, TN, NY, NL, CA, AZ, CAN, IT, MS, AL, ID, IN, AR, OK, TX and others.

When are you joining in? Make sure it's not too late. Message @wlmcontactbot.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌WLM, just like the vast majority of pro-White efforts, is self-sufficient and funded exclusively with our own money and sweat.

We have jobs, we are fathers, mothers, and most of us live or are planning to live a healthy & noble life that is faithfully representing our ideals of being pro-White, family oriented, and on the offensive rather than defensive.

It is crucial, therefore, when we actively engage in pro-White activism to bring in positive energy that is able to create not destroy, heal not hurt, and win not larp.

Take this message as a call for you be more welcoming to other pro-Whites, more understanding of our brothers in struggle, and more empathetic with those who have a lot to learn.

The WLM space aims to represent the society of the future that we envision - where not only White People prosper, but where White People collaborate, uplift each other, and are able to channel their creative force towards building that future for White Children we all speak of.

We are 99% similar to each other and 99% dissimilar to our enemies. That, and the fact that ACTION speaks louder than words are the two take-aways you should always reflect on when working with other pro-White activists.

That being said, take immediate and swift action whenever a bad actor shows up. The broader definition WLM casts on this word is the following:

A bad actor is someone who intentionally or unintentionally, through their actions, speech, and behavior, is a net negative in the long term in the struggle for securing a future for White Children. This person is unreliable, cultist, has a negative energy, is unwilling to collaborate with others, and engages in anti-social acts that drive other Whites away from the struggle.

We, the positive force, must weed out any such individuals as soon as they reveal themselves and ONLY accept Whites who, apart from being pro-White in words, are pro-White in action.

What does being pro-White mean?

A pro-White is someone who intentionally, through their actions, speech, and behavior is a net positive in the long term in the struggle for securing a future for White Children. Someone you could be friends with, collaborate with, be a neighbor of, or even have your White kids intermarry. Someone who you could trust as family. A Pro-White will always behave in a way in which they will ATTRACT other Whites towards the struggle.

If you are a pro-White, you are invited to prove it. 16th April, Wordwide. Message @wlmcontactbot for more.



White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌If you are reading this text and watching this video, congrats - you now have no excuse for not taking real life action.

What you can do starting today is either ignore the call to fight for your people and live in cowardice, or get out and live freely as a healthy pro-White.

"everyone is a fed bro" - disproven
"i will get doxed" - disproven
"nobody else will show up" - disproven
"antifa will attack me" - disproven

"i am a coward" - for you to disprove.

The past year has seen a resurgence in pro-White activism and we want to thank all the people, WLM and non-WLM, who have contributed to this slow but sure revival of White Consciousness.

The 16th of April will mark this initiative's one year of existence - and it has never been a better time for you to make a difference this very second. Message @wlmcontactbot.

Anything to WIN.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌It has come to our attention that a social media account going by WLM Texas has been claiming to have "re-organized" themselves into an open Hitlerist "organization" and has made repeated calls for its followers to join a "new" National Socialist Group.

We want to remind everyone that in the age of the information war, anyone can pretend to be anyone. This initiative is what we make of it. Therefore, just like we have foreseen in the manual, when some random state account / some public person claims to be representing WLM - they are a fake.

WLM has no faces other than the Aryan Faces on our flag. There is no leader other than the guidance set out. What matters is not who we are but what we want (see
Section 1 of the manual).

That being said, please be wary of any such 'online groups' claiming to be something they are not. Those groups could be created by all sorts of people, ranging from anti-Whites to other people claiming to be pro-White but who want to ride off the WLM successes.

The way you can tell someone / something is faithfully and genuinely representing this initiative is by reading the manual and checking that against that said "group"'s actions, posts, behavior and mission. WLM cannot be stolen: for any deviation from legal, anonymous, and simply pro-White is inherently not WLM.

With this occasion, we want to once again thank all WLM activists and all other groups who have synchronized their activism with this initiative for the past year and abided by the simple pro-White message, without any cringe larp attached to it. Many 'groups' have demonstrated they truly are for the Race. Some others have not.

ACTA NON VERBA. We continue no matter what on April 16th!


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

The fact that the system has not yet taken down telegram altogether (they publicly plan to) and we can still have this corner of the internet to push pro-White action is a privilege.

Guaranteed this will not last long.

While Telegram itself does not practice censorship, Google Play Store and AppStore do.

There is a simple and very quick solution to bypass all the censorship permanently: do not install Telegram from the Google / Apple Store.

✅Follow these steps:
↪️ Have your login details ready. Uninstall your current version of Telegram.
↪️ (Android) Reinstall the official .apk version downloaded directly on Telegram website 👉🏻 here
➡️ (Apple) Set up a shortcut icon on your iPhone that goes to 👉🏻
➡️ Follow the short video of the post if you need a tutorial. More at @telegramtips

It takes a couple minutes and it's guaranteed without censorship. For life. If you do not do it now, you might not even see any channels in the near future.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📝About groups, egos, money, movements, victory, unity, telegram, and beyond..

