действие оперы разворачивается в Испании, в первой половине XIX века. Кармен – красивая, страстная, темпераментная цыганка, работающая на сигаретной фабрике, она заметно выделяется среди других работниц — едва эта жгучая красавица появляется на улице, сразу же только на нее устремляются все восхищенные мужские взгляды, Кармен с особым наслаждением издевается над окружающими ее мужчинами и их чувствами.
The opera is set in Spain, in the first half of the XIX century. Carmen is a beautiful, passionate, temperamental gypsy who works at a cigarette factory, she stands out noticeably among other workers – as soon as this burning beauty appears on the street, all admiring male glances are directed at her immediately, Carmen mocks the men around her and their feelings with special pleasure.
The opera is set in Spain, in the first half of the XIX century. Carmen is a beautiful, passionate, temperamental gypsy who works at a cigarette factory, she stands out noticeably among other workers – as soon as this burning beauty appears on the street, all admiring male glances are directed at her immediately, Carmen mocks the men around her and their feelings with special pleasure.