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This is our newest release!

Spain 1923-1948: Civil War and World War by Arthur F. Loveday
323 Pages, 8.5"x5.5"


Spain 1923-1948, Civil War & World War was originally published in England in 1948 to add context to the conduct of Spain under Franco during the Spanish Civil War. Arthur Loveday targeted the British political consciousness with the chief aim of helping Spain's entry into the post-war NATO Allied framework.

Loveday depicts Franco as the unifying force behind a coalition of formerly left leaning Falangists and laregly monarchist Requetes. According to Loveday, the Falange was gradually purged of its most ideological members during the World War. Spain is presented as having successfully distanced itself from the shadow of Fasicm. Loveday's portrait of Franco's reactionary Spain appealed to Britain's desire for allies in the early years of what would become the Cold War.

Loveday's work is a well-sourced and even-handed account of Spain's political and economic development in the early part of the 20th century. Spain 1923-1948 Civil War & World War is a necessary addition to the library of any scholar of mid-century European history.

The Collected Works of Padraic Pearse
212 pages, 8.5"x5.5"


Pádraic Pearse held many titles; academic, teacher, brother, son, and revolutionary, but, before all else, Pearse was an Irishman. Born in 1879, Pearse dedicated his life to Ireland and the liberation of Ireland from British rule. In May 1916, he paid the ultimate price for this dedication. Pearse was martyred for his role in forming The Provisional Government of the Irish Republic and the events surrounding what became known as the Easter Rising.​

The Collected Works of Pádraic Pearse include his essays, speeches, and select poetry, written between the years of 1912 and 1916. His first essay “The Murder Machine” (1912) details his argument that the existing Irish education system is a means of repression and cannot be reformed, only destroyed and replaced. As an educator and academic, Pearse details his experience and proposal for a new system based on the Irish tradition and temperament.

​His next essays include reflections on the failed previous national revolutions of Wolfe Tone and Robert Emmet, a loving graveside oration for his friend and Fenian revolutionary O’Donovan Rossa, and his exhortations to the Irish people detailing the nationalist cause and demanding recruits. Pearse also provides a detailed analysis and comparison of previous Irish nationalists—Theobald Wolfe Tone, Thomas Davis, James Fintan Lalor, and John Mitchel—who he referred to as “ghosts” haunting the spirit of the Irish, begging Pearse and his contemporaries to raise the flag in their stead and overthrow their English lords. ​

Full of poetic interjections in both English and Gaelic throughout the book, The Collected Works concludes with four poems—The Fool, The Rebel, The Mother, and The Wayfarer—indicating that Pearse, though resolute and commanding in his essays and speeches, also held a calm and loving relationship with Irish nationalism.

Political Theology by Carl Schmitt
Paperback, 74 pages, 8.5"x5.5"

Written amid the chaos of early Weimar Germany in 1922, Schmitt’s Political Theology was translated to English by political scientist and Holocaust survivor George D. Schwab in 1985, but was only available in academic and elite circles until the 2006 publication by the University of Chicago Press. Since then, Political Theology has gained renown among English-speaking dissidents for its hard-hitting analysis on the relationship between political leaders, the norms of legal order, and “the state of exception”, as well as his definition of the ‘Sovereign’.

To Schmitt, the Sovereign is he who has the authority of decision on ‘the state of exception’, an emergency state of affairs in which the normal legal processes are either invalid or cannot be applied and thus there is no way to act constructively but to break them. Overarching all of this is the existence of ‘political theology’; the fact that secularized concepts are fundamentally theological in nature, and the effect this fact has on the political world.

The C.J. Miller translation is the second complete English translation of Political Theology, being made available in 2020 to the general public through Antelope Hill Publishing. This translation is truer to the original German and avoids any commentary or apologia for the plain words of Schmitt. The work consists of four essays, which address, respectively: Sovereignty, political power, ‘decisionism’ (decision theory), and the state of exception.

Theory of the Partisan by Carl Schmitt
90 pages, 8.5"x5.5"


“No one suspected what the unleashing of irregular warfare would mean. No one considered what the victory of the civilian over the soldier would mean if one day the citizen put on the uniform while the partisan took it off to continue the fight without it.”

Theory of the Partisan consists of two lectures, delivered by Carl Schmitt in 1962, addressing the transformation of war in the post-European age. This accessible work analyzes the origin, evolution, and practical effects of the modern partisan. With the rise of political terrorism and the universal acceptance of critical theory, Schmitt’s Theory of the Partisan emerges today more relevant than ever.

The C.J. Miller translation is the third complete English translation of Carl Schmitt’s Theory of the Partisan, being made available in 2020 to the general public through Antelope Hill Publishing. This translation is more faithful to the original German and avoids any commentary or apologia for the plain words of this formidable legal and political thinker.

