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"A man needs many things in his life to make it bearable. A good woman. Sons and daughters. Comradeship. Warmth. Food and shelter. But above all these things, he needs to be able to know that he is a man."

David Gemmell

" I believe that when the body is strong, the mind thinks strong thoughts."

H. Rollins

Re-Tribalize Now!

“Our ancestors were originally organized into tribes. The time has come to reorganize ourselves in tribal ways to ensure a better and higher quality of life for all. Some feel that this is necessary for survival; others understand that it makes for a better way of life in which individuals and families can realize a higher degree of identity, solidarity, and loyalty. In a world that is supposedly connected by systems of social media and global communication, never has the individual felt more alienated from his self, his family, and his society. The solution is not some utopian ideology or benevolent government program-the solution lies in reinstituting the social systems that sustained mankind for millennia: the clan and the tribe. These institutions can be renewed today and in the future, using the same methods which were used to create them in the past. The key lies in the heroic act of will that individuals and families will require in order to dedicate themselves to the tribal way. This is a call to make that commitment.” Edred Thorsson

"We must embrace struggle. Every living thing conforms to it. Everything in nature grows and struggles in its own way, establishing its own identity, insisting on it at all cost, against all resistance." Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters To a Young Poet

No country can survive being ruled by people who hate it.

If I could tell my generation one thing about marriage, it would be that marriage is your project for the world: your greatest possible contribution to the future is likely your family, not your occupation.

"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men, for the nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of us all." John Maynard Keynes

If you believe in It, then fight for It!

Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in it´s presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.

“Decadence in modern mass multicultural societies begins at a moment when there is no longer any discernible meaning within society. Meaning is destroyed by raising individualism above all other values because rampant individualism encourages the anarchical proliferation of egotism at the expense of the values that were once part of the national heritage, values that give form to the concept of nationhood and the nation State, to a State which is more than just a political entity, and which corresponds to a particular people who are conscious of sharing a common heritage for the survival of which they are prepared to make personal sacrifices.” Alain de Benoist, "Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: A sociological view of the decay of modern society" by Alain de Benoist and Tomislav Sunić

"Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions." G.K. Chesterton

"This is a war universe. War all the time. That is its nature. There may be other universes based on all sorts of other principles, but ours seems to be based on war and games. All games are basically hostile. Winners and losers. We see them all around us: the winners and the losers. The losers can oftentimes become winners, and the winners can very easily become losers." William S. Burroughs

Not one self-described communist ever sees himself as a worker in the future socialist paradise. They all imagine themselves as some kind of party official, dictating doctrine while some other poor bastard hammers steel all day, stinking of cheap soup and filth.

"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." Socrates

"Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad." G. Orwell

"Multiculturalism is a false euphemism. The real word is "multiracialism", but the word "race" has been recently erased from French legislature, because supposedly there are no races. Here we can observe a new illogicality of the System. There are supposedly no races, but the media are increasingly talking about the rise of racism. How then racists can exist, if there are no races? Nevertheless, we have all too much empirical data showing precisely that multi-ethnic and multicultural countries are prone to ethnic and racial conflicts. What former Yugoslavia went through is in store for the EU - of course, in a different form. One of the additional reasons I left American academia is that I could no longer tolerate giving undeserved passing grades to my American students of African and Hispanic origin, whose IQ and speed of symbolic reasoning were much lower than that of my white American students. It is a form of tyranny of political correctness, much like the former Soviet Union." Tomislav Sunić

Remember them?

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