"The MV Wilhelm Gustloff was a German military transport ship which was sunk on 30 January 1945 by Soviet submarine S-13 in the Baltic Sea while evacuating German civilian refugees from East Prussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Estonia and military personnel from Gotenhafen (Gdynia) as the red army advanced. By one estimate, 9,400 people died, which makes it the largest loss of life in a single ship sinking in history."
The Wilhelm Gustloff was named after the founder of the Swiss NSDAP/AO at Davos. He remained the leader from 1932 until he was assassinated in 1936 by Croatian jewish terrorist David Frankfurter, who was of course pardoned and exiled to Israel at the end of the Second World War.
The Wilhelm Gustloff was named after the founder of the Swiss NSDAP/AO at Davos. He remained the leader from 1932 until he was assassinated in 1936 by Croatian jewish terrorist David Frankfurter, who was of course pardoned and exiled to Israel at the end of the Second World War.