Aphros Rent: OPEN.

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Welcome to Aphros Carnaval; let’s take a walk and have fun with our loved ones that we will prepare for you. For more info @AphrosRentBot.
✦. Office hours: 12PM - 12AM.
Cp: @AphrosBackup.

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ACKERMAN's rent : OPEN dan repost
splendid morning, finally we're open the 7th batch! let's fill out your form and bring your sweetheart, send your form to @lvanssbot. we are very happy to wait for the presence of our customers, have a great day guys!

© for more info/tnc check pinned.

Hello everyone! I want to announce that @AphorsRent Grand Opening - 1 day promo for a maximum of 3 days is still available till 10AM with Limited slotss! We opened both, boyfriend and girlfriend rental. For more details, please take a look at @AphrosRent. We accept all payments via e-wallet and vipul, anyway don’t forget to check our talents profile here and read TnC so there are no mistakes while ordering. Thank you so much and have a nice day! ♡

“What is Global Mundane?”

Global Mundane is a place to help you find some acquaintances to keep you occupied!

“Oh? But I’m no longer play RP. Is it okay?”

Perfect! Global Mundane is a gathering place for CA and BA! Not only to find some mutuals, but you can also ask some questions or even tell the world about your story!

Now, take a look at t.me/GlobalMundane!

Gucci Store dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ Dear all BA mutual or anyone who saw this message, can you help me to forward this message to your channel? It'll be very helpful to us. Thanks in advance! ]

Today @Bamboonation officially open! Here, you can see many cute pandas and various types of bamboo. We provide various types of pandas. Let's check our catalouge here. And don't forget to read the Terms and Condition.

𝐖hat are you waiting for? Immediately take your travel ticket through @BamboonationBot by paying via Qris, all E-wallet, Vipul Tri & Tsel. Happy shopping at 𝑩𝑨𝑴𝑩𝑶𝑶𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Yuk aphros open, ada promo loh, rent max 3 hari dapet gratis 1 hari. Cek profile talent disini @AphrosTalent yaa


Cek profile bisa disini ya, @AphrosTalent. My bad saya lupa send.

Selamat debut.

✦. [ To all my Business mutuals, can you help me forward this messages to your Business Channel? That would help me a lot! ]

Hello everyone! I want to say if @AphrosRent is open at 8PM. For the Grand Opening, We will give you a 1-day promo for a maximum of 3 days of ordering. Limited slots! We opened both, boyfriend and girlfriend rental. For more details, please take a look at @AphrosRent We accept all payments via e-wallet and vipul, anyway don’t forget to read TnC so there are no mistakes while ordering. Thank you so much and have a nice day! ♡

Biding our warmest greetings everyone person who passed by this message.

First of all, we do apologize if this announcement was very sudden and may surprise our potentional customer. Kami, Le Relations, bersama dengan agensi lain telah melakukan rapat pada tempo hari, tepatnya pada tanggal 6 Februari 2021 pukul 20.00. Dari beberapa hal yang telah kami rapatkan, berikut adalah hal yang menurut kami sekiranya perlu untuk diberitahukan kepada khalayak banyak. yaitu mengenai harga minimal untuk rental.

A.) Harga rent
• Minimal 3k /hari.
• Minimal 7k /3 hari.
• Minimal 12k /5 hari.
• Minimal 17k /minggu.
• Di luar hari yang dicantumin bisa sesuai agensi masing-masing.
B.) Harga additional fee
• Movie date 2k selama masa rent.
• VN 3k selama masa rental, max 2-3x VN. Penambahan jumlah VN bisa dikenakan fee lebih sesuai agensi masing-masing.
• FC atau OTP 4k /40 menit (1k /10 menit). Penambahan waktu bisa dikenakan fee lebih sesuai agensi masing-masing.
• NSFW 2k normal, 3k literature selama masa rental.
• Imagine 1k normal, 2k literature selama masa rental.

Berikut adalah harga minimal yang kami tetapkan bersama. Untuk lebih lanjut mengenai harga pasti di agensi kami, bisa dilihat di pricelist setelah kami memperbaharuinya. Kami mohon kerjasamanya bagi tiap-tiap agensi maupun customer-customer kami.

Perlu digaris bawahi bahwasanya untuk agensi kami, Aphros Rent, belum menyediakan untuk NSFW, FC / OTP, dan VN.

Bets regards,
@AphrosRent and all agencies.


✦ Data customer
⋆ Nama cust :
⋆ Username cust :
⋆ Panggilan khusus : (opsional)

✦ Request untuk talent
⋆ Bf / gf rent :
⋆ Pair (bxg, bxb, gxg) :
⋆ Type talent (straight, seme, uke, butchy, femme) :
⋆ Typing talent (saya-kamu, aku-kamu, nama-kamu, dll) :
⋆ Kriteria (isi se-spesifik mungkin) :
⋆ Req talent (jika req) :
⋆ Additional req (req ava, bio, imagine, dll)
⋆ Rent berapa hari :
⋆ Payment :



✦ BF-GF Pricelist.
⋆ 3k/1days.
⋆ 5k/2days.
⋆ 7k/3days.
⋆ 12k/5days.
⋆ 17k/7days.

✦ Additional Pricelist.
⋆ Put bio + 0.5k.
⋆ NSFW + 2k.
⋆ NSFW literate + 3k.
⋆ SFW + 1k.
⋆ SFW literate + 2k.
⋆ Movie date, etc. + 2k.

✦ Payment.
⋆ Dana, gopay, vipul, spay, ovo, qris.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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