Due to
Copyright reason (from Telegram's official statement), my former Adobe resource sharing channels and discussion groups have been banned. I realized that we could no longer share such resources in public channels, so I created two private channels to share Adobe's Windows and Mac resources respectively.
The private channels will not prevent members from joining, and this channel
@adobe_versions will be used and only used to share invite links to those two private channels, and will not share any resources.
Note: We sincerely ask you to subscribe to this channel as well. If one or all of those two channels are banned again, we will be the first to notify you on this channel, and will proceed to create a new channel.
@gaomutongxue is my main channel, if you need to get other cracked software besides Adobe series products, you can subscribe to
If you need to contact me, please send a message to
@gmtx_bot and I will reply as soon as possible.