
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

⚡️ CommonApp Instructions
⚡️ Personal essay tips
⚡️ Scholarship opportunities
⚡️ Documents needed to apply
Road to the USA 🇺🇸

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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StudentHunter | Grants dan repost
Bu maqolani o’qisangiz kamida 1 yil vaqtingizni tejaysiz!

Hamma inson ham xato qiladi, ammo bu xatolarning natijasi qay darajada qimmatga tushishiga qarab xatoning katta-kichikligi aniqlanadi. Menimcha biz uchun eng oliy ne'matlardan biri bu-vaqt! Demak vaqt bilan to'lash talab qilnadigan xatolar eng qimmat xatolardan sanaladi va barchamiz bunday xatolarning oldini olishga doim harakat qilamiz.

Keling bugun aynan TOP universitetlarga hujjat topshirishda siz qilmasligingiz shart bo'lgan, agar qilsangiz sizni kamida 1 yil vaqtingiz bilan to'lashga majbur qiladigan xatolar haqida gaplashamiz:

Chet elda o'qimoqchi bo'lsangiz bu xatolarni qilmang!

Agar ushbu post 100 ta "share" yig'a olsa, keyingi postimiz 100% grant taqdim etadigan oliygohlar va ularning talablari haqida bo'ladi

Kanalga qo'shilish - StudentHunter Grants

Karim's road dan repost
Contest - NYU Sweetshot, NYUSH notebooks, NYUAD ball/stickers… and many more🔥

How to get it? It's simple -> Participate and win!

out of all participants, 10 people will be chosen through a randomizer during the live stream. After completing the tasks, you will be assigned a code number that you will use during the live stream⚡️

📌 To get the code number, you must complete these requirements:

1. Follow my channel.
2. Send this post to a group of >20 people/channel of >50 people.
3. Send screenshots/proof of completing 2nd and 3rd tasks with your full name to

Deadline is 2 January 23:59pm. Live stream where we will give presents will be on January 3.


Karim's road dan repost
Program Information.pdf
Full Support program for ED1 and RD is open!

🎑Picture this: your entire future condensed into a few pages. Every word, every achievement, and every dream carefully crafted into that application holds the potential to shape the next chapter of your life.

And that’s where we come in. Our CollegeEdge Support Program, with its personalized, one-on-one guidance, we’ll help you navigate every step of the journey, from refining your story to perfecting ECs⚡️.

Meet our mentors👨‍💻:

Sardor :
- SAT: 1500 | IELTS: 8.0
- Freshman at Yonsei University with a full scholarship
- Admitted to Northwestern Qatar, NYU Shanghai, The Hong Kong University, UofBirmingham

Eddie Shi ( USA) :
- Mentored in our previous master class
- APs in CALC BC, Human Geography, English Literature, English Language, Government, US History, Psychology and Seminar, and Research.
- English Instructor for 2 years.
- Freshman at NYU Shanghai
- Helped peers with personal essays who are now attending Stanford, Columbia, and Cornell.
- ACT English 36/36

Karim ( Support teacher):
- ALWIUT Graduate
- Freshman at NYU Shanghai
- Co-Author of Research Papers on Economics
- Member of Academic Research group at NYU Shanghai
- Winner of two Start-up contests/ Semi-finalist of Wharton Investment Competition by UPenn.

Open the presentation for more information about us and the program.

‼️ONLY 10 spots
‼️We will be accepting on a Rolling Basis, the earlier you apply, the earlier we will reach out to you.

💸Total price: $459

Need further information? Feel free to contact us @fullsupportadmin

Reserve your spot NOW


🎁 StudentHunter rivojiga hissa qo'shing va 100.000 so'm egasi bo'ling.

Buning uchun nima qilish kerak?

Quyidagi havola orqali jamoamiz tomonidan tashkillashtirilayotgan so'rovnomada ishtirok eting, bu yanada sifatliroq xizmat ko'rsatishimiz uchun muhim!

So'rovnomani to'ldirgan 5 nafar inson tasodifiy tanlab olinadi va hisob raqamlariga 100,000 o'zbek so'mi miqdorida pul mukofoti o'tkazib beriladi.

Havola: (So'rovnomani to'ldirish 3 daqiqa vaqtingizni oladi)

So'rovnomaning to'ldirish uchun oxirgi sana: 4-sentabr, 23:59.

StudentHunter - iqtidorlarni imkoniyatlar bilan bog'laymiz.

Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | Website

Maqsadbek | Personal Blog dan repost
Bugun 21:00 da, Teacher Azam bilan marafonda o'zingizni qiziqtirgan savollarga javob topishingiz mumkin.

Yopiq kanalga qo'shilish:


StudentHunter dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
SAT natijalar chiqdi🎉

O’z natijamni ko’rishga tayyorlanayotgan men:

✈️ Videoni “SAT” si bor tanishingizga yuborib qo’ying

Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | Website

Umidjon Ishmukhamedov dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Allah ushbu iborani ilmga nisbatan ishlatishga hammamizni sababchi qilsin 🤲.

