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Raw Primal Diet Healing dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Dr. Francis Pottenger's 😺 cat experiment, conducted in the 1930s, studied the effects of raw 🥩 versus cooked foods on cats.

Over ten years, Pottenger observed that cats fed a raw diet thrived 💪, showing excellent health and reproduction.
Conversely, those fed cooked foods developed degenerative diseases ☠️ and health issues, which were passed down to subsequent generations.

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Primordial Path dan repost
In two days my wife lost two childhood friends of the family. One of them became my buddy because we worked together.

He was an absolute riot. One of the funniest, wackiest dudes you’d ever meet. Had a bad temper and could be dramatic. But gifted creative mind and loyal friend.

He was mid 40s and left behind a teenage daughter. His older brothers both passed early and so did his mother. Only living family is daughter and younger brother.

Idk if there’s statistics on this but from my pov this is feeling like an epidemic of guys dropping dead in their 40s.

I’m sad to hear about my friends who pass. I love these people. But I’ve become a little callous to it.

I feel frustrated with them. 40s is still a young man. Maybe there’s too much youth worship in our culture that makes guys feel like life is over.

But, I just want to tell the young guys out there this.

Get your party lifestyle out of your system. Figure a way out of that grueling manual labor job you have. Stop cycling slampigs on dating apps and settle with a wife.

All of these things will kill you if you continue them into your 40s.

And it’s not just your life to do whatever you want with. Funerals are very expensive. You will be missed.

Mothers never recover after burying their sons. Your death will be a burden on both hearts and wallets.

You’re not special. You’re not different. Father Time has never been beaten. Your body will break down and it won’t be able to handle being abused.

Be a retard in your 20s. Then become a man before you reach 30.

The Fourth Reich dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Bake All Heebs - Judenhass

🔗 Odysee | GoyimTV



Caz dan repost
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High Vril Movie Gang dan repost
White Genocide: A documentary [2018]
Created By: Truth Gone Viral Tv
Synopsis: This documentary gives the truth of the White Genocide plan against Europeans started by the Jews to wipe us out. From the Kallergi plan, Frankfurt school, Bolsheviks, and the modern mass migration forced by those same people who planned and carried out those plots against our people in the past.

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White Genocide: A documentary [2018]
[Truth Gone Viral Tv] 🎥📽

High Vril Movie Gang dan repost
Created by: BattleForTheWest
Synopsis: Jewish leaders formally issue a "Declaration of War" against Germany, on March 24th, 1933. On March 23rd, 1933, 20,000 Jews protested at New York's City Hall. Rallies & boycotts were directed against German goods. The front page of the March 24, London Daily Express carried the headline, “Judea Declares War on Germany”. Jewish leaders were quoted as calling for “Holy War" against the German people.

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In the Name of Zion[2020]
Created by: Jeff K.
Synopsis: A documentary that covers a wide variety of Jewish conspiracies and ties them all together. Everything from the true causes of WW1, 9/11, White genocide, terrorism from the Middle East are all tied to Jewish power throughout history.
Episode 1: The Rothschild Declaration
Episode 2: The Wrong enemy
Episode 3: The six Million
Episode 4: The danger of Democracy
Episode 5: The way of deception
Episode 6: The war on Terror
Episode 7: The highest art of warfare
Episode 8: The Great Replacement
Episode 9: The Jew World Order

High Vril Movie Gang dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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In the Name of Zion [Episode 9] 🎥📽 [Documentary Mini-series] (2020) (Jeff K.) (The Jew World Order)

High Vril Movie Gang dan repost
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In the Name of Zion [Episode 8] 🎥📽 [Documentary Mini-series] (2020) (Jeff K.)(The Great Replacement)

High Vril Movie Gang dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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In the Name of Zion [Episode 7] 🎥📽 [Documentary Mini-series] (2020) (Jeff K.)(The highest art of warfare)

High Vril Movie Gang dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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In the Name of Zion [Episode 6] 🎥📽 [Documentary Mini-series] (2020) (Jeff K.)(The war on Terror)

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