What are we? What are we trying to achieve? Where are we going? Why are we doing this? What are we doing exactly? Can we do it better?

These are all questions people in the supposed pro-White community seldom if ever reflect on.

If we are to be part of a "movement", part of something with a common goal - then by definition, we should not spend more time sabotaging each other than building up a strategy towards our goal, and most definitely not argue with each other more than protecting White Children.

However, for some reason, this fringe, "neo-nazi", "white supremacist", "white racist" sphere, seems to be ridden with not only overly argumentative people, but with literal parasites.

Many "movement" outlets are monopolised by people with huge egos, big pockets to fill and questionable life choices. This happens in all movements that are somewhat underground and have anti-System goals.

How else could you characterize it when one of the most famous supposed neo-nazis (whatever this means these days) is a fat, self-admitted Jew, formerly married to an openly anti-White Jew, who spends most of their time having a podcast with "based takes" and asking people for money. Do you, the reader, see a problem?

When, again, the biggest "neo-nazis" (I have to put it in quotes, because I honestly do not understand the resemblance) are people who use the swastika while wearing blue weaves and clown costumes and shouting profanities in the street that most people reject.. do you, the reader, see a problem?

When the biggest "neo-nazi" channels spend 90% of their time "shitposting" online on telegram to the point where most of good character pro-Whites have been driven out.. do you, the reader, see a problem?

When the biggest self-proclaimed pro-Whites spend days on end obsessing over some internet infight drama created probably by the very enemies they claim to fight against - but who spend ZERO hours to create a pro-White educational video or literature.. do you, the reader, see a problem?

I think that if by now you see at least a problem and you care to fix it, I want you to know that we are in the same boat.

The first revolution that needs to happen is internal. Is in our own lives, in our own chats, in our own groups, in our own souls. We must all get rid of all that is detrimental to the cause we claim to fight for.

On this note, I want to thank all those who spend their time creating, organizing, inspiring, supporting, and enacting change through real-life action. No matter what subsequent identities you identify with, as long as you are pro-White first and act in that manner, you need to keep going. This not only includes WLM activists who, without "endorsements", from our own pockets, have gone out every day since April 11, 2021 and every month to try and spark hope in our people, but also includes other established groups in NE, UK, Australia, and Europe that have done the same.

We must all agree on the terms on which we "accept" people in the pro-White community. I propose three main principles that qualify someone as pro-White:
1. Vision - That person makes having our nations back sound more like a much needed ideal for everyone rather than a larpy dream of clowns shouting profanities in the megaphone.
2. Discipline - Has their life in order - they bring in MORE than they take out. This includes having a family, job, house, personal plans, etc.
3. Maturity - They are mature enough to leave behind any arguments and petty squabbles with others who have the same goal, EVEN IF the other party has wronged them first. When it comes to the Race, it shouldn't matter who started the argument. But rather, who collaborated in spite of it.

It is up to you to recognize that whatever has been done so far is not enough and we all need YOU to step up to the plate and do YOUR bit.

We are all a large unit with various skills and purposes, and as long as we work together we are invincible.

See you April 16th. @wlmcontactbot


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌For the 11th month in a row, pro-White activists from across the World came together to take a stand for what they believe in.

These people have put behind any excuses whatsoever and came together to showcase that what matters most to them is not their own country, state, group, ideology, favorite podcaster, ego, or meme collection - but rather, something much greater: The future of White Children.

The main events took place in OH, CA, MT, MA (NSC), ID, NL, NY, WA, FL, CAN, NJ, LA, NC, AR, AL, VA, GA, TN and SD.

Next month's world-wide event on April 16th will also mark this initiative's one year of existence, and we want to invite all those who resonate with our goals and mission to join in. To lead or join a pro-White effort in your area anonymously, message @wlmcontactbot.

All the talk in the world won't do as much as showing up and standing by your supposed loyalty. Loyalty to White Children! Victory or Death.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📣@WhiteLivesMatterOfficial has no connection to the channel @whitelivesmatter818. As said in the manual you should have read by now, this telegram initiative has no connection whatsoever with any other "white lives matter" groups / chats.

The only local channels that have a connection with us are those laid out in our channel

WHITE VICTORY through Total White Unity. Spread to avoid confusion.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌As we all know by now, virtually all governments are in the hands of anti-White globalists.

Ukraine and Russia make no exception. White countries are instigated against each other in order to further White Genocide.

Therefore, we call for a denunciation of all anti-White governments and ask all White People to pledge alliance to the Race and Race only. No loyalty to the state, no loyalty to the country.

We are all we have. You are White before you are Russian / Ukrainian / German / American / Canadian etc.

Until we get our countries back from anti-Whites, we must swear loyalty only to the blood! Our Race is our flag.

As always, be aware of those who shapeshift, claiming to be White but are actually our dearest enemy.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌There is nothing more sacred than our blood. Our culture, religion, or basically any visible expression of humanity is a by-product of our race. If we keep our genetics White, no matter the struggle, we will be able to overcome it.

