As the author of the video cogently explains the main fallacy of the so-called "geopolitical realist", "don't poke the Russian bear" crowd is the assumption that Russia is there to remain forever and this must be accepted as some sort of fait accompli. What they fail to realize, either out of ignorance, stupidity or pure malice, is that although there likely will always be an entity controlling that vast Eurasian expanse, it doesn't have to be Russia. By what logic are supposed to assume that noone can take Russia's place? A good candidate for that role is actually Intermarium - the Baltic-Black Sea Union headed by Ukraine or by Poland-Ukraine axis.
Moreover, such a hegemon of those eastern expanses will obviously be much better for the West, because, unlike Russians, Eastern Europeans are imbued with love towards Western Civilization. Western Eurasia, at the very least the part that lies west of Urals, administered by Intermarium will be a reliable ally and true friend of the West, unlike the barbaric Russia that is seething with apocalyptic hatred against European Civilization and hellbent on destroying it.
Russia will fall, Russia will disappear. This is a given. What will remain however is the memory that when a beautiful European country was attacked by Asia, some westerners, either out of spite, stupidity, autism or whatever else, sided with Asia.
Moreover, such a hegemon of those eastern expanses will obviously be much better for the West, because, unlike Russians, Eastern Europeans are imbued with love towards Western Civilization. Western Eurasia, at the very least the part that lies west of Urals, administered by Intermarium will be a reliable ally and true friend of the West, unlike the barbaric Russia that is seething with apocalyptic hatred against European Civilization and hellbent on destroying it.
Russia will fall, Russia will disappear. This is a given. What will remain however is the memory that when a beautiful European country was attacked by Asia, some westerners, either out of spite, stupidity, autism or whatever else, sided with Asia.