
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

archive : @gfiejungjae
me : @iRoseanneprk
board : @boardreina

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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🗳 absen sini

- jani, nort
- garix
- jinan pradipta
- 𝐗abiru ♡̷ing 𝓡enjun n 𝓗aechan
- zevan -
- Vxiè
- A. Bellantrix
- ænct. ɴᴀᴛʜᴀ (off dlu mo ambis)
- 𝐎𝖈. 𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗮?!?!★___★
- ꐑꐑ ៸៸ 🐇 victo ꒺ ૮₍ ≧ . ≦ ₎ა
- bu rebbie kangen joseph
- nevan badmood
- āmay blubub blubub.
- px 𝐀ujeron
- archellia victoryking¹¹
- Fabian N
- nnf• Zaidan #RBOPMEMB
- genki
- anné
- rvx. η s x !n d mood.
- 𝐌éiyra
- nnf. eji itu kekes
- 𓍢 ᜔ֹ ᮫𖠌᮫ 𝗴ִ‌໋౿᜔︧︨ׄ𝗴݊‌౿ִ‌ ᮫ׄ 𓍲
- ekal sdg bete
- Nalendra
- morgas . sduda sddy sirkth⁴ #MARKOHIRTEAM #OFCSIRKTH #SSUP!NKTH
- yesa
- Nadyne.
- Juna A.
- biya
- jjaéysha
- AyYaaAa o_O?!!
- gf renjun
- øbel
- rádex kbloanjing¹
- reyyy
- fᥱllo
- Allēna H.
- Nabastala Arkian J.
- jeanne
- karsajuna
- sèy #AwrDay
- Màrisa A.
- ts. draga
- japèna isn't mood replying
- ★ wh𖦹 is abel !???
- varlos
- ty.
- awr. kajèysh★ #AwrDay
- naven
- mojang
- jef
- zel
- al
- reclouvie ga nerima rbio
- 𝓝esrin
- D. Velgor E.srx
- caki killer$
- velena
- Kareline
- windu
- 𖤩˖࣪ ꭤ̴໋︧︨᪾s𐐼‌ׅ ⸼ ᠀
- Natasha M
- axéll on resting
- nNAaCiYyOo??!!! ♡___♡
- Abel #Tertolak
- brnatt ᴍɴᴄ.ᵐʰᶜⁱᵗʸ⁶²
- mafkael
- ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

👥 70 people have voted so far.
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59 ta ovoz

board disini 💌💌💌

due to @.telegram's privacy and policy, i declared that this channel and i'm not the real @.roses_are_rosie on Instagram, This channel just is purely for roleplaying purposes only, The media here comes from Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
ㅤ ℛeina 𝒮 habiélla 𝒥oanne

Beautiful girl born in 11th february 1997, New Zealand and raised in Melbourne, Australia. This is Roséanne Park / Park Chae Young (박채영). She's Beautiful angel, Rosé is the member that suits the Korean beauty standard the most.

14 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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