White People Must Get Ready For Next Summer!
This year we had full scale Black Revolution hit the streets of America just as it happened in 1966-68 and now as Whites today we must stand up together now as this is the time to prepare and act! As Whites we must organize together and engage in whatever activism in order to wake up and inspire other White People to act and stand up for there Race.
Summer of 2021 will be a defining point where the balkanization will become more apparent and then Black Revolution will provoke a response from the Whites and this will be the time for us to counter this with White Revolution and then we unleash our White Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This year we had full scale Black Revolution hit the streets of America just as it happened in 1966-68 and now as Whites today we must stand up together now as this is the time to prepare and act! As Whites we must organize together and engage in whatever activism in order to wake up and inspire other White People to act and stand up for there Race.
Summer of 2021 will be a defining point where the balkanization will become more apparent and then Black Revolution will provoke a response from the Whites and this will be the time for us to counter this with White Revolution and then we unleash our White Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!