What is the keystone?
Theory #1
We may have 10 people working on the map, yet each have an opinion about the keystone. Having studied biblical prophecy for 30 years, I see the keystone quite clearly. The bible is like a puzzle of a map. It has taken thousands of years for pieces of power, governments, countries to come together to fulfill prophecy. You have powers whose names are references to their geographic location in relation to the land of modern day Israel.
The first two powers, or Kings, are laid out in the prophecy that was given to Daniel in the third year of king Cyrus of Persia (Daniel 10:1). (President Trump is said to be our modern day version of Cyrus. I believe this wholeheartedly.)
King of the North which would include Russia and all of her satellite countries which is a huge world power today.
King of the South which are the Arab confederation which includes the many, many Islamic countries uniting in world power. Think Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt. For a prophecy student, reading the news is like reading the paper.
Another group of Kings is found in Revelation and known for their huge, powerful military.
Kings of the East which are the Far Eastern/ Oriental powers including Japan/China/North and South Korea uniting into a world power. Watching North Korea wanting to make peace with her neighbors gives all prophecy students chills!!! (Revelation 16:12)
In the Bible, all of the world powers come against tiny, tiny Israel. More specifically, all the world powers come against Jerusalem. The keystone of the world map in the Bible is Jerusalem. All of the history of the Bible centers around Jerusalem. Not to be confused with the chief cornerstone this map is built on which is Jesus in Ephesians 2:20)
Can you see how the Bible’s plan clearly reflects today’s current events? Amazing!
But that’s the Biblical perspective. QAnon is pulling down the powers of the world. What would be the world’s keystone? The answer is Satan. If you have delved into the world of spirit cooking, human sacrifice, pedophilia, etc. this begins to make sense.
Satan has a plan, laid out in the Bible: One world government (to unite under power), money system (to unite the economies), religion (to unite in spirit). This is the United Nations 2030 end game, including dividing up the nations into 10 regions. (Daniel 2). The United Nations Agenda 2030 is a product of the Natural World Order QAnon hinted at. It has been forming since Nazi Germany.
This is the map I will begin to work on. It fits the world’s past history, current activities, and fulfills Biblical prophecy. That’s a win, win, win situation.
Theory #2
The Keystone is the US government itself, including the elite shadow government behind it, and those that it's tied to (those within the Y family). Before WWI, the British, via Milner's group, was intending on pursuing a campaign of world domination, including taking back the US. What happened was that WWI occurred, where the British owed the US $54 Bil. for financing the war. That debt increased after WWII. The US, the debtholder, used that as leverage to become the keystone of the group and took over the role of world domination, which was, in their words, to spread democracy. Before, it was to spread British imperialism. That also goes back to the Federalists. That is why the League of Nations, the RIIA, the CFR and the Pilgrim's Society were created, along with the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the UN, and the NGOs such as the Round Table, and Federalists, etc. It is the same small cadre of wealthy elite behind them all, and they fund them all. They use the nations involved as slush funds. NATO essentially guarantees Europe that the US will fight their wars, for a price. That is why NATO is still there, and the Warsaw Pact is not. The US and British have been behind the EU from the start, especially after GHW Bush became president.