The Burning Souls by Leon Degrelle
112 pages, 8.5"x5.5"

Available exclusively on our site.


Born to a Belgian family in the year 1906, Léon Joseph Marie Ignace Degrelle rose to prominence as a newspaper editor and head of the militant monarchist, Catholic, and anticommunist Parti Rexiste.

Following the German occupation of Belgium, Degrelle and his party loyalists enlisted in the Wehrmacht-organized Walloon Legion to aid in the liberation of the peoples of the Soviet Republics. He raised approximately 6,000 volunteers over the course of the war, both for the Wehrmacht and, later, for the Waffen-SS. Barely a third of these volunteers would survive. Degrelle and his men were noted for extreme bravery, brutal ferocity in close quarters fighting, and an indomitable spirit of self-sacrifice, with Degrelle himself earning the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves.

After the fall of Berlin, Degrelle made a daring escape from the crumbling Third Reich. He managed to reach Spain, where he was safeguarded by Franco’s government. His native Belgium later sentenced him to death in absentia for collaboration with the Germans.

Degrelle expressed no regrets for joining the war on the side of the Axis Powers, defending both his own actions and those of his superiors and comrades. He lived in Spain until his death of natural causes in 1994, and remained active in anticommunist and pan-European causes despite several attempts at his extradition, kidnapping, or assassination.

The Burning Souls is Degrelle’s reflection on his experiences and on the soul – part poetry, part memoir. In it, he traces his journey, from his idyllic childhood to the frozen steppes of Russia, not just as a physical journey but as a great spiritual trial. He instructs us that to give oneself completely, to be willing to weather all hardships in service of a transcendent ideal, is what is required to overcome the spiritual malaise of our day.

The Burning Souls is now being made available for the first time in English by Antelope Hill Publishing.

Hitler by Wyndham Lewis
160 pages, 8.5"x5.5"


Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957) was a British novelist, painter, essayist, and polemicist. Credited with being the founder of the only modernist movement from Britain, Vorcticism, Lewis approached politics as an aesthetic discipline. His 1931 work Hitler was written after his visit to Germany that year, and highlights the charged atmosphere and uneasy tension that permeated Berlin. Bringing his wit and humor to analyze a country on the eve of revolution, Lewis argues that in contemporary 'emergency conditions' Hitler may truly be the best option for Germans.

Branded a National Socialist sympathizer – Wyndham Lewis’s reputation never recovered from the release of this book. Even later disavowals in The Hitler Cult and The Jews, Are They Human? (both in 1939) failed to restore his image. Throughout the 1930’s Wyndham Lewis persisted in his advocacy of what is now termed “appeasement”. During the war, he fled to the United States and Canada, all the while working to distance himself from his 1931 writings. His later work began explicitly praising a radical individualism which had been ever-present, but never before at the forefront. He returned home to England after the war, and went blind in 1951, but kept writing critiques and fiction of such quality that he had a brief renaissance of popularity before his death in 1957. Despite this, the shadow of Hitler continues to haunt the legacy of Wyndham Lewis.

Antelope Hill is proud to release Wyndham Lewis’s Hitler, in print for the first time since 1972, with an original foreword by John Chapman, so that the reader can judge for himself the character of this unique artist.

B.U.F. Oswald Mosley and British Fascism by James Drennan
234 Pages, 5.5"x8.5"

Oswald Mosley was an English aristocrat who made his mark on British politics as the founder and leader of the British Union of Fascists. A man of intellect and determination, he rebelled against the establishment of his day. He rejected the authority of those who he believed acted not as shepherds of their people but their false friends, decrepit and slinking middle managers for international capital and finance.

James Drennan’s B.U.F. Oswald Mosley and British Fascism is an internal history of the British Union of Fascists which describes Mosley’s dramatic journey across the English political spectrum, culminating at the formation of Britain’s foremost Fascist movement. It delves into contemporary politics, condemning the political class with dry, acrid wit; and into English history, describing the ruin brought by the rise of capitalism and democracy. Drennan describes Fascism as a spiritually “pan-European movement,” representing equally “an economic revolt against the obsolete capitalist system, and a spiritual reaction against the materialist and internationalist concepts of Marxism.” It was, in his analysis, the heroic challenge of the men of his age to the “pessimism” of Spengler, an elite effort of the European civilization to overcome its prophesied twilight and create a new and better world. The fact that in 1934 such predictions could be made, dazzling in their unalloyed hope and confidence, appear all the more tragic in hindsight, but the legacy of the men described in this book will not be forgotten.

Antelope Hill is proud to republish Drennan’s B.U.F. Oswald Mosley and British Fascism, a work of the utmost historical importance. The preservation of books like this is key to the continued battle to defend Britain and Europe from all those who seek to destroy them.

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