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Warp Plus - Free VPN Keys dan repost
⚡️ Free Pro subscription giveaway!

👀 Each of you can get free Pro subscription just by doing these simple steps:
1. Create a video on how to use bot and activate key in VPN application.
2. Upload it to social media (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube or any other)
3. Wait for it to be popular and get at least 5000 views.
4. Contact support with your video link and screenshot from your social media profile to get your subscription.

🔥 If you video will get more than 150 000 views, you will get lifetime Pro subscription in our bot.

⭐️ What are benefits of Pro subscription?
- Different key generation method (you can still use bot even if there's no keys available for all users)
- You can generate up to 100 keys daily (we can increase this number for you, if you're giving them away).
- You can generate keys with a 1 minute cooldown.
- All of your keys become unbranded, so you can resell or giveaway them.

‼️ This is a limited time offer! Be the one who get his subscription for free!

Support our bots 🔥
Enjoying our bots? Want to help our bots to grow? Support us by making a donation! Every bit helps us to maintain our bots and create new!

🦊 New big update in Warp Plus bot!
We have did a lot of work and just pushed an update for you all!

🔥 1.92 EB keys in bot!
Previously, we did a few tests with 1.92 EB keys for half of pro users, but now all of you can generate 1.92 EB keys in bot for free, just like you did before with 24 PB keys! Isn't that great?

⭐️ Automatic purchase of keys using Telegram Stars!
If you want to buy a lot of keys for yourself, you can now use /buy command to do it! Fully automatic, easy and fast!

⚡️ Discounts for Pro subscription!
We added some regional prices for users in Russia and few other regions, next ones will be China and Iran, so you can buy Pro subscription for cheaper!
Also, we're happy to announce -40% discount on first month of Pro subscription, buy it now with credit cards or crypto!

🤗 Follow for more, love you all! 💕

🦊 Reduced cooldowns, increased limits in Warp Plus bot and more...
We just pushed an rolling update for half of users that will allow to generate up to 12 keys per day! Also, we disabled math challenge for most of users – now generation will be more easier!

It's been a long time since last devblog, sorry for that. We're working on Warp Plus project part-time and we can't do new features every day, because Warp project is a free-to-use project, we don't have much money to leave our work and support it, in last 2 months we waw testing new feature that allows e-mail generation of keys, but we can't just release it now, because of bots that will attack our servers.

Also, we are happy to announce regional pricing of Pro subscription – in next few weeks we will change prices for different regions to make Pro cheaper for everyone.

We will do some polls in a next few weeks to get information to make bot available and easy to use for everyone!

🤗 Love you all! 💕

happy new year! ❤️

😊 hey, guys!
we have some happy news, pro subscription is now available again. @donate has enabled our channel back.

😔 devblog
we're still working on update that will allow using e-mail to generate keys. we faced some problems, but I guess that update will be available in a month.
also, we have uploaded new keys few days ago!

❤️ pro subscription pricing update (limited discounts)
we have applied limited 20% discount on debit / credit cards. buy it with this link: buy pro with debit / credit card
also we have decreased pricing for pro subscription when paying with TON: now it's 4 TON instead of 6, buy it with this link: buy pro with TON

👌 thanks for supporting us! follow us to see more updates! see y'all later!

😈 hey, guys!
for some reason @donate bot disabled our channels, so we can't accept pro subscription payments via debit cards or ton anymore. we are working on alternative solutions for you all.

🤪 devblog
currently, we are working on update on @generatewarpplusbot that will allow you to request Warp+ key automatically using your e-mail, so there's no more requirement for users to generate using telegram (specially, in countries, where it's hard to access Telegram)

also, we're working on automatic payment using popular cryptos (such as ETH, USDT, USDC, BNB and MATIC) for people, that resell our keys, so there's will be no more requirement of contacting support to buy bulk keys. this will also affect pro subscription, so it can be bought automatically using crypto

we don't really know, when update will be done, because it takes time to test everything and we're doing it basically for free for community.

🙂 just a reminder, that if you're interested in large amount of keys (more than 1000 keys), you can buy them from us using @totoroterrormailboxbot
also, if you own a channel (500+ subscribers) where you want to post keys, you can get them for free. contact us using @totoroterrormailboxbot

😇 hello, world!
we're just launched our blog website for developers / system engineers!
our first post is — "Setting up Warp over V2Ray in Docker with Cloudflare & nginx in 5 minutes"
we'd love to get your feedback and suggestions for next post!

😊 hey guys!
does anyone have a trusted seller where to buy ChatGPT account with $2500 credits + api key? (we aren't interested in free accounts) please, dm @totoroterrormailboxbot if you have one.

also, i've uploaded over 500k keys in database. some bugs still not fixed, because I still have troubles in my life, please, be patinent. Love you all!

🍞 just came home and uploaded over 100 000 keys for you all!

🍞 15k keys are imported
it will be enough for 1-2 days

😔 currently i as lead developer have a big troubles in my life, so maybe keys will be out of stock for a week after this 15k gone. there are reserved keys for posting in channels (so your channels will be fine) and pro users. maybe in near future we will make a discount for pro subscription and add reselling program.

🍞 please, enable notifications to be notified about current situation about keys. love you all 💕

😊 free keys are out of stock
we will fill them in two days, please, be patient

👻 also updated timeouts for generations!

🤨 free users can generate 1 key per 12 hours (2 keys daily)
😊 pro users can generate 1 key per 1 minute (100 keys daily maximum)

😊 pro users already can generate wireguard configs
how to generate them? just generate single key — config for this key will be autogenerated and linked to message

💃 it will be available to all users in a few days, because it takes some time to pre-generate wireguard configs for all keys.

😴 buy pro subscription now: using credit/debit card / using ton / other crypto

soon 💃

Should we add automatic WireGuard config generation?
  •   Yes!
  •   No
7183 ta ovoz

💃 also, we're still looking for translators for different languages

😴 if you want to contribute, feel free to suggest your translations in crowdin service

👻 pro subscription

features in @generatewarpplusbot:
· no captcha in key generation
· bulk keys generation (up to 50 keys per generation (cooldown 1 minute per generation), limited to 100 keys daily)
· reduced key generation cooldown (from 24 hours to 1 minute, limited to 100 keys daily)
· ability to link your own channel to bot (up to 10 channels, like @warpplus)
· big support for our projects. if there's will be enough pro members (at least, covering our expenses), our services will be ad-free for a lifetime and many features will be added in future, see roadmap

- monthly 10 8 eur (limited -20% discount) / 4 ton

😴 buy pro subscription now: using credit/debit card (limited -20% discount!) / using ton / other crypto

😊 he-he! we will probably release new bot today!

💃 some changes that was made after our last message:
· pro users can generate up to 50 keys/one time, limited to 100 keys/day with cooldown 1 hour/generation (so you can generate 2times*50keys or 20times*5keys per day)
· added backup keys for "pro" users and "channels", so if keys is out of stock in generic database, pro users still can generate a few keys and channels will continue their work
· ability to link your channels will be available for testing (only for pro users) right after release
· added a few strings to crowdin (if you want to contribute to our project — you can translate strings to your native language 😊)

😴 buy pro subscription now: using credit/debit card / using ton (to buy using USDT or other crypto, please contact @totoroterrormailboxbot)

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