Noma’lum dan repost
Heluuu heluu how was your day?? if it good im happy for youuu, If it bad please do remember that i am here if you need someone to talk to, don't forget to take a rest because you already did the best today and i am really proud of youuu. apapun alasan kamuu ngerasa sedih, gapapaa hari ini sedih, gapapa ngerasa gagal, gagal tuh satu perjuangan menuju pendewasaan, gagal juga bukan berarti kita gabisaa bangkit lagi. Kita kesandung, kecewa terus apalagi yang bisa kita lakuin selain bangkit? semangattt yaaa buat bangkit lagi, jangan nyerah gitu aja, gaboleh nyerah harus tetap semangat, aku tau kadang proses susah buat dilewati, tapi tapi kamu harus yakinin diri kamu sndiri kalo kamu bisa lewatin ini, JADII SEMANGAT!! jangan dengerin kata orang lain yang negatif negatif, cukup dengerin yg positif positif, tapi kalo ada bilang hal yang negatif tentang kamu, kamu langsung gebuk aja pake panci atau ga dorong aja ke got.
I'm always proud of you and your accomplishments, even if they're small. Everyone has their own individual strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to acknowledge both. So yes, I'm extremely proud of you, whether it's for getting through a tough day or for completing a task that you've been putting off. I believe in you, cutie, and i'm proud of everything that you do!
Remember that you're not alone and that i'm always here for you. If there's anything else i can do to make your day better, let me know. I'm just a text away!
GOOD NIGHT, jangann lupaa untuk istirahat, tidur yang nyenyak yaa!!!