The latest provisional mortality data for Australia has landed.
Deaths to 30th November according to
@ABSStats were as follows:
126,974 (2020)
136,800 (2021)
174,717 (2022)
166,957 (2023)
170,875 (2024)The number of deaths to the end of November jumped 27.72% in 2022 and deaths have remained high through 2023 and 2024...
Population growth can not solely account for this increase. Australia's population growth was 1.2% in 2020, 0.1% in 2021, and 1.3% in 2022.
Covid-19 related deaths do not account for this increase.
The Senate inquiry into excess mortality was a whitewash.
The ABS no longer compares data to a "baseline average."
The wilful ignorance of legacy media, government, and those in positions of power continues...