"Multipolarity does not mean America vanishes — it means it shrinks, focuses, retreats from the insane delusion of universal rule and remembers how to be a proper nation again. Isolationism will not come as a strategy. It will come as a reflex, a survival mechanism for a body politic sick with exhaustion. America will look inward, not as a punishment but as a necessity, tearing away the distractions of global empire and picking up the pieces of its own broken construction. What rises from this collapse will not be a new Rome or another iteration of failed hegemony. It will be something leaner, harder, and more honest — a pole among many, no longer with pretensions to rule the world but carving out its own space within it. The White American core, gutted but not extinct, will be the cornerstone of this reconstruction, a rediscovery of the roots that gave the nation its identity before it lost itself in the haze of planetary control. Multipolarity is the inevitable future. Within it lies the chance for America to be reborn, stripped of its arrogance, its illusions, and its empire, left with only the raw material of what it could still become."
— Constantin von Hoffmeister, MULTIPOLARITY! (forthcoming from Arktos)
— Constantin von Hoffmeister, MULTIPOLARITY! (forthcoming from Arktos)