Odamlar nima deydi deb yana qanday holatlarni bilasiz, izohlarda kutamiz 🤔.

Onalar ham farzandlari bilan birga ro’yhatdan o’tib faqat nazorat qilishsa etarli->


478 0 10 1 10

🎙️ Exciting News from "ApplicationUSA"! 🌟

We are thrilled to share that one of our dedicated mentors, Samandar Qosimov, is a featured guest in the latest episode of "EduPodcast"!

🎓 Samandar Qosimov is a remarkable individual who has been studying at NYU Shanghai, one of the world's premier educational institutions. With his expertise and passion for helping students achieve their academic dreams, he has been a valuable part of our team at "ApplicationUSA."

In this episode, Samandar shares his insights, experiences, and valuable advice on the university application process, making it a must-listen for aspiring students and their parents.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and guidance from Samandar Qosimov. Tune in to "EduPodcast" to learn from this exceptional mentor and discover how to navigate the path to top universities.

🎧 Listen to the episode here:

Congratulations, Samandar, and thank you for your dedication to empowering students on their journey to top universities! 🎉🎓

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide to Your Dream University

Don't miss out! Fill out the form to get in on our exclusive consultation with TOP mentors.

Hurry, deadline is Sunday at 20:00. We're only picking 20 lucky folks, so make the most of this chance to tackle your concerns and find solutions to your problems.

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide to Your Dream University

⚡️Free Consultation with ApplicationUSA Mentors

At ApplicationUSA, we believe charity is an important part of our mission. Thus, we have opened 20 slots for FREE consultations with our mentors.

Please thoughtfully fill out the form below.

During the consultation, you will receive:

• Constructive feedback on your personal statement and supplemental essays
• Highlighting of your points of excellence
• Assistance developing your college list

We look forward to supporting you on your application journey!

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide to Your Dream University

🚀 Student Success Story: Diyorbek Kamolov 🚀

Part 2.

Diyorbek has got into Bates College, one of the best colleges in the US renowned for its politics department - Diyorbek’s Intended Major.

Reflecting on his admissions journey, Diyorbek writes:
“I appreciated mentors providing a vision for what I could achieve by following their instructions. I developed a passion project aligned with my intended major, substantially improved my writing, and learned critical thinking frameworks. Additionally, participating and organizing events and camps like Ibrat Camp enabled me to build a network with incredible people.

A year later, I am a proud Bates College freshman with a Full Scholarship, writing this text for you while sitting in front of the iconic Bobcat statue! I am grateful to my mentors for their guidance. For anyone aspiring to apply to top global universities, I highly recommend ApplicationUSA.”

At ApplicationUSA, we prioritize character excellence: Loyalty, Perseverance, Humility, believing that results will follow. Diyorbek is one of our most loyal students.

If you want to nurture your character and develop a passion project, while also getting into your dream school, ApplicationUSA is the best choice for you.

If you found the story inspiring, leave ❤️.

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide to Your Dream University

🚀 Student Success Story: Diyorbek Kamolov 🚀

In 2022, Diyorbek joined our Online University Prep Course with:
• No IELTS/SAT scores
• 2nd place in Regional English Olympiad
• Ran Uzbekistan Youth Union in Fergana City
• Minimal application knowledge

He hoped to gain admissions guidance from @ApplicationUSA mentors.

Admission, Diyorbek first immersed himself in the art of admissions through Group Zoom Meetings. Then, while creating a College List through resources provided by ApplicationUSA, Diyorbek followed the instructions of his mentors and devloped a passion project related to his interest: Debates.

After completing essays and Common App with mentors’ support, Diyorbek applied Early Decision, taking one of the last steps toward the American Dream.

On December 10, 2022, he gained FULL SCHOLARSHIP acceptance to his top choice! 🎉

Where do you think Diyorbek is now?
Leave your answer below👇

React “❤️” to read the full story.

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide to Your Dream University

966 0 3 15 37

Join now!

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide To Your Dream University 🌟📆

Join in now!

By the end of the MasterClass, the attendees will be provided with with a School Profile Template and Application Timeline

All the most useful content here:)

Join our can't-miss MasterClass Now

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide To Your Dream University 🌟📆

Join Our Today's Free MasterClass on
Essays and Extracurricular Activities:

You will get a glimpse of concepts no one told you before about writing essays and framing your activities.

Join our can't-miss MasterClass Now

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide To Your Dream University 🌟📆

Only 20 minutes remaining before the Free MasterClass on Essays and ECs🎉

Downlad Zoom App, prepare your notebooks, and join our zoom conference🤩

Pure Fire Content Incoming 🔥

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide To Your Dream University

1 Hour Left🇺🇸🥶

Join our MasterClass and learn the gems of
writing essays and activity descriptions📝

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide To Your Dream University 🌟

3 Hours Left! 📚

Time is ticking, and we're preparing for an incredible masterclass through the ins and outs of essays and activities!

Time to make your application shine🚀.

Join us in 3 hours and take an important step toward your dream university🏫!

@ApplicationUSA - Your Guide To Your Dream University

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.