We can re-create our torn down architecture, monuments, and art. We can re-create safe and prosperous communities based on trust and integrity. We can have our home again.

By far, the most destructive weapon the anti-Whites have perpetuated upon us, has been the race-mixing propaganda. In the words of president biden himself "more than 75% of ads on tv feature interracial couples".

This is by far one the most important stickers you can spread around
. Act accordingly.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌For the second month of 2022, pro-White activists from different nations, groups, ideologies and religions came together under the pro-White initiative that launched last year.

Main events: OH, CA, MA, MT, CZ, NL, NY, PA, WA, FL, MY, CAN, NJ, NV, LA , ID, GA, AR, AZ, AL, VA, IT, TN and others.

We want to thank those who have put behind any petty squabbles and have realized that we are dealing with a cultural war above all else.

We seek to revolutionize the way in which pro-Whites behave and act, by taking people from the internet and into real life in a safe & elegant manner.

We want to de-stigmatize what holding pro-White beliefs actually means.

We are issuing a final call to show up on 12th of March and spread the White Unity message. @wlmcontactbot

It could be that by that time the whole internet might shut down, it would not matter. We need to take the final chances at coordinating now, before the System goes all in. Follow our alternative

To the last man! @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🎬📕WLM Manual 2.0 read through is here!

One of our @WLM_USA_MONTANA activists took it upon himself to guide you through the newest version of the activist

We are looking forward to seeing other activists translate and relay the guidance in the manual in their own language. White Victory through ACTION!


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
🚨Daily reminder that being part of this free speech, legal & anonymous world-wide initiative is contigent upon your dedication to actually getting activism done IRL.🚨

❌That being said, inactive local admins will not last long as leaders and the chats will close in those states.

👉🏻It falls upon YOU to actually put your money where your mouth is and get things off the ground.

📈This initiative gives you the freedom and opportunity to employ the pro-White vision you claim to hold online into real life action.

📢Therefore: if you want to get involved, message @wlmcontactbot. If you have been an admin before but was inactive and want to make up for it, message the same bot.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Talk is cheap, show your worth through action
! 14.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌For our first event of 2022 hundreds of activists worldwide took to the streets to demonstrate that we will not go silently into the night.

As we've said countless times since the WLM initiative started in April 2021 - talk is cheap. To be taken seriously as a pro-White individual, you must act in real life.

Until you've proven to be pro-White through ACTION, you have no say in the pro-White community.

This weekend, notable activities were recorded in: TX, FL, CA, OH, MT, TN, AB, AR, NY, NJ, GA, NL, RO, PA, NC, MI, IT, UT, KY, NV, ID, IR and others.

2022 is the year that you cannot just get by with omegle trolls, fizeek posts, and crypto-merican nationalism. 2022 is the year when you demonstrate your explicit alliance to your tribe or you are written off.

Anonymous, legal, pro-White. Message @wlmcontactbot to get involved.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📝The WLM checklist will help you take immediate steps to taking real life action for the betterment of White People and White Children.

Manual 👉🏻 here
Videos 👉🏻 here
Podcasts 👉🏻 here
Books 👉🏻 here and here
Local channels 👉🏻 here
Navigator 👉🏻 here

Stop lurking, start acting!


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
WLM Activist Manual 2.0.pdf
📕The WLM Manual 2.0 is OUT!

"All talk is mere noise. In order to accomplish, conquer and impose one's will, one has to ACT!"

This 26 page manual is essential to anyone holding pro-White sentiments and who wants to enact them. It contains information on WLM as an initiative, all-activism tips, how to avoid entrapment, and more. It should be able to take you from a complete beginner to an experienced activist within days.

Read, print, share, distribute and broadcast. You are not alone! Also available at
link for those outside telegram.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
💥New WLM Flyer / Brochure💥

We recognize the ever-growing need for more explicitly pro-White material to be created in order to help put an end to the Genocide anti-Whites are trying to enact on us.

The WLM Brochure, along with the General Knowledge Flyer (available at @wlm_materials) should be given to pro-White and potential pro-Whites at WLM events and beyond. You can print these however you want. A mere suggestion below:

1. Visit https://store.55printing.com/cheap-flyers-printing/ and get 1,000 to 5,000 color flyers for $46 to $106.
2. Select Color Both Sides and ticker paper. Don't worry if original image doesn't fill the top and bottom of the 4 x 6 inch Flyer image automatically in the design editor. This will be fixed when they send you the proofs.
3. Add to cart. By email you can approve of the final proof before they start making them.
4. Distribute these at all the events you can attend, WLM or not.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 This initiative started in April 2021 in order to legally & anonymously defend the interests of White Children.

As we are going into 2022, we wish all pro-Whites a successful year, personally and professionally.

Do not forget, you aren't just an individual. You are part of the pro-White Family.

PS: Instead of a simple Happy New Year, let us say 'Make White Babies 2022' as well.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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