Bekhruzbek's IELTS

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English with a naive guy
Student of Tashkent state university of law
Holder 6.5 ( Listening and Reading 7.0)
A budding and determined learner
English adviser

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Cambridge 19 passage 1.pdf
Cambridge 19 passage 1.
As I promised, we are gonna start online reading around 9 or 10 p.m, my fellows!!



Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Officially, the first niner and triple niner is Mukhammadali Sodiqov's speech about language.



Question: Do you like to share things?


Yes, I do enjoy sharing things, especially with close friends and family. I believe sharing strengthens relationships and creates a sense of community. For example, I often share my time and resources to help others when they need it, whether it's lending a book, offering advice, or simply spending quality time together. Sharing brings a sense of fulfillment and connection that I find very rewarding.



Question: Do you think flowers are important?

Answer: Yes, I do believe flowers are important. They play a significant role in our environment by supporting ecosystems and providing habitats for various species. Beyond their environmental impact, flowers hold cultural and emotional value as well. They are often used in ceremonies, celebrations, and as symbols of love and respect. Moreover, the presence of flowers can enhance the aesthetic appeal of spaces, making them more inviting and pleasant.



Question: Do you like flowers?

Answer: Yes, I absolutely love flowers. They bring so much beauty and color into the world, and I find their variety fascinating. Whether it's the vibrant hues of roses or the delicate fragrance of jasmine, flowers have a way of uplifting my mood. I also appreciate how they can be used to convey emotions or celebrate special occasions, making them an important part of our lives.



This is a podcast between Begzod Mirhamidov and Diyorbek Hayitmurodov

Finally, just now I've finished this podcast and then right now I'm feeling a sense of satisfaction , I got amazing insights while I was watching it, yeah I highly recommend you to watch it carefully with full energy.



Cambridge 19 ning reading passages larini
Har kuni bittadan online qilib yechib chiqsak nima deysizlar va albatta new vocabularylarini ham yodlaymiz!!!

Commentda yozib qoldiring



146 0 1 11 23


To alleviate ( yengillashtirmoq): to make something less severe or serious.

Example: The government has taken measures to alleviate poverty in rural areas.

💡IELTS Tip: this word is useful in Writing Task 2 when discussing
solutions to problems or in Speaking Part 3 when expressing ideas about reducing negative effects.

Your task: Practice using the word in a sentence.



Online reading explanation..pdf
My fellows, this is online reading answers with fully explanation..

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
IELTS band 9 and CD IELTS

Diyorbek's speech about CD IELTS:

"If you don't know about CD IELTS, you have two options for taking the test. The first option is paper-based, and the second is CD IELTS. If you choose to take the CD IELTS, you will complete the reading, listening, and writing tests on a computer."



Guys qiziq fakt aytadigan boʻlsam
Telegram istoriyalarimning koʻpini inglizcha quyaman, 😁

Main reason is that onam mening istoriyalarimni tushunmasligi uchun, agar bilsa gapirib qoladilar😂 forever ♾️ turishi uchun

221 0 0 34 59

Dementia risk-- dementsiya xavflari

Daily Naps and Brain Training Reduce Dementia Risk😴💆

Exercising our brains with daily habits like naps and memory workouts, instead of relying on smartphones, can reduce the risk of age- related dementia.

Guys !! Bugun article analyze ( shu article) va usha kungi qolgan reading ni qilamiz


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Amazing podcast!!

First niner and co-founder of Ad- astra: Mukhammadali Sodiqov

Founder of Everest: Khurshid Urakov


313 0 1 14 56

Xullas hammaga xayr , 😢

Ertaga oʻtamiz endi, wf ham internet ham ummuman yaxshi mas

Online reading.pdf
Good evening, my fellows

We will start online reading around 10 p.m In Shaa Allah,


298 0 2 14 31

(@articles_in_english) MAXSUS SIZLAR UCHUN MY FELOWS.pdf
Bu artekl uyquning muhimligi haqida


It is all about the importance of our sleep.

If you know, you know 😉 guys

274 0 6 20 43
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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